
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Lance Authors
4use std::{collections::HashSet, ops::Range, sync::Arc};
6use arrow_array::BooleanArray;
7use deepsize::{Context, DeepSizeOf};
8use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
10/// Threshold for when a DeletionVector::Set should be promoted to a DeletionVector::Bitmap.
11const BITMAP_THRESDHOLD: usize = 5_000;
12// TODO: Benchmark to find a better value.
14/// Represents a set of deleted row offsets in a single fragment.
15#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
16pub enum DeletionVector {
17    NoDeletions,
18    Set(HashSet<u32>),
19    Bitmap(RoaringBitmap),
22impl DeepSizeOf for DeletionVector {
23    fn deep_size_of_children(&self, context: &mut Context) -> usize {
24        match self {
25            Self::NoDeletions => 0,
26            Self::Set(set) => set.deep_size_of_children(context),
27            // Inexact but probably close enough
28            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.serialized_size(),
29        }
30    }
33impl DeletionVector {
34    #[allow(dead_code)] // Used in tests
35    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
36        match self {
37            Self::NoDeletions => 0,
38            Self::Set(set) => set.len(),
39            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.len() as usize,
40        }
41    }
43    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
44        self.len() == 0
45    }
47    pub fn contains(&self, i: u32) -> bool {
48        match self {
49            Self::NoDeletions => false,
50            Self::Set(set) => set.contains(&i),
51            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.contains(i),
52        }
53    }
55    pub fn contains_range(&self, mut range: Range<u32>) -> bool {
56        match self {
57            Self::NoDeletions => range.is_empty(),
58            Self::Set(set) => range.all(|i| set.contains(&i)),
59            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.contains_range(range),
60        }
61    }
63    fn range_cardinality(&self, range: Range<u32>) -> u64 {
64        match self {
65            Self::NoDeletions => 0,
66            Self::Set(set) => range.fold(0, |acc, i| acc + set.contains(&i) as u64),
67            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.range_cardinality(range),
68        }
69    }
71    pub fn iter(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32> + Send + '_> {
72        match self {
73            Self::NoDeletions => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
74            Self::Set(set) => Box::new(set.iter().copied()),
75            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => Box::new(bitmap.iter()),
76        }
77    }
79    pub fn into_sorted_iter(self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32> + Send + 'static> {
80        match self {
81            Self::NoDeletions => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
82            Self::Set(set) => {
83                // If we're using a set we shouldn't have too many values
84                // and so this conversion should be affordable.
85                let mut values = Vec::from_iter(set);
86                values.sort();
87                Box::new(values.into_iter())
88            }
89            // Bitmaps always iterate in sorted order
90            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => Box::new(bitmap.into_iter()),
91        }
92    }
94    /// Create an iterator that iterates over the values in the deletion vector in sorted order.
95    pub fn to_sorted_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = u32> + Send + 'a> {
96        match self {
97            Self::NoDeletions => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
98            // We have to make a clone when we're using a set
99            // but sets should be relatively small.
100            Self::Set(_) => self.clone().into_sorted_iter(),
101            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => Box::new(bitmap.iter()),
102        }
103    }
105    // Note: deletion vectors are based on 32-bit offsets.  However, this function works
106    // even when given 64-bit row addresses.  That is because `id as u32` returns the lower
107    // 32 bits (the row offset) and the upper 32 bits are ignored.
108    pub fn build_predicate(&self, row_ids: std::slice::Iter<u64>) -> Option<BooleanArray> {
109        match self {
110            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => Some(
111                row_ids
112                    .map(|&id| !bitmap.contains(id as u32))
113                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
114            ),
115            Self::Set(set) => Some(
116                row_ids
117                    .map(|&id| !set.contains(&(id as u32)))
118                    .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
119            ),
120            Self::NoDeletions => None,
121        }
122        .map(BooleanArray::from)
123    }
126/// Maps a naive offset into a fragment to the local row offset that is
127/// not deleted.
129/// For example, if the deletion vector is [0, 1, 2], then the mapping
130/// would be:
132/// - 0 -> 3
133/// - 1 -> 4
134/// - 2 -> 5
136/// and so on.
138/// This expects a monotonically increasing sequence of input offsets. State
139/// is re-used between calls to `map_offset` to make the mapping more efficient.
140pub struct OffsetMapper {
141    dv: Arc<DeletionVector>,
142    left: u32,
143    last_diff: u32,
146impl OffsetMapper {
147    pub fn new(dv: Arc<DeletionVector>) -> Self {
148        Self {
149            dv,
150            left: 0,
151            last_diff: 0,
152        }
153    }
155    pub fn map_offset(&mut self, offset: u32) -> u32 {
156        // The best initial guess is the offset + last diff. That's the right
157        // answer if there are no deletions in the range between the last
158        // offset and the current one.
159        let mut mid = offset + self.last_diff;
160        let mut right = offset + self.dv.len() as u32;
161        loop {
162            let deleted_in_range = self.dv.range_cardinality(0..(mid + 1)) as u32;
163            match mid.cmp(&(offset + deleted_in_range)) {
164                std::cmp::Ordering::Equal if !self.dv.contains(mid) => {
165                    self.last_diff = mid - offset;
166                    return mid;
167                }
168                std::cmp::Ordering::Less => {
169                    assert_ne!(self.left, mid + 1);
170                    self.left = mid + 1;
171                    mid = self.left + (right - self.left) / 2;
172                }
173                // There are cases where the mid is deleted but also equal in
174                // comparison. For those we need to find a lower value.
