1use std::{future, pin::pin};
4use futures::TryStreamExt;
5use kube_client::{Api, Resource};
6use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
7use std::fmt::Debug;
8use thiserror::Error;
10use crate::watcher::{self, watch_object};
12#[derive(Debug, Error)]
13pub enum Error {
14 #[error("failed to probe for whether the condition is fulfilled yet: {0}")]
15 ProbeFailed(#[source] watcher::Error),
18#[allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc)] pub async fn await_condition<K>(api: Api<K>, name: &str, cond: impl Condition<K>) -> Result<Option<K>, Error>
54 K: Clone + Debug + Send + DeserializeOwned + Resource + 'static,
56 let mut stream = pin!(watch_object(api, name).try_skip_while(|obj| {
58 let matches = cond.matches_object(obj.as_ref());
59 future::ready(Ok(!matches))
60 }));
62 let obj = stream
64 .try_next()
65 .await
66 .map_err(Error::ProbeFailed)?
67 .expect("stream must not terminate");
68 Ok(obj)
71pub trait Condition<K> {
96 fn matches_object(&self, obj: Option<&K>) -> bool;
98 fn not(self) -> conditions::Not<Self>
109 where
110 Self: Sized,
111 {
112 conditions::Not(self)
113 }
115 fn and<Other: Condition<K>>(self, other: Other) -> conditions::And<Self, Other>
129 where
130 Self: Sized,
131 {
132 conditions::And(self, other)
133 }
135 fn or<Other: Condition<K>>(self, other: Other) -> conditions::Or<Self, Other>
149 where
150 Self: Sized,
151 {
152 conditions::Or(self, other)
153 }
156impl<K, F: Fn(Option<&K>) -> bool> Condition<K> for F {
157 fn matches_object(&self, obj: Option<&K>) -> bool {
158 (self)(obj)
159 }
162pub mod conditions {
164 pub use super::Condition;
165 use k8s_openapi::{
166 api::{
167 apps::v1::Deployment,
168 batch::v1::Job,
169 core::v1::{Pod, Service},
170 networking::v1::Ingress,
171 },
172 apiextensions_apiserver::pkg::apis::apiextensions::v1::CustomResourceDefinition,
173 };
174 use kube_client::Resource;
176 #[must_use]
182 pub fn is_deleted<K: Resource>(uid: &str) -> impl Condition<K> + '_ {
183 move |obj: Option<&K>| {
184 obj.map_or(
185 true,
187 |obj| obj.meta().uid.as_deref() != Some(uid),
189 )
190 }
191 }
193 #[must_use]
198 pub fn is_crd_established() -> impl Condition<CustomResourceDefinition> {
199 |obj: Option<&CustomResourceDefinition>| {
200 if let Some(o) = obj {
201 if let Some(s) = &o.status {
202 if let Some(conds) = &s.conditions {
203 if let Some(pcond) = conds.iter().find(|c| c.type_ == "Established") {
204 return pcond.status == "True";
205 }
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 false
210 }
211 }
213 #[must_use]
215 pub fn is_pod_running() -> impl Condition<Pod> {
216 |obj: Option<&Pod>| {
217 if let Some(pod) = &obj {
218 if let Some(status) = &pod.status {
219 if let Some(phase) = &status.phase {
220 return phase == "Running";
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 false
225 }
226 }
228 #[must_use]
230 pub fn is_job_completed() -> impl Condition<Job> {
231 |obj: Option<&Job>| {
232 if let Some(job) = &obj {
233 if let Some(s) = &job.status {
234 if let Some(conds) = &s.conditions {
235 if let Some(pcond) = conds.iter().find(|c| c.type_ == "Complete") {
236 return pcond.status == "True";
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 }
241 false
242 }
243 }
245 #[must_use]
250 pub fn is_deployment_completed() -> impl Condition<Deployment> {
251 |obj: Option<&Deployment>| {
252 if let Some(depl) = &obj {
253 if let Some(s) = &depl.status {
254 if let Some(conds) = &s.conditions {
255 if let Some(dcond) = conds.iter().find(|c| {
