Module kube_client::config

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Available on crate feature config only.
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Kubernetes configuration objects.

Reads locally from $KUBECONFIG or ~/.kube/config, and in-cluster from the pod environment.


The Config has several constructors plus logic to infer environment.

Unless you have issues, prefer using Config::infer, and pass it to a Client.


  • AuthInfo stores information to tell cluster who you are.
  • AuthProviderConfig stores auth for specified cloud provider.
  • Cluster stores information to connect Kubernetes cluster.
  • Configuration object for accessing a Kuernetes cluster
  • Context stores tuple of cluster and user information.
  • Connection information for auth plugins that have provideClusterInfo enabled.
  • ExecConfig stores credential-plugin configuration.
  • Failed to infer config
  • KubeConfigOptions stores options used when loading kubeconfig file.
  • Kubeconfig represents information on how to connect to a remote Kubernetes cluster
  • NamedAuthInfo associates name with authentication.
  • NamedCluster associates name with cluster.
  • NamedContext associates name with context.
  • NamedExtention associates name with extension.
  • Preferences stores extensions for cli.
