
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Lance Authors
4//! Utilities and traits for scheduling & decoding data
6//! Reading data involves two steps: scheduling and decoding.  The
7//! scheduling step is responsible for figuring out what data is needed
8//! and issuing the appropriate I/O requests.  The decoding step is
9//! responsible for taking the loaded data and turning it into Arrow
10//! arrays.
12//! # Scheduling
14//! Scheduling is split into [`self::FieldScheduler`] and [`self::PageScheduler`].
15//! There is one field scheduler for each output field, which may map to many
16//! columns of actual data.  A field scheduler is responsible for figuring out
17//! the order in which pages should be scheduled.  Field schedulers then delegate
18//! to page schedulers to figure out the I/O requests that need to be made for
19//! the page.
21//! Page schedulers also create the decoders that will be used to decode the
22//! scheduled data.
24//! # Decoding
26//! Decoders are split into [`self::PhysicalPageDecoder`] and
27//! [`self::LogicalPageDecoder`].  Note that both physical and logical decoding
28//! happens on a per-page basis.  There is no concept of a "field decoder" or
29//! "column decoder".
31//! The physical decoders handle lower level encodings.  They have a few advantages:
33//!  * They do not need to decode into an Arrow array and so they don't need
34//!    to be enveloped into the Arrow filesystem (e.g. Arrow doesn't have a
35//!    bit-packed type.  We can use variable-length binary but that is kind
36//!    of awkward)
37//!  * They can decode into an existing allocation.  This can allow for "page
38//!    bridging".  If we are trying to decode into a batch of 1024 rows and
39//!    the rows 0..1024 are spread across two pages then we can avoid a memory
40//!    copy by allocating once and decoding each page into the outer allocation.
41//!    (note: page bridging is not actually implemented yet)
43//! However, there are some limitations for physical decoders:
45//!  * They are constrained to a single column
46//!  * The API is more complex
48//! The logical decoders are designed to map one or more columns of Lance
49//! data into an Arrow array.
51//! Typically, a "logical encoding" will have both a logical decoder and a field scheduler.
52//! Meanwhile, a "physical encoding" will have a physical decoder but no corresponding field
53//! scheduler.git add --all
56//! # General notes
58//! Encodings are typically nested into each other to form a tree.  The top of the tree is
59//! the user requested schema.  Each field in that schema is assigned to one top-level logical
60//! encoding.  That encoding can then contain other logical encodings or physical encodings.
61//! Physical encodings can also contain other physical encodings.
63//! So, for example, a single field in the Arrow schema might have the type List<UInt32>
65//! The encoding tree could then be:
67//! root: List (logical encoding)
68//!  - indices: Primitive (logical encoding)
69//!    - column: Basic (physical encoding)
70//!      - validity: Bitmap (physical encoding)
71//!      - values: RLE (physical encoding)
72//!        - runs: Value (physical encoding)
73//!        - values: Value (physical encoding)
74//!  - items: Primitive (logical encoding)
75//!    - column: Basic (physical encoding)
76//!      - values: Value (physical encoding)
78//! Note that, in this example, root.items.column does not have a validity because there were
79//! no nulls in the page.
81//! ## Multiple buffers or multiple columns?
83//! Note that there are many different ways we can write encodings.  For example, we might
84//! store primitive fields in a single column with two buffers (one for validity and one for
85//! values)
87//! On the other hand, we could also store a primitive field as two different columns.  One
88//! that yields a non-nullable boolean array and one that yields a non-nullable array of items.
89//! Then we could combine these two arrays into a single array where the boolean array is the
90//! bitmap.  There are a few subtle differences between the approaches:
92//! * Storing things as multiple buffers within the same column is generally more efficient and
93//!   easier to schedule.  For example, in-batch coalescing is very easy but can only be done
94//!   on data that is in the same page.
95//! * When things are stored in multiple columns you have to worry about their pages not being
96//!   in sync.  In our previous validity / values example this means we might have to do some
97//!   memory copies to get the validity array and values arrays to be the same length as
98//!   decode.
99//! * When things are stored in a single column, projection is impossible.  For example, if we
100//!   tried to store all the struct fields in a single column with lots of buffers then we wouldn't
101//!   be able to read back individual fields of the struct.
103//! The fixed size list decoding is an interesting example because it is actually both a physical
104//! encoding and a logical encoding.  A fixed size list of a physical encoding is, itself, a physical
105//! encoding (e.g. a fixed size list of doubles).  However, a fixed size list of a logical encoding
106//! is a logical encoding (e.g. a fixed size list of structs).
108//! # The scheduling loop
110//! Reading a Lance file involves both scheduling and decoding.  Its generally expected that these
111//! will run as two separate threads.
113//! ```text
115//!                                    I/O PARALLELISM
116//!                       Issues
117//!                       Requests   ┌─────────────────┐
118//!                                  │                 │        Wait for
119//!                       ┌──────────►   I/O Service   ├─────►  Enough I/O ◄─┐
120//!                       │          │                 │        For batch    │
121//!                       │          └─────────────────┘             │3      │
122//!                       │                                          │       │
123//!                       │                                          │       │2
124//! ┌─────────────────────┴─┐                              ┌─────────▼───────┴┐
125//! │                       │                              │                  │Poll
126//! │       Batch Decode    │ Decode tasks sent via channel│   Batch Decode   │1
127//! │       Scheduler       ├─────────────────────────────►│   Stream         ◄─────
128//! │                       │                              │                  │
129//! └─────▲─────────────┬───┘                              └─────────┬────────┘
130//!       │             │                                            │4
131//!       │             │                                            │
132//!       └─────────────┘                                   ┌────────┴────────┐
133//!  Caller of schedule_range                Buffer polling │                 │
134//!  will be scheduler thread                to achieve CPU │ Decode Batch    ├────►
135//!  and schedule one decode                 parallelism    │ Task            │
136//!  task (and all needed I/O)               (thread per    │                 │
137//!  per logical page                         batch)        └─────────────────┘
138//! ```
140//! The scheduling thread will work through the file from the
141//! start to the end as quickly as possible.  Data is scheduled one page at a time in a row-major
142//! fashion.  For example, imagine we have a file with the following page structure:
144//! ```text
145//! Score (Float32)     | C0P0 |
146//! Id (16-byte UUID)   | C1P0 | C1P1 | C1P2 | C1P3 |
147//! Vector (4096 bytes) | C2P0 | C2P1 | C2P2 | C2P3 | .. | C2P1024 |
148//! ```
150//! This would be quite common as each of these pages has the same number of bytes.  Let's pretend
151//! each page is 1MiB and so there are 256Ki rows of data.  Each page of `Score` has 256Ki rows.
152//! Each page of `Id` has 64Ki rows.  Each page of `Vector` has 256 rows.  The scheduler would then
153//! schedule in the following order:
155//! C0 P0
156//! C1 P0
157//! C2 P0
158//! C2 P1
159//! ... (254 pages omitted)
160//! C2 P255
161//! C1 P1
162//! C2 P256
163//! ... (254 pages omitted)
164//! C2 P511
165//! C1 P2
166//! C2 P512
167//! ... (254 pages omitted)
168//! C2 P767
169//! C1 P3
170//! C2 P768
171//! ... (254 pages omitted)
172//! C2 P1024
174//! This is the ideal scheduling order because it means we can decode complete rows as quickly as possible.
175//! Note that the scheduler thread does not need to wait for I/O to happen at any point.  As soon as it starts
176//! it will start scheduling one page of I/O after another until it has scheduled the entire file's worth of
177//! I/O.  This is slightly different than other file readers which have "row group parallelism" and will
178//! typically only schedule X row groups worth of reads at a time.
180//! In the near future there will be a backpressure mechanism and so it may need to stop/pause if the compute
181//! falls behind.
183//! ## Indirect I/O
185//! Regrettably, there are times where we cannot know exactly what data we need until we have partially decoded
186//! the file.  This happens when we have variable sized list data.  In that case the scheduling task for that
187//! page will only schedule the first part of the read (loading the list offsets).  It will then immediately
188//! spawn a new tokio task to wait for that I/O and decode the list offsets.  That follow-up task is not part
189//! of the scheduling loop or the decode loop.  It is a free task.  Once the list offsets are decoded we submit
190//! a follow-up I/O task.  This task is scheduled at a high priority because the decoder is going to need it soon.
192//! # The decode loop
194//! As soon as the scheduler starts we can start decoding.  Each time we schedule a page we
195//! push a decoder for that page's data into a channel.  The decode loop
196//! ([`BatchDecodeStream`]) reads from that channel.  Each time it receives a decoder it
197//! waits until the decoder has all of its data.  Then it grabs the next decoder.  Once it has
198//! enough loaded decoders to complete a batch worth of rows it will spawn a "decode batch task".
200//! These batch decode tasks perform the actual CPU work of decoding the loaded data into Arrow
201//! arrays.  This may involve signifciant CPU processing like decompression or arithmetic in order
202//! to restore the data to its correct in-memory representation.
204//! ## Batch size
206//! The `BatchDecodeStream` is configured with a batch size.  This does not need to have any
207//! relation to the page size(s) used to write the data.  This keeps our compute work completely
208//! independent of our I/O work.  We suggest using small batch sizes:
210//!  * Batches should fit in CPU cache (at least L3)
211//!  * More batches means more opportunity for parallelism
212//!  * The "batch overhead" is very small in Lance compared to other formats because it has no
213//!    relation to the way the data is stored.
215use std::collections::VecDeque;
216use std::sync::Once;
217use std::{ops::Range, sync::Arc};
219use arrow_array::cast::AsArray;
220use arrow_array::{ArrayRef, RecordBatch, RecordBatchIterator, RecordBatchReader};
221use arrow_schema::{ArrowError, DataType, Field as ArrowField, Fields, Schema as ArrowSchema};
222use bytes::Bytes;
223use futures::future::{maybe_done, BoxFuture, MaybeDone};
224use futures::stream::{self, BoxStream};
225use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
226use lance_arrow::DataTypeExt;
227use lance_core::cache::{CapacityMode, FileMetadataCache};
228use lance_core::datatypes::{Field, Schema, BLOB_DESC_LANCE_FIELD};
229use log::{debug, trace, warn};
230use snafu::location;
231use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendError;
232use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, unbounded_channel};
234use lance_core::{ArrowResult, Error, Result};
235use tracing::instrument;
237use crate::buffer::LanceBuffer;
238use crate::data::{DataBlock, FixedWidthDataBlock, VariableWidthBlock};
239use crate::encoder::{values_column_encoding, EncodedBatch};
240use crate::encodings::logical::binary::BinaryFieldScheduler;
241use crate::encodings::logical::blob::BlobFieldScheduler;
242use crate::encodings::logical::list::{
243    ListFieldScheduler, OffsetPageInfo, StructuralListScheduler,
245use crate::encodings::logical::primitive::{
246    PrimitiveFieldScheduler, StructuralPrimitiveFieldScheduler,
248use crate::encodings::logical::r#struct::{
249    SimpleStructDecoder, SimpleStructScheduler, StructuralStructDecoder, StructuralStructScheduler,
251use crate::encodings::physical::binary::{
252    BinaryBlockDecompressor, BinaryMiniBlockDecompressor, VariableDecoder,
254use crate::encodings::physical::bitpack_fastlanes::BitpackMiniBlockDecompressor;
255use crate::encodings::physical::fsst::{FsstMiniBlockDecompressor, FsstPerValueDecompressor};
256use crate::encodings::physical::struct_encoding::PackedStructFixedWidthMiniBlockDecompressor;
257use crate::encodings::physical::value::{ConstantDecompressor, ValueDecompressor};
258use crate::encodings::physical::{ColumnBuffers, FileBuffers};
259use crate::format::pb::{self, column_encoding};
260use crate::repdef::{CompositeRepDefUnraveler, RepDefUnraveler};
261use crate::version::LanceFileVersion;
262use crate::{BufferScheduler, EncodingsIo};
264// If users are getting batches over 10MiB large then it's time to reduce the batch size
265const BATCH_SIZE_BYTES_WARNING: u64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
267/// Top-level encoding message for a page.  Wraps both the
268/// legacy pb::ArrayEncoding and the newer pb::PageLayout
270/// A file should only use one or the other and never both.
271/// 2.0 decoders can always assume this is pb::ArrayEncoding
272/// and 2.1+ decoders can always assume this is pb::PageLayout
274pub enum PageEncoding {
275    Legacy(pb::ArrayEncoding),
276    Structural(pb::PageLayout),
279impl PageEncoding {
280    pub fn as_legacy(&self) -> &pb::ArrayEncoding {
281        match self {
282            Self::Legacy(enc) => enc,
283            Self::Structural(_) => panic!("Expected a legacy encoding"),
284        }
285    }
287    pub fn as_structural(&self) -> &pb::PageLayout {
288        match self {
289            Self::Structural(enc) => enc,
290            Self::Legacy(_) => panic!("Expected a structural encoding"),
291        }
292    }
294    pub fn is_structural(&self) -> bool {
295        matches!(self, Self::Structural(_))
296    }
299/// Metadata describing a page in a file
301/// This is typically created by reading the metadata section of a Lance file
303pub struct PageInfo {
304    /// The number of rows in the page
305    pub num_rows: u64,
306    /// The priority (top level row number) of the page
307    ///
308    /// This is only set in 2.1 files and will be 0 for 2.0 files
309    pub priority: u64,
310    /// The encoding that explains the buffers in the page
311    pub encoding: PageEncoding,
312    /// The offsets and sizes of the buffers in the file
313    pub buffer_offsets_and_sizes: Arc<[(u64, u64)]>,
316/// Metadata describing a column in a file
318/// This is typically created by reading the metadata section of a Lance file
319#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
320pub struct ColumnInfo {
321    /// The index of the column in the file
322    pub index: u32,
323    /// The metadata for each page in the column
324    pub page_infos: Arc<[PageInfo]>,
325    /// File positions and their sizes of the column-level buffers
326    pub buffer_offsets_and_sizes: Arc<[(u64, u64)]>,
327    pub encoding: pb::ColumnEncoding,
330impl ColumnInfo {
331    /// Create a new instance
332    pub fn new(
333        index: u32,
334        page_infos: Arc<[PageInfo]>,
335        buffer_offsets_and_sizes: Vec<(u64, u64)>,
336        encoding: pb::ColumnEncoding,
337    ) -> Self {
338        Self {
339            index,
340            page_infos,
341            buffer_offsets_and_sizes: buffer_offsets_and_sizes.into_boxed_slice().into(),
342            encoding,
343        }
344    }
346    pub fn is_structural(&self) -> bool {
347        self.page_infos
348            // Can just look at the first since all should be the same
349            .first()
350            .map(|page| page.encoding.is_structural())
351            .unwrap_or(false)
352    }
355enum RootScheduler {
356    Structural(Box<dyn StructuralFieldScheduler>),
357    Legacy(Arc<dyn FieldScheduler>),
360impl RootScheduler {
361    fn as_legacy(&self) -> &Arc<dyn FieldScheduler> {
362        match self {
363            Self::Structural(_) => panic!("Expected a legacy scheduler"),
364            Self::Legacy(s) => s,
365        }
366    }
368    fn as_structural(&self) -> &dyn StructuralFieldScheduler {
369        match self {
370            Self::Structural(s) => s.as_ref(),
371            Self::Legacy(_) => panic!("Expected a structural scheduler"),
372        }
373    }
376/// The scheduler for decoding batches
378/// Lance decoding is done in two steps, scheduling, and decoding.  The
379/// scheduling tends to be lightweight and should quickly figure what data
380/// is needed from the disk issue the appropriate I/O requests.  A decode task is
381/// created to eventually decode the data (once it is loaded) and scheduling
382/// moves on to scheduling the next page.
