1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313
//! A crate for kube's derive macros.
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
extern crate proc_macro;
#[macro_use] extern crate quote;
mod custom_resource;
/// A custom derive for kubernetes custom resource definitions.
/// This will generate a **root object** containing your spec and metadata.
/// This root object will implement the [`kube::Resource`] trait
/// so it can be used with [`kube::Api`].
/// The generated type will also implement kube's [`kube::CustomResourceExt`] trait to generate the crd
/// and generate [`kube::core::ApiResource`] information for use with the dynamic api.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
/// use kube::core::{Resource, CustomResourceExt};
/// use kube_derive::CustomResource;
/// use schemars::JsonSchema;
/// #[derive(CustomResource, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, JsonSchema)]
/// #[kube(group = "clux.dev", version = "v1", kind = "Foo", namespaced)]
/// struct FooSpec {
/// info: String,
/// }
/// println!("kind = {}", Foo::kind(&())); // impl kube::Resource
/// let f = Foo::new("foo-1", FooSpec {
/// info: "informative info".into(),
/// });
/// println!("foo: {:?}", f); // debug print on root type
/// println!("crd: {}", serde_yaml::to_string(&Foo::crd()).unwrap()); // crd yaml
/// ```
/// This example generates a `struct Foo` containing metadata, the spec,
/// and optionally status. The **root** struct `Foo` can be used with the [`kube`] crate
/// as an `Api<Foo>` object (`FooSpec` can not be used with [`Api`][`kube::Api`]).
/// ```no_run
/// # use k8s_openapi::apiextensions_apiserver::pkg::apis::apiextensions::v1::CustomResourceDefinition;
/// # use kube_derive::CustomResource;
/// # use kube::{api::{Api, Patch, PatchParams}, Client, CustomResourceExt};
/// # use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// # async fn wrapper() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # #[derive(CustomResource, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, schemars::JsonSchema)]
/// # #[kube(group = "clux.dev", version = "v1", kind = "Foo", namespaced)]
/// # struct FooSpec {}
/// # let client: Client = todo!();
/// let foos: Api<Foo> = Api::default_namespaced(client.clone());
/// let crds: Api<CustomResourceDefinition> = Api::all(client.clone());
/// crds.patch("foos.clux.dev", &PatchParams::apply("myapp"), &Patch::Apply(Foo::crd())).await;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// This example posts the generated `::crd` to the `CustomResourceDefinition` API.
/// After this has been accepted (few secs max), you can start using `foos` as a normal
/// kube `Api` object. See the `crd_` prefixed [examples](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/main/examples/)
/// for details on this.
/// # Required properties
/// ## `#[kube(group = "mygroup.tld")]`
/// Your cr api group. The part before the slash in the top level `apiVersion` key.
/// ## `#[kube(version = "v1")]`
/// Your cr api version. The part after the slash in the top level `apiVersion` key.
/// ## `#[kube(kind = "Kind")]`
/// Name of your kind, and implied default for your generated root type.
/// # Optional `#[kube]` attributes
/// ## `#[kube(singular = "nonstandard-singular")]`
/// To specify the singular name. Defaults to lowercased `.kind` value.
/// ## `#[kube(plural = "nonstandard-plural")]`
/// To specify the plural name. Defaults to inferring from singular.
/// ## `#[kube(namespaced)]`
/// To specify that this is a namespaced resource rather than cluster level.
/// ## `#[kube(root = "StructName")]`
/// Customize the name of the generated root struct (defaults to `.kind` value).
/// ## `#[kube(crates(kube_core = "::kube::core"))]`
/// Customize the crate name the generated code will reach into (defaults to `::kube::core`).
/// Should be one of `kube::core`, `kube_client::core` or `kube_core`.
/// ## `#[kube(crates(k8s_openapi = "::k8s_openapi"))]`
/// Customize the crate name the generated code will use for [`k8s_openapi`](https://docs.rs/k8s-openapi/) (defaults to `::k8s_openapi`).
/// ## `#[kube(crates(schemars = "::schemars"))]`
/// Customize the crate name the generated code will use for [`schemars`](https://docs.rs/schemars/) (defaults to `::schemars`).
/// ## `#[kube(crates(serde = "::serde"))]`
/// Customize the crate name the generated code will use for [`serde`](https://docs.rs/serde/) (defaults to `::serde`).
/// ## `#[kube(crates(serde_json = "::serde_json"))]`
/// Customize the crate name the generated code will use for [`serde_json`](https://docs.rs/serde_json/) (defaults to `::serde_json`).
/// ## `#[kube(status = "StatusStructName")]`
/// Adds a status struct to the top level generated type and enables the status
/// subresource in your crd.
/// ## `#[kube(derive = "Trait")]`
/// Adding `#[kube(derive = "PartialEq")]` is required if you want your generated
/// top level type to be able to `#[derive(PartialEq)]`
/// ## `#[kube(schema = "mode")]`
/// Defines whether the `JsonSchema` of the top level generated type should be used when generating a `CustomResourceDefinition`.