256 c.type_ == "Progressing" && c.reason == Some("NewReplicaSetAvailable".to_string())
257 }) {
258 return dcond.status == "True";
259 }
260 }
261 }
262 }
263 false
264 }
265 }
267 #[must_use]
269 pub fn is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned() -> impl Condition<Service> {
270 |obj: Option<&Service>| {
271 if let Some(svc) = &obj {
272 if let Some(spec) = &svc.spec {
274 if spec.type_ != Some("LoadBalancer".to_string()) {
275 return true;
276 }
277 if let Some(s) = &svc.status {
279 if let Some(lbs) = &s.load_balancer {
280 if let Some(ings) = &lbs.ingress {
281 return ings.iter().all(|ip| ip.ip.is_some() || ip.hostname.is_some());
282 }
283 }
284 }
285 }
286 }
287 false
288 }
289 }
291 #[must_use]
293 pub fn is_ingress_provisioned() -> impl Condition<Ingress> {
294 |obj: Option<&Ingress>| {
295 if let Some(ing) = &obj {
296 if let Some(s) = &ing.status {
297 if let Some(lbs) = &s.load_balancer {
298 if let Some(ings) = &lbs.ingress {
299 return ings.iter().all(|ip| ip.ip.is_some() || ip.hostname.is_some());
300 }
301 }
302 }
303 }
304 false
305 }
306 }
308 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
310 pub struct Not<A>(pub(super) A);
311 impl<A: Condition<K>, K> Condition<K> for Not<A> {
312 fn matches_object(&self, obj: Option<&K>) -> bool {
313 !self.0.matches_object(obj)
314 }
315 }
317 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
319 pub struct And<A, B>(pub(super) A, pub(super) B);
320 impl<A, B, K> Condition<K> for And<A, B>
321 where
322 A: Condition<K>,
323 B: Condition<K>,
324 {
325 fn matches_object(&self, obj: Option<&K>) -> bool {
326 self.0.matches_object(obj) && self.1.matches_object(obj)
327 }
328 }
330 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
332 pub struct Or<A, B>(pub(super) A, pub(super) B);
333 impl<A, B, K> Condition<K> for Or<A, B>
334 where
335 A: Condition<K>,
336 B: Condition<K>,
337 {
338 fn matches_object(&self, obj: Option<&K>) -> bool {
339 self.0.matches_object(obj) || self.1.matches_object(obj)
340 }
341 }
343 mod tests {
344 #[test]
345 fn crd_established_ok() {
347 use super::{is_crd_established, Condition};
349 let crd = r#"
350 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
351 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
352 metadata:
353 name: testthings.kube.rs
354 spec:
355 group: kube.rs
356 names:
357 categories: []
358 kind: TestThing
359 plural: testthings
360 shortNames: []
361 singular: testthing
362 scope: Namespaced
363 versions:
364 - additionalPrinterColumns: []
365 name: v1
366 schema:
367 openAPIV3Schema:
368 type: object
369 x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
370 served: true
371 storage: true
372 status:
373 acceptedNames:
374 kind: TestThing
375 listKind: TestThingList
376 plural: testthings
377 singular: testthing
378 conditions:
379 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:10:03Z"
380 message: no conflicts found
381 reason: NoConflicts
382 status: "True"
383 type: NamesAccepted
384 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:10:03Z"
385 message: the initial names have been accepted
386 reason: InitialNamesAccepted
387 status: "True"
388 type: Established
389 storedVersions:
390 - v1
391 "#;
393 let c = serde_yaml::from_str(crd).unwrap();
394 assert!(is_crd_established().matches_object(Some(&c)))
395 }
397 #[test]
398 fn crd_established_fail() {
400 use super::{is_crd_established, Condition};
402 let crd = r#"
403 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
