
1// Generated from definition io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.PolicyRule
3/// PolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.
4#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
5pub struct PolicyRule {
6    /// APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed. "" represents the core API group and "*" represents all API groups.
7    pub api_groups: Option<Vec<String>>,
9    /// NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path Since non-resource URLs are not namespaced, this field is only applicable for ClusterRoles referenced from a ClusterRoleBinding. Rules can either apply to API resources (such as "pods" or "secrets") or non-resource URL paths (such as "/api"),  but not both.
10    pub non_resource_urls: Option<Vec<String>>,
12    /// ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.
13    pub resource_names: Option<Vec<String>>,
15    /// Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. '*' represents all resources.
16    pub resources: Option<Vec<String>>,
18    /// Verbs is a list of Verbs that apply to ALL the ResourceKinds contained in this rule. '*' represents all verbs.
19    pub verbs: Vec<String>,
22impl crate::DeepMerge for PolicyRule {
23    fn merge_from(&mut self, other: Self) {
24        crate::merge_strategies::list::atomic(&mut self.api_groups, other.api_groups);
25        crate::merge_strategies::list::atomic(&mut self.non_resource_urls, other.non_resource_urls);
26        crate::merge_strategies::list::atomic(&mut self.resource_names, other.resource_names);
27        crate::merge_strategies::list::atomic(&mut self.resources, other.resources);
28        crate::merge_strategies::list::atomic(&mut self.verbs, other.verbs);
29    }
32impl<'de> crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for PolicyRule {
33    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: crate::serde::Deserializer<'de> {
34        #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
35        enum Field {
36            Key_api_groups,
37            Key_non_resource_urls,
38            Key_resource_names,
39            Key_resources,
40            Key_verbs,
41            Other,
42        }
44        impl<'de> crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for Field {
45            fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: crate::serde::Deserializer<'de> {
46                struct Visitor;
48                impl crate::serde::de::Visitor<'_> for Visitor {
49                    type Value = Field;
51                    fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
52                        f.write_str("field identifier")
53                    }
55                    fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E> where E: crate::serde::de::Error {
56                        Ok(match v {
57                            "apiGroups" => Field::Key_api_groups,
58                            "nonResourceURLs" => Field::Key_non_resource_urls,
59                            "resourceNames" => Field::Key_resource_names,
60                            "resources" => Field::Key_resources,
61                            "verbs" => Field::Key_verbs,
62                            _ => Field::Other,
63                        })
64                    }
65                }
67                deserializer.deserialize_identifier(Visitor)
68            }
69        }
71        struct Visitor;
73        impl<'de> crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor {
74            type Value = PolicyRule;
76            fn expecting(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
77                f.write_str("PolicyRule")
78            }
80            fn visit_map<A>(self, mut map: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> where A: crate::serde::de::MapAccess<'de> {
81                let mut value_api_groups: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
82                let mut value_non_resource_urls: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
83                let mut value_resource_names: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
84                let mut value_resources: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
85                let mut value_verbs: Option<Vec<String>> = None;
87                while let Some(key) = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_key::<Field>(&mut map)? {
88                    match key {
89                        Field::Key_api_groups => value_api_groups = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?,
90                        Field::Key_non_resource_urls => value_non_resource_urls = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?,
91                        Field::Key_resource_names => value_resource_names = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?,
92                        Field::Key_resources => value_resources = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?,
93                        Field::Key_verbs => value_verbs = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?,
94                        Field::Other => { let _: crate::serde::de::IgnoredAny = crate::serde::de::MapAccess::next_value(&mut map)?; },
95                    }
96                }
98                Ok(PolicyRule {
99                    api_groups: value_api_groups,
100                    non_resource_urls: value_non_resource_urls,
101                    resource_names: value_resource_names,
102                    resources: value_resources,
103                    verbs: value_verbs.unwrap_or_default(),
104                })
105            }
106        }
108        deserializer.deserialize_struct(
109            "PolicyRule",
110            &[
111                "apiGroups",
112                "nonResourceURLs",
113                "resourceNames",
114                "resources",
115                "verbs",
116            ],
117            Visitor,
118        )
119    }
122impl crate::serde::Serialize for PolicyRule {
123    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: crate::serde::Serializer {
124        let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct(
125            "PolicyRule",
126            1 +
127            self.api_groups.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 1) +
128            self.non_resource_urls.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 1) +
129            self.resource_names.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 1) +
130            self.resources.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 1),
131        )?;
132        if let Some(value) = &self.api_groups {
133            crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(&mut state, "apiGroups", value)?;
134        }
135        if let Some(value) = &self.non_resource_urls {
136            crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(&mut state, "nonResourceURLs", value)?;
137        }
138        if let Some(value) = &self.resource_names {
139            crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(&mut state, "resourceNames", value)?;
140        }
141        if let Some(value) = &self.resources {
142            crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(&mut state, "resources", value)?;
143        }
144        crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::serialize_field(&mut state, "verbs", &self.verbs)?;
145        crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct::end(state)
146    }
149#[cfg(feature = "schemars")]
150impl crate::schemars::JsonSchema for PolicyRule {
151    fn schema_name() -> String {
152        "io.k8s.api.rbac.v1.PolicyRule".to_owned()
153    }
155    fn json_schema(__gen: &mut crate::schemars::gen::SchemaGenerator) -> crate::schemars::schema::Schema {
156        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
157            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