175                std::cmp::Ordering::Greater | std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {
176                    right = mid;
177                    mid = self.left + (right - self.left) / 2;
178                }
179            }
180        }
181    }
184impl Default for DeletionVector {
185    fn default() -> Self {
186        Self::NoDeletions
187    }
190impl From<&DeletionVector> for RoaringBitmap {
191    fn from(value: &DeletionVector) -> Self {
192        match value {
193            DeletionVector::Bitmap(bitmap) => bitmap.clone(),
194            DeletionVector::Set(set) => Self::from_iter(set.iter()),
195            DeletionVector::NoDeletions => Self::new(),
196        }
197    }
200impl PartialEq for DeletionVector {
201    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
202        match (self, other) {
203            (Self::NoDeletions, Self::NoDeletions) => true,
204            (Self::Set(set1), Self::Set(set2)) => set1 == set2,
205            (Self::Bitmap(bitmap1), Self::Bitmap(bitmap2)) => bitmap1 == bitmap2,
206            (Self::Set(set), Self::Bitmap(bitmap)) | (Self::Bitmap(bitmap), Self::Set(set)) => {
207                let set = set.iter().copied().collect::<RoaringBitmap>();
208                set == *bitmap
209            }
210            _ => false,
211        }
212    }
215impl Extend<u32> for DeletionVector {
216    fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = u32>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
217        let iter = iter.into_iter();
218        // The mem::replace allows changing the variant of Self when we only
219        // have &mut Self.
220        *self = match (std::mem::take(self), iter.size_hint()) {
221            (Self::NoDeletions, (_, Some(0))) => Self::NoDeletions,
222            (Self::NoDeletions, (lower, _)) if lower >= BITMAP_THRESDHOLD => {
223                let bitmap = iter.collect::<RoaringBitmap>();
224                Self::Bitmap(bitmap)
225            }
226            (Self::NoDeletions, (_, Some(upper))) if upper < BITMAP_THRESDHOLD => {
227                let set = iter.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
228                Self::Set(set)
229            }
230            (Self::NoDeletions, _) => {
231                // We don't know the size, so just try as a set and move to bitmap
232                // if it ends up being big.
233                let set = iter.collect::<HashSet<_>>();
234                if set.len() > BITMAP_THRESDHOLD {
235                    let bitmap = set.into_iter().collect::<RoaringBitmap>();
236                    Self::Bitmap(bitmap)
237                } else {
238                    Self::Set(set)
239                }
240            }
241            (Self::Set(mut set), _) => {
242                set.extend(iter);
243                if set.len() > BITMAP_THRESDHOLD {
244                    let bitmap = set.drain().collect::<RoaringBitmap>();
245                    Self::Bitmap(bitmap)
246                } else {
247                    Self::Set(set)
248                }
249            }
250            (Self::Bitmap(mut bitmap), _) => {
251                bitmap.extend(iter);
252                Self::Bitmap(bitmap)
253            }
254        };
255    }
258// TODO: impl methods for DeletionVector
259/// impl DeletionVector {
260///     pub fn get(i: u32) -> bool { ... }
261/// }
262/// impl BitAnd for DeletionVector { ... }
263impl IntoIterator for DeletionVector {
264    type IntoIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Self::Item> + Send>;
265    type Item = u32;
267    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
268        match self {
269            Self::NoDeletions => Box::new(std::iter::empty()),
270            Self::Set(set) => {
271                // In many cases, it's much better if this is sorted. It's
272                // guaranteed to be small, so the cost is low.
273                let mut sorted = set.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
274                sorted.sort();
275                Box::new(sorted.into_iter())
276            }
277            Self::Bitmap(bitmap) => Box::new(bitmap.into_iter()),
278        }
279    }
282impl FromIterator<u32> for DeletionVector {
283    fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = u32>>(iter: T) -> Self {
284        let mut deletion_vector = Self::default();
285        deletion_vector.extend(iter);
286        deletion_vector
287    }
291mod test {
292    use super::*;
294    #[test]
295    fn test_deletion_vector() {
296        let set = HashSet::from_iter(0..100);
297        let bitmap = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(0..100);
299        let set_dv = DeletionVector::Set(set);
300        let bitmap_dv = DeletionVector::Bitmap(bitmap);
302        assert_eq!(set_dv, bitmap_dv);
303    }
305    #[test]
306    fn test_threshold() {
307        let dv = DeletionVector::from_iter(0..(BITMAP_THRESDHOLD as u32));
308        assert!(matches!(dv, DeletionVector::Bitmap(_)));
309    }
311    #[test]
312    fn test_map_offsets() {
313        let dv = DeletionVector::from_iter(vec![3, 5]);
314        let mut mapper = OffsetMapper::new(Arc::new(dv));
316        let offsets = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
317        let mut output = Vec::new();
318        for offset in offsets.iter() {
319            output.push(mapper.map_offset(*offset));
320        }
321        assert_eq!(output, vec![0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]);
323        let dv = DeletionVector::from_iter(vec![0, 1, 2]);
324        let mut mapper = OffsetMapper::new(Arc::new(dv));
326        let offsets = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
328        let mut output = Vec::new();
329        for offset in offsets.iter() {
330            output.push(mapper.map_offset(*offset));
331        }
332        assert_eq!(output, vec![3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
333    }