404 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
405 metadata:
406 name: testthings.kube.rs
407 spec:
408 group: kube.rs
409 names:
410 categories: []
411 kind: TestThing
412 plural: testthings
413 shortNames: []
414 singular: testthing
415 scope: Namespaced
416 versions:
417 - additionalPrinterColumns: []
418 name: v1
419 schema:
420 openAPIV3Schema:
421 type: object
422 x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
423 served: true
424 storage: true
425 status:
426 acceptedNames:
427 kind: TestThing
428 listKind: TestThingList
429 plural: testthings
430 singular: testthing
431 conditions:
432 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:10:03Z"
433 message: no conflicts found
434 reason: NoConflicts
435 status: "True"
436 type: NamesAccepted
437 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:10:03Z"
438 message: the initial names have been accepted
439 reason: InitialNamesAccepted
440 status: "False"
441 type: Established
442 storedVersions:
443 - v1
444 "#;
446 let c = serde_yaml::from_str(crd).unwrap();
447 assert!(!is_crd_established().matches_object(Some(&c)))
448 }
450 #[test]
451 fn crd_established_missing() {
453 use super::{is_crd_established, Condition};
455 assert!(!is_crd_established().matches_object(None))
456 }
458 #[test]
459 fn pod_running_ok() {
461 use super::{is_pod_running, Condition};
463 let pod = r#"
464 apiVersion: v1
465 kind: Pod
466 metadata:
467 namespace: default
468 name: testpod
469 spec:
470 containers:
471 - name: testcontainer
472 image: alpine
473 command: [ sleep ]
474 args: [ "100000" ]
475 status:
476 conditions:
477 - lastProbeTime: null
478 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:53:07Z"
479 status: "True"
480 type: PodReadyToStartContainers
481 - lastProbeTime: null
482 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:52:58Z"
483 status: "True"
484 type: Initialized
485 - lastProbeTime: null
486 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:53:24Z"
487 status: "True"
488 type: Ready
489 - lastProbeTime: null
490 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:53:24Z"
491 status: "True"
492 type: ContainersReady
493 - lastProbeTime: null
494 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:52:58Z"
495 status: "True"
496 type: PodScheduled
497 containerStatuses:
498 - containerID: containerd://598323380ae59d60c1ab98f9091c94659137a976d52136a8083775d47fea5875
499 image: docker.io/library/alpine:latest
500 imageID: docker.io/library/alpine@sha256:a8560b36e8b8210634f77d9f7f9efd7ffa463e380b75e2e74aff4511df3ef88c
501 lastState: {}
502 name: testcontainer
503 ready: true
504 restartCount: 0
505 started: true
506 state:
507 running:
508 startedAt: "2025-03-06T03:59:20Z"
509 phase: Running
510 qosClass: Burstable
511 "#;
513 let p = serde_yaml::from_str(pod).unwrap();
514 assert!(is_pod_running().matches_object(Some(&p)))
515 }
517 #[test]
518 fn pod_running_unschedulable() {
520 use super::{is_pod_running, Condition};
522 let pod = r#"
523 apiVersion: v1
524 kind: Pod
525 metadata:
526 namespace: default
527 name: testpod
528 spec:
529 containers:
530 - name: testcontainer
531 image: alpine
532 command: [ sleep ]
533 args: [ "100000" ]
534 status:
535 conditions:
536 - lastProbeTime: null
537 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T03:52:25Z"
538 message: '0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) were unschedulable. preemption: 0/1
539 nodes are available: 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.'