158                description: Some("PolicyRule holds information that describes a policy rule, but does not contain information about who the rule applies to or which namespace the rule applies to.".to_owned()),
159                ..Default::default()
160            })),
161            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Object))),
162            object: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ObjectValidation {
163                properties: [
164                    (
165                        "apiGroups".to_owned(),
166                        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
167                            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
168                                description: Some("APIGroups is the name of the APIGroup that contains the resources.  If multiple API groups are specified, any action requested against one of the enumerated resources in any API group will be allowed. \"\" represents the core API group and \"*\" represents all API groups.".to_owned()),
169                                ..Default::default()
170                            })),
171                            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Array))),
172                            array: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ArrayValidation {
173                                items: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(
174                                    crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
175                                        instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::String))),
176                                        ..Default::default()
177                                    })
178                                ))),
179                                ..Default::default()
180                            })),
181                            ..Default::default()
182                        }),
183                    ),
184                    (
185                        "nonResourceURLs".to_owned(),
186                        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
187                            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
188                                description: Some("NonResourceURLs is a set of partial urls that a user should have access to.  *s are allowed, but only as the full, final step in the path Since non-resource URLs are not namespaced, this field is only applicable for ClusterRoles referenced from a ClusterRoleBinding. Rules can either apply to API resources (such as \"pods\" or \"secrets\") or non-resource URL paths (such as \"/api\"),  but not both.".to_owned()),
189                                ..Default::default()
190                            })),
191                            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Array))),
192                            array: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ArrayValidation {
193                                items: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(
194                                    crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
195                                        instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::String))),
196                                        ..Default::default()
197                                    })
198                                ))),
199                                ..Default::default()
200                            })),
201                            ..Default::default()
202                        }),
203                    ),
204                    (
205                        "resourceNames".to_owned(),
206                        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
207                            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
208                                description: Some("ResourceNames is an optional white list of names that the rule applies to.  An empty set means that everything is allowed.".to_owned()),
209                                ..Default::default()
210                            })),
211                            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Array))),
212                            array: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ArrayValidation {
213                                items: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(
214                                    crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
215                                        instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::String))),
216                                        ..Default::default()
217                                    })
218                                ))),
219                                ..Default::default()
220                            })),
221                            ..Default::default()
222                        }),
223                    ),
224                    (
225                        "resources".to_owned(),
226                        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
227                            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
228                                description: Some("Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. '*' represents all resources.".to_owned()),
229                                ..Default::default()
230                            })),
231                            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Array))),
232                            array: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ArrayValidation {
233                                items: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(
234                                    crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
235                                        instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::String))),
236                                        ..Default::default()
237                                    })
238                                ))),
239                                ..Default::default()
240                            })),
241                            ..Default::default()
242                        }),
243                    ),
244                    (
245                        "verbs".to_owned(),
246                        crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
247                            metadata: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::Metadata {
248                                description: Some("Verbs is a list of Verbs that apply to ALL the ResourceKinds contained in this rule. '*' represents all verbs.".to_owned()),
249                                ..Default::default()
250                            })),
251                            instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::Array))),
252                            array: Some(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::ArrayValidation {
253                                items: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(
254                                    crate::schemars::schema::Schema::Object(crate::schemars::schema::SchemaObject {
255                                        instance_type: Some(crate::schemars::schema::SingleOrVec::Single(Box::new(crate::schemars::schema::InstanceType::String))),
256                                        ..Default::default()
257                                    })
258                                ))),
259                                ..Default::default()
260                            })),
261                            ..Default::default()
262                        }),
263                    ),
264                ].into(),
265                required: [
266                    "verbs".to_owned(),
267                ].into(),
268                ..Default::default()
269            })),
270            ..Default::default()
271        })
272    }