
1//! Delays and deduplicates [`Stream`](futures::stream::Stream) items
3use futures::{stream::Fuse, Stream, StreamExt};
4use hashbrown::{hash_map::RawEntryMut, HashMap};
5use pin_project::pin_project;
6use std::{
7    collections::HashSet,
8    hash::Hash,
9    pin::Pin,
10    task::{Context, Poll},
11    time::Duration,
13use tokio::time::Instant;
14use tokio_util::time::delay_queue::{self, DelayQueue};
16/// A request to re-emit `message` at a given `Instant` (`run_at`).
18pub struct ScheduleRequest<T> {
19    pub message: T,
20    pub run_at: Instant,
23/// Internal metadata for a scheduled message.
24struct ScheduledEntry {
25    run_at: Instant,
26    queue_key: delay_queue::Key,
29#[pin_project(project = SchedulerProj)]
30pub struct Scheduler<T, R> {
31    /// Queue of already-scheduled messages.
32    ///
33    /// To ensure that the metadata is kept up-to-date, use `schedule_message` and
34    /// `poll_pop_queue_message` rather than manipulating this directly.
35    ///
36    /// NOTE: `scheduled` should be considered to hold the "canonical" representation of the message.
37    /// Always pull the message out of `scheduled` once it has been retrieved from `queue`.
38    queue: DelayQueue<T>,
39    /// Metadata for all currently scheduled messages. Used to detect duplicate messages.
40    ///
41    /// `scheduled` is considered to hold the "canonical" representation of the message.
42    scheduled: HashMap<T, ScheduledEntry>,
43    /// Messages that are scheduled to have happened, but have been held using `hold_unless`.
44    pending: HashSet<T>,
45    /// Incoming queue of scheduling requests.
46    #[pin]
47    requests: Fuse<R>,
48    /// Debounce time to allow for deduplication of requests. It is added to the request's
49    /// initial expiration time. If another request with the same message arrives before
50    /// the request expires, its added to the new request's expiration time. This allows
51    /// for a request to be emitted, if the scheduler is "uninterrupted" for the configured
52    /// debounce period. Its primary purpose to deduplicate requests that expire instantly.
53    debounce: Duration,
56impl<T, R: Stream> Scheduler<T, R> {
57    fn new(requests: R, debounce: Duration) -> Self {
58        Self {
59            queue: DelayQueue::new(),
60            scheduled: HashMap::new(),
61            pending: HashSet::new(),
62            requests: requests.fuse(),
63            debounce,
64        }
65    }
68impl<T: Hash + Eq + Clone, R> SchedulerProj<'_, T, R> {
69    /// Attempt to schedule a message into the queue.
70    ///
71    /// If the message is already in the queue then the earlier `request.run_at` takes precedence.
72    fn schedule_message(&mut self, request: ScheduleRequest<T>) {
73        if self.pending.contains(&request.message) {
74            // Message is already pending, so we can't even expedite it
75            return;
76        }
77        let next_time = request
78            .run_at
79            .checked_add(*self.debounce)
80            .unwrap_or_else(far_future);
81        match self.scheduled.raw_entry_mut().from_key(&request.message) {
82            // If new request is supposed to be earlier than the current entry's scheduled
83            // time (for eg: the new request is user triggered and the current entry is the
84            // reconciler's usual retry), then give priority to the new request.
85            RawEntryMut::Occupied(mut old_entry) if old_entry.get().run_at >= request.run_at => {
86                // Old entry will run after the new request, so replace it..
87                let entry = old_entry.get_mut();
88                self.queue.reset_at(&entry.queue_key, next_time);
89                entry.run_at = next_time;
90                old_entry.insert_key(request.message);
91            }
92            RawEntryMut::Occupied(_old_entry) => {
93                // Old entry will run before the new request, so ignore the new request..
94            }
95            RawEntryMut::Vacant(entry) => {
96                // No old entry, we're free to go!
97                let message = request.message.clone();
98                entry.insert(request.message, ScheduledEntry {
99                    run_at: next_time,
100                    queue_key: self.queue.insert_at(message, next_time),
101                });
102            }
103        }
104    }
106    /// Attempt to retrieve a message from the queue.
107    fn poll_pop_queue_message(
108        &mut self,
109        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
110        can_take_message: impl Fn(&T) -> bool,
111    ) -> Poll<T> {
112        if let Some(msg) = self.pending.iter().find(|msg| can_take_message(*msg)).cloned() {
113            return Poll::Ready(self.pending.take(&msg).unwrap());
114        }
116        loop {
117            match self.queue.poll_expired(cx) {
118                Poll::Ready(Some(msg)) => {
119                    let msg = msg.into_inner();
120                    let (msg, _) = self.scheduled.remove_entry(&msg).expect(
121                        "Expired message was popped from the Scheduler queue, but was not in the metadata map",
122                    );
123                    if can_take_message(&msg) {
124                        break Poll::Ready(msg);
125                    }
126                    self.pending.insert(msg);
127                }
128                Poll::Ready(None) | Poll::Pending => break Poll::Pending,
129            }
130        }
131    }
133    /// Attempt to retrieve a message from queue and mark it as pending.