540 reason: Unschedulable
541 status: "False"
542 type: PodScheduled
543 phase: Pending
544 qosClass: Burstable
545 "#;
547 let p = serde_yaml::from_str(pod).unwrap();
548 assert!(!is_pod_running().matches_object(Some(&p)))
549 }
551 #[test]
552 fn pod_running_missing() {
554 use super::{is_pod_running, Condition};
556 assert!(!is_pod_running().matches_object(None))
557 }
559 #[test]
560 fn job_completed_ok() {
562 use super::{is_job_completed, Condition};
564 let job = r#"
565 apiVersion: batch/v1
566 kind: Job
567 metadata:
568 name: pi
569 namespace: default
570 spec:
571 template:
572 spec:
573 containers:
574 - name: pi
575 command:
576 - perl
577 - -Mbignum=bpi
578 - -wle
579 - print bpi(2000)
580 image: perl:5.34.0
581 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
582 status:
583 completionTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:56Z"
584 conditions:
585 - lastProbeTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:56Z"
586 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:56Z"
587 message: Reached expected number of succeeded pods
588 reason: CompletionsReached
589 status: "True"
590 type: SuccessCriteriaMet
591 - lastProbeTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:56Z"
592 lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:56Z"
593 message: Reached expected number of succeeded pods
594 reason: CompletionsReached
595 status: "True"
596 type: Complete
597 ready: 0
598 startTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:27Z"
599 succeeded: 1
600 terminating: 0
601 uncountedTerminatedPods: {}
602 "#;
604 let j = serde_yaml::from_str(job).unwrap();
605 assert!(is_job_completed().matches_object(Some(&j)))
606 }
608 #[test]
609 fn job_completed_running() {
611 use super::{is_job_completed, Condition};
613 let job = r#"
614 apiVersion: batch/v1
615 kind: Job
616 metadata:
617 name: pi
618 namespace: default
619 spec:
620 backoffLimit: 4
621 completionMode: NonIndexed
622 completions: 1
623 manualSelector: false
624 parallelism: 1
625 template:
626 spec:
627 containers:
628 - name: pi
629 command:
630 - perl
631 - -Mbignum=bpi
632 - -wle
633 - print bpi(2000)
634 image: perl:5.34.0
635 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
636 status:
637 active: 1
638 ready: 0
639 startTime: "2025-03-06T05:27:27Z"
640 terminating: 0
641 uncountedTerminatedPods: {}
642 "#;
644 let j = serde_yaml::from_str(job).unwrap();
645 assert!(!is_job_completed().matches_object(Some(&j)))
646 }
648 #[test]
649 fn job_completed_missing() {
651 use super::{is_job_completed, Condition};
653 assert!(!is_job_completed().matches_object(None))
654 }
656 #[test]
657 fn deployment_completed_ok() {
659 use super::{is_deployment_completed, Condition};
661 let depl = r#"
662 apiVersion: apps/v1
663 kind: Deployment
664 metadata:
665 name: testapp
666 namespace: default
667 spec:
668 progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
669 replicas: 3
670 revisionHistoryLimit: 10
671 selector:
672 matchLabels:
673 app: test
674 strategy:
675 rollingUpdate:
676 maxSurge: 25%
677 maxUnavailable: 25%
678 type: RollingUpdate
679 template:
680 metadata:
681 creationTimestamp: null
682 labels:
683 app: test
684 spec:
685 containers:
686 - image: postgres
687 imagePullPolicy: Always
688 name: postgres
689 ports:
690 - containerPort: 5432
691 protocol: TCP
692 env:
694 value: foobar
695 status:
696 availableReplicas: 3
697 conditions:
698 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T06:06:57Z"
699 lastUpdateTime: "2025-03-06T06:06:57Z"
700 message: Deployment has minimum availability.
701 reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable
702 status: "True"
703 type: Available
704 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T06:03:20Z"
705 lastUpdateTime: "2025-03-06T06:06:57Z"
706 message: ReplicaSet "testapp-7fcd4b58c9" has successfully progressed.
707 reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable
708 status: "True"
709 type: Progressing
710 observedGeneration: 2
711 readyReplicas: 3
712 replicas: 3
713 updatedReplicas: 3
714 "#;
716 let d = serde_yaml::from_str(depl).unwrap();
717 assert!(is_deployment_completed().matches_object(Some(&d)))
718 }
720 #[test]
721 fn deployment_completed_pending() {
723 use super::{is_deployment_completed, Condition};
725 let depl = r#"
726 apiVersion: apps/v1
727 kind: Deployment
728 metadata:
729 name: testapp
730 namespace: default
731 spec:
732 progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
733 replicas: 3
734 revisionHistoryLimit: 10
735 selector:
736 matchLabels:
737 app: test
738 strategy:
739 rollingUpdate:
740 maxSurge: 25%
741 maxUnavailable: 25%
742 type: RollingUpdate
743 template:
744 metadata:
745 creationTimestamp: null
746 labels:
747 app: test
748 spec:
749 containers:
750 - image: postgres
751 imagePullPolicy: Always
752 name: postgres
753 ports:
754 - containerPort: 5432
755 protocol: TCP
756 env:
758 value: foobar
759 status:
760 conditions:
761 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T06:03:20Z"
762 lastUpdateTime: "2025-03-06T06:03:20Z"
763 message: Deployment does not have minimum availability.
