    // Attributes available to this derive:
Expand description

A custom derive for kubernetes custom resource definitions.

This will generate a root object containing your spec and metadata. This root object will implement the kube::Resource trait so it can be used with kube::Api.

The generated type will also implement kube’s kube::CustomResourceExt trait to generate the crd and generate kube::core::ApiResource information for use with the dynamic api.


use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use kube::core::{Resource, CustomResourceExt};
use kube_derive::CustomResource;
use schemars::JsonSchema;

#[derive(CustomResource, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, JsonSchema)]
#[kube(group = "clux.dev", version = "v1", kind = "Foo", namespaced)]
struct FooSpec {
    info: String,

println!("kind = {}", Foo::kind(&())); // impl kube::Resource
let f = Foo::new("foo-1", FooSpec {
    info: "informative info".into(),
println!("foo: {:?}", f); // debug print on generated type
println!("crd: {}", serde_yaml::to_string(&Foo::crd()).unwrap()); // crd yaml

This example creates a struct Foo containing metadata, the spec, and optionally status. The generated type Foo can be used with the kube crate as an Api<Foo> object (FooSpec can not be used with Api).

 let client = Client::try_default().await?;
 let foos: Api<Foo> = Api::namespaced(client.clone(), "default");

 let crds: Api<CustomResourceDefinition> = Api::all(client.clone());
 crds.patch("foos.clux.dev", &ssapply, serde_yaml::to_vec(&Foo::crd())?).await

This example posts the generated ::crd to the CustomResourceDefinition API. After this has been accepted (few secs max), you can start using foos as a normal kube Api object. See the crd_ prefixed examples for details on this.

Required properties

#[kube(group = "mygroup.tld")]

Your cr api group. The part before the slash in the top level apiVersion key.

#[kube(version = "v1")]

Your cr api version. The part after the slash in the top level apiVersion key.

#[kube(kind = "Kind")]

Name of your kind and your generated root type.

Optional #[kube] attributes

#[kube(apiextensions = "v1beta1")]

The version for CustomResourceDefinition desired in the apiextensions.k8s.io group. Default is v1 (for clusters >= 1.17). If using kubernetes <= 1.16 please use v1beta1.

  • NOTE: Support for v1 requires deriving the openapi v3 JsonSchema via the schemars dependency.
  • NOTE: When using v1beta the associated CustomResourceExt trait lives in kube::core::crd::v1beta

#[kube(singular = "nonstandard-singular")]

To specify the singular name. Defaults to lowercased kind.

#[kube(plural = "nonstandard-plural")]

To specify the plural name. Defaults to inferring from singular.


To specify that this is a namespaced resource rather than cluster level.

#[kube(struct = "StructName")]

Customize the name of the generated root struct (defaults to kind).

#[kube(crates(kube_core = "::kube::core"))]

Customize the crate name the generated code will reach into (defaults to ::kube::core). Should be one of kube::core, kube_client::core or kube_core.

#[kube(crates(k8s_openapi = "::k8s_openapi"))]

Customize the crate name the generated code will use for k8s_openapi (defaults to ::k8s_openapi).

#[kube(crates(schemars = "::schemars"))]

Customize the crate name the generated code will use for schemars (defaults to ::schemars).

#[kube(crates(serde = "::serde"))]

Customize the crate name the generated code will use for serde (defaults to ::serde).

#[kube(crates(serde_json = "::serde_json"))]

Customize the crate name the generated code will use for serde_json (defaults to ::serde_json).

#[kube(status = "StatusStructName")]

Adds a status struct to the top level generated type and enables the status subresource in your crd.

#[kube(derive = "Trait")]

Adding #[kube(derive = "PartialEq")] is required if you want your generated top level type to be able to #[derive(PartialEq)]

#[kube(schema = "mode")]

Defines whether the JsonSchema of the top level generated type should be used when generating a CustomResourceDefinition.

Legal values:

  • "derived": A JsonSchema implementation is automatically derived
  • "manual": JsonSchema is not derived, but used when creating the CustomResourceDefinition object
  • "disabled": No JsonSchema is used

This can be used to provide a completely custom schema, or to interact with third-party custom resources where you are not responsible for installing the CustomResourceDefinition.

Defaults to "disabled" when apiextensions = "v1beta1", otherwise "derived".

NOTE: apiextensions = "v1" CustomResourceDefinitions require a schema. If schema = "disabled" then Self::crd() will not be installable into the cluster as-is.