134    pub fn pop_queue_message_into_pending(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
135        while let Poll::Ready(Some(msg)) = self.queue.poll_expired(cx) {
136            let msg = msg.into_inner();
137            self.scheduled.remove_entry(&msg).expect(
138                "Expired message was popped from the Scheduler queue, but was not in the metadata map",
139            );
140            self.pending.insert(msg);
141        }
142    }
145/// See [`Scheduler::hold`]
146pub struct Hold<'a, T, R> {
147    scheduler: Pin<&'a mut Scheduler<T, R>>,
150impl<T, R> Stream for Hold<'_, T, R>
152    T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
153    R: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>,
155    type Item = T;
157    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
158        let this = self.get_mut();
159        let mut scheduler = this.scheduler.as_mut().project();
161        loop {
162            match scheduler.requests.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
163                Poll::Ready(Some(request)) => scheduler.schedule_message(request),
164                Poll::Ready(None) => return Poll::Ready(None),
165                Poll::Pending => break,
166            }
167        }
169        scheduler.pop_queue_message_into_pending(cx);
170        Poll::Pending
171    }
174/// See [`Scheduler::hold_unless`]
175pub struct HoldUnless<'a, T, R, C> {
176    scheduler: Pin<&'a mut Scheduler<T, R>>,
177    can_take_message: C,
180impl<T, R, C> Stream for HoldUnless<'_, T, R, C>
182    T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
183    R: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>,
184    C: Fn(&T) -> bool + Unpin,
186    type Item = T;
188    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
189        let this = self.get_mut();
190        let can_take_message = &this.can_take_message;
191        let mut scheduler = this.scheduler.as_mut().project();
193        loop {
194            match scheduler.requests.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
195                Poll::Ready(Some(request)) => scheduler.schedule_message(request),
196                Poll::Ready(None) => return Poll::Ready(None),
197                Poll::Pending => break,
198            }
199        }
201        match scheduler.poll_pop_queue_message(cx, can_take_message) {
202            Poll::Ready(expired) => Poll::Ready(Some(expired)),
203            Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
204        }
205    }
208impl<T, R> Scheduler<T, R>
210    T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
211    R: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>,
213    /// A filtered view of the [`Scheduler`], which will keep items "pending" if
214    /// `can_take_message` returns `false`, allowing them to be handled as soon as
215    /// they are ready.
216    ///
217    /// The returned [`HoldUnless`] is designed to be short-lived: it has no allocations, and
218    /// no messages will be lost, even if it is reconstructed on each call to [`poll_next`](Self::poll_next).
219    /// In fact, this is often desirable, to avoid long-lived borrows in `can_take_message`'s closure.
220    ///
221    /// NOTE: `can_take_message` should be considered to be fairly performance-sensitive, since
222    /// it will generally be executed for each pending message, for each [`poll_next`](Self::poll_next).
223    pub fn hold_unless<C: Fn(&T) -> bool>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, can_take_message: C) -> HoldUnless<T, R, C> {
224        HoldUnless {
225            scheduler: self,
226            can_take_message,
227        }
228    }
230    /// A restricted view of the [`Scheduler`], which will keep all items "pending".
231    /// Its equivalent to doing `self.hold_unless(|_| false)` and is useful when the
232    /// consumer is not ready to consume the expired messages that the [`Scheduler`] emits.
233    #[must_use]
234    pub fn hold(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Hold<T, R> {
235        Hold { scheduler: self }
236    }
238    /// Checks whether `msg` is currently a pending message (held by `hold_unless`)
239    #[cfg(test)]
240    pub fn contains_pending(&self, msg: &T) -> bool {
241        self.pending.contains(msg)
242    }
245impl<T, R> Stream for Scheduler<T, R>
247    T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
248    R: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>,
250    type Item = T;
252    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
253        Pin::new(&mut self.hold_unless(|_| true)).poll_next(cx)
254    }
257/// Stream transformer that delays and deduplicates items.
259/// Items are deduplicated: if an item is submitted multiple times before being emitted then it will only be
260/// emitted at the earliest `Instant`.
262/// Items can be "held pending" if the item doesn't match some predicate. Items trying to schedule an item
263/// that is already pending will be discarded (since it is already going to be emitted as soon as the consumer
264/// is ready for it).
266/// The [`Scheduler`] terminates as soon as `requests` does.