764 reason: MinimumReplicasUnavailable
765 status: "False"
766 type: Available
767 - lastTransitionTime: "2025-03-06T06:03:20Z"
768 lastUpdateTime: "2025-03-06T06:03:20Z"
769 message: ReplicaSet "testapp-77789cd7d4" is progressing.
770 reason: ReplicaSetUpdated
771 status: "True"
772 type: Progressing
773 observedGeneration: 1
774 replicas: 3
775 unavailableReplicas: 3
776 updatedReplicas: 3
777 "#;
779 let d = serde_yaml::from_str(depl).unwrap();
780 assert!(!is_deployment_completed().matches_object(Some(&d)))
781 }
783 #[test]
784 fn deployment_completed_missing() {
786 use super::{is_deployment_completed, Condition};
788 assert!(!is_deployment_completed().matches_object(None))
789 }
791 #[test]
792 fn service_lb_provisioned_ok_ip() {
794 use super::{is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned, Condition};
796 let service = r"
797 apiVersion: v1
798 kind: Service
799 metadata:
800 name: test
801 spec:
802 selector:
803 app.kubernetes.io/name: test
804 type: LoadBalancer
805 ports:
806 - protocol: TCP
807 port: 80
808 targetPort: 9376
809 clusterIP:
810 status:
811 loadBalancer:
812 ingress:
813 - ip:
814 ";
816 let s = serde_yaml::from_str(service).unwrap();
817 assert!(is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&s)))
818 }
820 #[test]
821 fn service_lb_provisioned_ok_hostname() {
823 use super::{is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned, Condition};
825 let service = r"
826 apiVersion: v1
827 kind: Service
828 metadata:
829 name: test
830 spec:
831 selector:
832 app.kubernetes.io/name: test
833 type: LoadBalancer
834 ports:
835 - protocol: TCP
836 port: 80
837 targetPort: 9376
838 clusterIP:
839 status:
840 loadBalancer:
841 ingress:
842 - hostname: example.exposed.service
843 ";
845 let s = serde_yaml::from_str(service).unwrap();
846 assert!(is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&s)))
847 }
849 #[test]
850 fn service_lb_provisioned_pending() {
852 use super::{is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned, Condition};
854 let service = r"
855 apiVersion: v1
856 kind: Service
857 metadata:
858 name: test
859 spec:
860 selector:
861 app.kubernetes.io/name: test
862 type: LoadBalancer
863 ports:
864 - protocol: TCP
865 port: 80
866 targetPort: 9376
867 clusterIP:
868 status:
869 loadBalancer: {}
870 ";
872 let s = serde_yaml::from_str(service).unwrap();
873 assert!(!is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&s)))
874 }
876 #[test]
877 fn service_lb_provisioned_not_loadbalancer() {
879 use super::{is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned, Condition};
881 let service = r"
882 apiVersion: v1
883 kind: Service
884 metadata:
885 name: test
886 spec:
887 selector:
888 app.kubernetes.io/name: test
889 type: ClusterIP
890 ports:
891 - protocol: TCP
892 port: 80
893 targetPort: 9376
894 status:
895 loadBalancer: {}
896 ";
898 let s = serde_yaml::from_str(service).unwrap();
899 assert!(is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&s)))
900 }
902 #[test]
903 fn service_lb_provisioned_missing() {
905 use super::{is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned, Condition};
907 assert!(!is_service_loadbalancer_provisioned().matches_object(None))
908 }
910 #[test]
911 fn ingress_provisioned_ok_ip() {
913 use super::{is_ingress_provisioned, Condition};
915 let ingress = r#"
916 apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
917 kind: Ingress
918 metadata:
919 name: test
920 namespace: default
921 resourceVersion: "1401"
922 uid: d653ee4d-0adb-40d9-b03c-7f84f35d4a67
923 spec:
924 ingressClassName: nginx
925 rules:
926 - host: httpbin.local
927 http:
928 paths:
929 - path: /
930 backend:
931 service:
932 name: httpbin
933 port:
934 number: 80
935 status:
936 loadBalancer:
937 ingress:
938 - ip:
939 "#;
941 let i = serde_yaml::from_str(ingress).unwrap();
942 assert!(is_ingress_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&i)))
943 }
945 #[test]
946 fn ingress_provisioned_ok_hostname() {
948 use super::{is_ingress_provisioned, Condition};
950 let ingress = r#"
951 apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
952 kind: Ingress
953 metadata:
954 name: test
955 namespace: default
956 resourceVersion: "1401"
957 uid: d653ee4d-0adb-40d9-b03c-7f84f35d4a67
958 spec:
959 ingressClassName: nginx
960 rules:
961 - host: httpbin.local
962 http:
963 paths:
964 - path: /
965 backend:
966 service:
967 name: httpbin
968 port:
969 number: 80
970 status:
971 loadBalancer:
972 ingress:
973 - hostname: example.exposed.service
974 "#;
976 let i = serde_yaml::from_str(ingress).unwrap();
977 assert!(is_ingress_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&i)))
978 }
980 #[test]
981 fn ingress_provisioned_pending() {
983 use super::{is_ingress_provisioned, Condition};
985 let ingress = r#"
986 apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
987 kind: Ingress
988 metadata:
989 name: test
990 namespace: default
991 resourceVersion: "1401"
992 uid: d653ee4d-0adb-40d9-b03c-7f84f35d4a67
993 spec:
994 ingressClassName: nginx
995 rules:
996 - host: httpbin.local
997 http:
998 paths:
999 - path: /
1000 backend:
1001 service:
1002 name: httpbin
1003 port:
1004 number: 80
1005 status:
1006 loadBalancer: {}
1007 "#;
1009 let i = serde_yaml::from_str(ingress).unwrap();
1010 assert!(!is_ingress_provisioned().matches_object(Some(&i)))
1011 }
1013 #[test]
1014 fn ingress_provisioned_missing() {
1016 use super::{is_ingress_provisioned, Condition};
1018 assert!(!is_ingress_provisioned().matches_object(None))
1019 }
1020 }
1023pub mod delete {
1025 use super::{await_condition, conditions};
1026 use kube_client::{api::DeleteParams, Api, Resource};
1027 use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
1028 use std::fmt::Debug;
1029 use thiserror::Error;
1031 #[derive(Debug, Error)]
1032 pub enum Error {
1033 #[error("deleted object has no UID to wait for")]
1034 NoUid,
1035 #[error("failed to delete object: {0}")]
1036 Delete(#[source] kube_client::Error),
1037 #[error("failed to wait for object to be deleted: {0}")]
1038 Await(#[source] super::Error),
1039 }
1041 #[allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)]
1047 pub async fn delete_and_finalize<K: Clone + Debug + Send + DeserializeOwned + Resource + 'static>(
1048 api: Api<K>,
1049 name: &str,
1050 delete_params: &DeleteParams,
1051 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
1052 let deleted_obj_uid = api
1053 .delete(name, delete_params)
1054 .await
1055 .map_err(Error::Delete)?
1056 .either(
1057 |mut obj| obj.meta_mut().uid.take(),
1058 |status| status.details.map(|details| details.uid),
1059 )
1060 .ok_or(Error::NoUid)?;
1061 await_condition(api, name, conditions::is_deleted(&deleted_obj_uid))
1062 .await
1063 .map_err(Error::Await)?;
1064 Ok(())
1065 }