/// Legal values:
/// - `"derived"`: A `JsonSchema` implementation is automatically derived
/// - `"manual"`: `JsonSchema` is not derived, but used when creating the `CustomResourceDefinition` object
/// - `"disabled"`: No `JsonSchema` is used
/// This can be used to provide a completely custom schema, or to interact with third-party custom resources
/// where you are not responsible for installing the `CustomResourceDefinition`.
/// Defaults to `"derived"`.
/// NOTE: `CustomResourceDefinition`s require a schema. If `schema = "disabled"` then
/// `Self::crd()` will not be installable into the cluster as-is.
/// ## `#[kube(scale = r#"json"#)]`
/// Allow customizing the scale struct for the [scale subresource](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#subresources).
/// ## `#[kube(printcolumn = r#"json"#)]`
/// Allows adding straight json to [printcolumns](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#additional-printer-columns).
/// ## `#[kube(shortname = "sn")]`
/// Add a single shortname to the generated crd.
/// ## `#[kube(category = "apps")]`
/// Add a single category to `crd.spec.names.categories`.
/// ## `#[kube(doc = "description")]`
/// Sets the description of the schema in the generated CRD. If not specified
/// `Auto-generated derived type for {customResourceName} via CustomResource` will be used instead.
/// ## Example with all properties
/// ```rust
/// use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
/// use kube_derive::CustomResource;
/// use schemars::JsonSchema;
/// #[derive(CustomResource, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, JsonSchema)]
/// #[kube(
/// group = "clux.dev",
/// version = "v1",
/// kind = "Foo",
/// root = "FooCrd",
/// namespaced,
/// doc = "Custom resource representing a Foo",
/// status = "FooStatus",
/// derive = "PartialEq",
/// singular = "foot",
/// plural = "feetz",
/// shortname = "f",
/// scale = r#"{"specReplicasPath":".spec.replicas", "statusReplicasPath":".status.replicas"}"#,
/// printcolumn = r#"{"name":"Spec", "type":"string", "description":"name of foo", "jsonPath":".spec.name"}"#
/// )]
/// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
/// struct FooSpec {
/// #[schemars(length(min = 3))]
/// data: String,
/// replicas_count: i32
/// }
/// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, JsonSchema)]
/// struct FooStatus {
/// replicas: i32
/// }
/// ```
/// # Enums
/// Kubernetes requires that the generated [schema is "structural"](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#specifying-a-structural-schema).
/// This means that the structure of the schema must not depend on the particular values. For enums this imposes a few limitations:
/// - Only [externally tagged enums](https://serde.rs/enum-representations.html#externally-tagged) are supported
/// - Unit variants may not be mixed with struct or tuple variants (`enum Foo { Bar, Baz {}, Qux() }` is invalid, for example)
/// If these restrictions are not followed then `YourCrd::crd()` may panic, or the Kubernetes API may reject the CRD definition.
/// # Generated code
/// The example above will **roughly** generate:
/// ```compile_fail
/// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, JsonSchema)]
/// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
/// pub struct FooCrd {
/// api_version: String,
/// kind: String,
/// metadata: ObjectMeta,
/// spec: FooSpec,
/// status: Option<FooStatus>,
/// }
/// impl kube::Resource for FooCrd { .. }
/// impl FooCrd {
/// pub fn new(name: &str, spec: FooSpec) -> Self { .. }
/// pub fn crd() -> CustomResourceDefinition { .. }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Customizing Schemas
/// Should you need to customize the schemas, you can use:
/// - [Serde/Schemars Attributes](https://graham.cool/schemars/examples/3-schemars_attrs/) (no need to duplicate serde renames)
/// - [`#[schemars(schema_with = "func")]`](https://graham.cool/schemars/examples/7-custom_serialization/) (e.g. like in the [`crd_derive` example](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/main/examples/crd_derive.rs))
/// - `impl JsonSchema` on a type / newtype around external type. See [#129](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/issues/129#issuecomment-750852916)
/// - [`#[garde(...)]` field attributes for client-side validation](https://github.com/jprochazk/garde) (see [`crd_api`
/// example](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/main/examples/crd_api.rs))
/// You might need to override parts of the schemas (for fields in question) when you are:
/// - **using complex enums**: enums do not currently generate [structural schemas](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#specifying-a-structural-schema), so kubernetes won't support them by default
/// - **customizing [merge-strategies](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/server-side-apply/#merge-strategy)** (e.g. like in the [`crd_derive_schema` example](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/main/examples/crd_derive_schema.rs))
/// See [kubernetes openapi validation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#validation) for the format of the OpenAPI v3 schemas.