#[kube(scale = r#"json"#)]

Allow customizing the scale struct for the scale subresource.

#[kube(printcolumn = r#"json"#)]

Allows adding straight json to printcolumns.

#[kube(shortname = "sn")]

Add a single shortname to the generated crd.

Example with all properties

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use kube_derive::CustomResource;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use validator::Validate;

#[derive(CustomResource, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Validate, JsonSchema)]
    group = "clux.dev",
    version = "v1",
    kind = "Foo",
    struct = "FooCrd",
    status = "FooStatus",
    derive = "PartialEq",
    singular = "foot",
    plural = "feetz",
    shortname = "f",
    scale = r#"{"specReplicasPath":".spec.replicas", "statusReplicasPath":".status.replicas"}"#,
    printcolumn = r#"{"name":"Spec", "type":"string", "description":"name of foo", "jsonPath":".spec.name"}"#
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct FooSpec {
    #[validate(length(min = 3))]
    data: String,
    replicas_count: i32

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, JsonSchema)]
struct FooStatus {
    replicas: i32


Kubernetes requires that the generated schema is “structural”. This means that the structure of the schema must not depend on the particular values. For enums this imposes a few limitations:

  • Only externally tagged enums are supported
  • Unit variants may not be mixed with struct or tuple variants (enum Foo { Bar, Baz {}, Qux() } is invalid, for example)

If these restrictions are not followed then YourCrd::crd() may panic, or the Kubernetes API may reject the CRD definition.

Generated code

The example above will roughly generate:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct FooCrd {
    api_version: String,
    kind: String,
    metadata: ObjectMeta,
    spec: FooSpec,
    status: Option<FooStatus>,
impl kube::Resource for FooCrd {...}

impl FooCrd {
    pub fn new(name: &str, spec: FooSpec) -> Self { ... }
    pub fn crd() -> k8s_openapi::...::CustomResourceDefinition { ... }

Customizing Schemas

Should you need to customize the schemas, you can use:

You might need to override parts of the schemas (for fields in question) when you are:

See kubernetes openapi validation for the format of the OpenAPI v3 schemas.

If you have to override a lot, you can opt-out of schema-generation entirely

Advanced Features

  • embedding k8s-openapi types can be done by enabling the schemars feature of k8s-openapi from 0.13.0
  • adding validation via validator crate is supported from schemars >= 0.8.5
  • generating rust code from schemas can be done via kopium and is supported on stable crds (> 1.16 kubernetes)

Validation Caveats

The supported #[validate] attrs also exist as #[schemars] attrs so you can use those directly if you do not require the validation to run client-side (in your code). Otherwise, you should #[derive(Validate)] on your struct to have both server-side (kubernetes) and client-side validation.

When using validator directly, you must add it to your dependencies (with the derive feature).

Make sure your validation rules are static and handled by schemars:

For sanity, you should review the generated schema before sending it to kubernetes.


Note that any changes to your struct / validation rules / serialization attributes will require you to re-apply the generated schema to kubernetes, so that the apiserver can validate against the right version of your structs.

Backwards compatibility between schema versions is recommended unless you are in a controlled environment where you can migrate manually. I.e. if you add new properties behind options, and simply mark old fields as deprecated, then you can safely roll schema out changes without bumping the version.

If you need multiple versions, then you need:

  • one module for each version of your types (e.g. v1::MyCrd and v2::MyCrd)
  • use the merge_crds fn to combine crds
  • roll out new schemas utilizing conversion webhooks / manual conversions / or allow kubectl to do its best

See the crd_derive_multi example to see how this upgrade flow works without special logic.

The upgrade flow with breaking changes involves:

  1. upgrade version marked as storage (from v1 to v2)
  2. read instances from the older Api<v1::MyCrd>
  3. perform conversion in memory and write them to the new Api<v2::MyCrd>.
  4. remove support for old version

If you need to maintain support for the old version for some time, then you have to repeat or continuously run steps 2 and 3. I.e. you probably need a conversion webhook.

NB: kube does currently not implement conversion webhooks yet.


Try cargo-expand to see your own macro expansion.


Enable the derive feature on the kube crate:

kube = { version = "...", features = ["derive"] }

Runtime dependencies

Due to rust-lang/rust#54363, we cannot be resilient against crate renames within our generated code. It’s therefore required that you have the following crates in scope, not renamed:

  • serde_json
  • k8s_openapi
  • schemars (by default, unless schema feature disabled)

You are ultimately responsible for maintaining the versions and feature flags of these libraries.