267pub fn scheduler<T: Eq + Hash + Clone, S: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>>(requests: S) -> Scheduler<T, S> {
268    Scheduler::new(requests, Duration::ZERO)
271/// Stream transformer that delays and deduplicates [`Stream`] items.
273/// The debounce period lets the scheduler deduplicate requests that ask to be
274/// emitted instantly, by making sure we wait for the configured period of time
275/// to receive an uninterrupted request before actually emitting it.
277/// For more info, see [`scheduler()`].
279pub fn debounced_scheduler<T: Eq + Hash + Clone, S: Stream<Item = ScheduleRequest<T>>>(
280    requests: S,
281    debounce: Duration,
282) -> Scheduler<T, S> {
283    Scheduler::new(requests, debounce)
286// internal fallback for overflows in schedule times
287pub(crate) fn far_future() -> Instant {
288    // private method from tokio for convenience - remove if upstream becomes pub
289    // https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/blob/6fcd9c02176bf3cd570bc7de88edaa3b95ea480a/tokio/src/time/instant.rs#L57-L63
290    Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(86400 * 365 * 30)
294mod tests {
295    use crate::utils::KubeRuntimeStreamExt;
297    use super::{debounced_scheduler, scheduler, ScheduleRequest};
298    use educe::Educe;
299    use futures::{channel::mpsc, future, poll, stream, FutureExt, SinkExt, StreamExt};
300    use std::{pin::pin, task::Poll};
301    use tokio::time::{advance, pause, sleep, Duration, Instant};
303    fn unwrap_poll<T>(poll: Poll<T>) -> T {
304        if let Poll::Ready(x) = poll {
305            x
306        } else {
307            panic!("Tried to unwrap a pending poll!")
308        }
309    }
311    /// Message type that is always considered equal to itself
312    #[derive(Educe, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
313    #[educe(PartialEq, Hash)]
314    struct SingletonMessage(#[educe(PartialEq(ignore), Hash(ignore))] u8);
316    #[tokio::test]
317    async fn scheduler_should_hold_and_release_items() {
318        pause();
319        let mut scheduler = Box::pin(scheduler(
320            stream::iter(vec![ScheduleRequest {
321                message: 1_u8,
322                run_at: Instant::now(),
323            }])
324            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(4))),
325        ));
326        assert!(!scheduler.contains_pending(&1));
327        assert!(poll!(scheduler.as_mut().hold_unless(|_| false).next()).is_pending());
328        assert!(scheduler.contains_pending(&1));
329        assert_eq!(
330            unwrap_poll(poll!(scheduler.as_mut().hold_unless(|_| true).next())).unwrap(),
331            1_u8
332        );
333        assert!(!scheduler.contains_pending(&1));
334        assert!(scheduler.as_mut().hold_unless(|_| true).next().await.is_none());
335    }
337    #[tokio::test]
338    async fn scheduler_should_not_reschedule_pending_items() {
339        pause();
340        let (mut tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded::<ScheduleRequest<u8>>();
341        let mut scheduler = Box::pin(scheduler(rx));
342        tx.send(ScheduleRequest {
343            message: 1,
344            run_at: Instant::now(),
345        })
346        .await
347        .unwrap();
348        assert!(poll!(scheduler.as_mut().hold_unless(|_| false).next()).is_pending());
349        tx.send(ScheduleRequest {
350            message: 1,
351            run_at: Instant::now(),
352        })
353        .await
354        .unwrap();
355        future::join(
356            async {
357                sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
358                drop(tx);
359            },
360            async {
361                assert_eq!(scheduler.next().await.unwrap(), 1);
362                assert!(scheduler.next().await.is_none())
363            },
364        )
365        .await;
366    }
368    #[tokio::test]
369    async fn scheduler_pending_message_should_not_block_head_of_line() {
370        let mut scheduler = Box::pin(scheduler(
371            stream::iter(vec![
372                ScheduleRequest {
373                    message: 1,
374                    run_at: Instant::now(),
375                },
376                ScheduleRequest {
377                    message: 2,
378                    run_at: Instant::now(),
379                },
380            ])
381            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(2))),
382        ));
383        assert_eq!(
384            scheduler.as_mut().hold_unless(|x| *x != 1).next().await.unwrap(),
385            2
386        );
387    }
389    #[tokio::test]
390    async fn scheduler_should_emit_items_as_requested() {
391        pause();
392        let mut scheduler = pin!(scheduler(
393            stream::iter(vec![
394                ScheduleRequest {
395                    message: 1_u8,
396                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1),
397                },
398                ScheduleRequest {
399                    message: 2,
400                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(3),
401                },
402            ])
403            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))),
404        ));
405        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
406        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
407        assert_eq!(scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap(), 1);
408        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
409        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
410        assert_eq!(scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap(), 2);
411        // Stream has terminated
412        assert!(scheduler.next().await.is_none());
413    }
415    #[tokio::test]
416    async fn scheduler_dedupe_should_keep_earlier_item() {
417        pause();
418        let mut scheduler = pin!(scheduler(
419            stream::iter(vec![
420                ScheduleRequest {
421                    message: (),
422                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1),
423                },
424                ScheduleRequest {
425                    message: (),
426                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(3),
427                },
428            ])
429            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))),
430        ));
431        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
432        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
433        scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap();
434        // Stream has terminated
435        assert!(scheduler.next().await.is_none());
436    }
438    #[tokio::test]
439    async fn scheduler_dedupe_should_replace_later_item() {
440        pause();
441        let mut scheduler = pin!(scheduler(
442            stream::iter(vec![
443                ScheduleRequest {
444                    message: (),
445                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(3),
446                },
447                ScheduleRequest {
448                    message: (),
449                    run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1),
450                },
451            ])
452            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))),
453        ));
454        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
455        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
456        scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap();
457        // Stream has terminated
458        assert!(scheduler.next().await.is_none());
459    }
461    #[tokio::test]
462    async fn scheduler_dedupe_should_allow_rescheduling_emitted_item() {
463        pause();
464        let (mut schedule_tx, schedule_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
465        let mut scheduler = scheduler(schedule_rx);
466        schedule_tx
467            .send(ScheduleRequest {
468                message: (),
469                run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1),
470            })
471            .await
472            .unwrap();
473        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
474        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
475        scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap();
476        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
477        schedule_tx
478            .send(ScheduleRequest {
479                message: (),
480                run_at: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(1),
481            })
482            .await
483            .unwrap();
484        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
485        advance(Duration::from_secs(2)).await;
486        scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap();
487        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
488    }
490    #[tokio::test]
491    async fn scheduler_should_overwrite_message_with_soonest_version() {
492        pause();
494        let now = Instant::now();
495        let scheduler = scheduler(
496            stream::iter([
497                ScheduleRequest {
498                    message: SingletonMessage(1),
499                    run_at: now + Duration::from_secs(2),
500                },
501                ScheduleRequest {
502                    message: SingletonMessage(2),
503                    run_at: now + Duration::from_secs(1),
504                },
505            ])
506            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))),
507        );
508        assert_eq!(scheduler.map(|msg| msg.0).collect::<Vec<_>>().await, vec![2]);
509    }
511    #[tokio::test]
512    async fn scheduler_should_not_overwrite_message_with_later_version() {
513        pause();
515        let now = Instant::now();
516        let scheduler = scheduler(
517            stream::iter([
518                ScheduleRequest {
519                    message: SingletonMessage(1),
520                    run_at: now + Duration::from_secs(1),
521                },
522                ScheduleRequest {
523                    message: SingletonMessage(2),
524                    run_at: now + Duration::from_secs(2),
525                },
526            ])
527            .on_complete(sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))),
528        );
529        assert_eq!(scheduler.map(|msg| msg.0).collect::<Vec<_>>().await, vec![1]);
530    }
532    #[tokio::test]
533    async fn scheduler_should_add_debounce_to_a_request() {
534        pause();
536        let now = Instant::now();
537        let (mut sched_tx, sched_rx) = mpsc::unbounded::<ScheduleRequest<SingletonMessage>>();
538        let mut scheduler = debounced_scheduler(sched_rx, Duration::from_secs(2));
540        sched_tx
541            .send(ScheduleRequest {
542                message: SingletonMessage(1),
543                run_at: now,
544            })
545            .await
546            .unwrap();
547        advance(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
548        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
549        advance(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
550        assert_eq!(scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap().0, 1);
551    }
553    #[tokio::test]
554    async fn scheduler_should_dedup_message_within_debounce_period() {
555        pause();
557        let mut now = Instant::now();
558        let (mut sched_tx, sched_rx) = mpsc::unbounded::<ScheduleRequest<SingletonMessage>>();
559        let mut scheduler = debounced_scheduler(sched_rx, Duration::from_secs(3));
561        sched_tx
562            .send(ScheduleRequest {
563                message: SingletonMessage(1),
564                run_at: now,
565            })
566            .await
567            .unwrap();
568        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
569        advance(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
571        now = Instant::now();
572        sched_tx
573            .send(ScheduleRequest {
574                message: SingletonMessage(2),
575                run_at: now,
576            })
577            .await
578            .unwrap();
579        // Check if the initial request was indeed duplicated.
580        advance(Duration::from_millis(2500)).await;
581        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
583        advance(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
584        assert_eq!(scheduler.next().now_or_never().unwrap().unwrap().0, 2);
585        assert!(poll!(scheduler.next()).is_pending());
586    }