/// If you have to override a lot, [you can opt-out of schema-generation entirely](#kubeschema--mode)
/// # Advanced Features
/// - **embedding k8s-openapi types** can be done by enabling the `schemars` feature of `k8s-openapi` from [`0.13.0`](https://github.com/Arnavion/k8s-openapi/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#v0130-2021-08-09)
/// - **adding validation** via [validator crate](https://github.com/Keats/validator) is supported from `schemars` >= [`0.8.5`](https://github.com/GREsau/schemars/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#085---2021-09-20)
/// - **generating rust code from schemas** can be done via [kopium](https://github.com/kube-rs/kopium) and is supported on stable crds (> 1.16 kubernetes)
/// ## Schema Validation
/// There are two main ways of doing validation; **server-side** (embedding validation attributes into the schema for the apiserver to respect), and **client-side** (provides `validate()` methods in your code).
/// Client side validation of structs can be achieved by hooking up `#[garde]` attributes in your struct and is a replacement of the now unmaintained [`validator`](https://github.com/Keats/validator/issues/201) crate.
/// Server-side validation require mutation of your generated schema, and can in the basic cases be achieved through the use of `schemars`'s [validation attributes](https://graham.cool/schemars/deriving/attributes/#supported-validator-attributes).
/// For complete control, [parts of the schema can be overridden](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/e01187e13ba364ccecec452e023316a62fb13e04/examples/crd_derive.rs#L37-L38) to support more advanced [Kubernetes specific validation rules](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/09/23/crd-validation-rules-beta/).
/// When using `garde` directly, you must add it to your dependencies (with the `derive` feature).
/// ### Validation Caveats
/// Make sure your validation rules are static and handled by `schemars`:
/// - validations from `#[garde(custom(my_func))]` will not show up in the schema.
/// - similarly; [nested / must_match / credit_card were unhandled by schemars at time of writing](https://github.com/GREsau/schemars/pull/78)
/// - encoding validations specified through garde (i.e. #[garde(ascii)]), are currently not supported by schemars
/// - to validate required attributes client-side, garde requires a custom validation function (`#[garde(custom(my_required_check))]`)
/// - when using garde, fields that should not be validated need to be explictly skipped through the `#[garde(skip)]` attr
/// For sanity, you should review the generated schema before sending it to kubernetes.
/// ## Versioning
/// Note that any changes to your struct / validation rules / serialization attributes will require you to re-apply the
/// generated schema to kubernetes, so that the apiserver can validate against the right version of your structs.
/// **Backwards compatibility** between schema versions is **recommended** unless you are in a controlled environment
/// where you can migrate manually. I.e. if you add new properties behind options, and simply mark old fields as deprecated,
/// then you can safely roll schema out changes **without bumping** the version.
/// If you need **multiple versions**, then you need:
/// - one **module** for **each version** of your types (e.g. `v1::MyCrd` and `v2::MyCrd`)
/// - use the [`merge_crds`](https://docs.rs/kube/latest/kube/core/crd/fn.merge_crds.html) fn to combine crds
/// - roll out new schemas utilizing conversion webhooks / manual conversions / or allow kubectl to do its best
/// See the [crd_derive_multi](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/blob/main/examples/crd_derive_multi.rs) example to see
/// how this upgrade flow works without special logic.
/// The **upgrade flow** with **breaking changes** involves:
/// 1. upgrade version marked as `storage` (from v1 to v2)
/// 2. read instances from the older `Api<v1::MyCrd>`
/// 3. perform conversion in memory and write them to the new `Api<v2::MyCrd>`.
/// 4. remove support for old version
/// If you need to maintain support for the old version for some time, then you have to repeat or continuously
/// run steps 2 and 3. I.e. you probably need a **conversion webhook**.
/// **NB**: kube does currently [not implement conversion webhooks yet](https://github.com/kube-rs/kube/issues/865).
/// ## Debugging
/// Try `cargo-expand` to see your own macro expansion.
/// # Installation
/// Enable the `derive` feature on the `kube` crate:
/// ```toml
/// kube = { version = "...", features = ["derive"] }
/// ```
/// ## Runtime dependencies
/// Due to [rust-lang/rust#54363](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/54363), we cannot be resilient against crate renames within our generated code.
/// It's therefore **required** that you have the following crates in scope, not renamed:
/// - `serde_json`
/// - `k8s_openapi`
/// - `schemars` (by default, unless `schema` feature disabled)
/// You are ultimately responsible for maintaining the versions and feature flags of these libraries.
/// [`kube`]: https://docs.rs/kube
/// [`kube::Api`]: https://docs.rs/kube/*/kube/struct.Api.html
/// [`kube::Resource`]: https://docs.rs/kube/*/kube/trait.Resource.html
/// [`kube::core::ApiResource`]: https://docs.rs/kube/*/kube/core/struct.ApiResource.html
/// [`kube::CustomResourceExt`]: https://docs.rs/kube/*/kube/trait.CustomResourceExt.html
#[proc_macro_derive(CustomResource, attributes(kube))]
pub fn derive_custom_resource(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {