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//! Common components for building Kubernetes operators
//! This crate contains the core building blocks to allow users to build
//! controllers/operators/watchers that need to synchronize/reconcile kubernetes
//! state.
//! Newcomers are recommended to start with the [`Controller`] builder, which gives an
//! opinionated starting point that should be appropriate for simple operators, but all
//! components are designed to be usable á la carte if your operator doesn't quite fit that mold.
// Triggered by many derive macros (kube-derive, derivative)
// Triggered by Tokio macros
pub mod controller;
pub mod finalizer;
pub mod reflector;
pub mod scheduler;
pub mod utils;
pub mod wait;
pub mod watcher;
pub use controller::{applier, Controller};
pub use finalizer::finalizer;
pub use reflector::reflector;
pub use scheduler::scheduler;
pub use watcher::watcher;