384/// Meanwhile, it's expected that a decode stream will be setup to run at the
385/// same time.  Decode tasks take the data that is loaded and turn it into
386/// Arrow arrays.
388/// This approach allows us to keep our I/O parallelism and CPU parallelism
389/// completely separate since those are often two very different values.
391/// Backpressure should be achieved via the I/O service.  Requests that are
392/// issued will pile up if the decode stream is not polling quickly enough.
393/// The [`crate::EncodingsIo::submit_request`] function should return a pending
394/// future once there are too many I/O requests in flight.
396/// TODO: Implement backpressure
397pub struct DecodeBatchScheduler {
398    root_scheduler: RootScheduler,
399    pub root_fields: Fields,
400    cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>,
403pub struct ColumnInfoIter<'a> {
404    column_infos: Vec<Arc<ColumnInfo>>,
405    column_indices: &'a [u32],
406    column_info_pos: usize,
407    column_indices_pos: usize,
410impl<'a> ColumnInfoIter<'a> {
411    pub fn new(column_infos: Vec<Arc<ColumnInfo>>, column_indices: &'a [u32]) -> Self {
412        let initial_pos = column_indices[0] as usize;
413        Self {
414            column_infos,
415            column_indices,
416            column_info_pos: initial_pos,
417            column_indices_pos: 0,
418        }
419    }
421    pub fn peek(&self) -> &Arc<ColumnInfo> {
422        &self.column_infos[self.column_info_pos]
423    }
425    pub fn peek_transform(&mut self, transform: impl FnOnce(Arc<ColumnInfo>) -> Arc<ColumnInfo>) {
426        let column_info = self.column_infos[self.column_info_pos].clone();
427        let transformed = transform(column_info);
428        self.column_infos[self.column_info_pos] = transformed;
429    }
431    pub fn expect_next(&mut self) -> Result<&Arc<ColumnInfo>> {
432|| {
433            Error::invalid_input(
434                "there were more fields in the schema than provided column indices / infos",
435                location!(),
436            )
437        })
438    }
440    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&Arc<ColumnInfo>> {
441        if self.column_info_pos < self.column_infos.len() {
442            let info = &self.column_infos[self.column_info_pos];
443            self.column_info_pos += 1;
444            Some(info)
445        } else {
446            None
447        }
448    }
450    pub(crate) fn next_top_level(&mut self) {
451        self.column_indices_pos += 1;
452        if self.column_indices_pos < self.column_indices.len() {
453            self.column_info_pos = self.column_indices[self.column_indices_pos] as usize;
454        } else {
455            self.column_info_pos = self.column_infos.len();
456        }
457    }
460pub trait MiniBlockDecompressor: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
461    fn decompress(&self, data: LanceBuffer, num_values: u64) -> Result<DataBlock>;
464pub trait FixedPerValueDecompressor: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
465    /// Decompress one or more values
466    fn decompress(&self, data: FixedWidthDataBlock) -> Result<DataBlock>;
467    /// The number of bits in each value
468    ///
469    /// Currently (and probably long term) this must be a multiple of 8
470    fn bits_per_value(&self) -> u64;
473pub trait VariablePerValueDecompressor: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
474    /// Decompress one or more values
475    fn decompress(&self, data: VariableWidthBlock) -> Result<DataBlock>;
478pub trait BlockDecompressor: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
479    fn decompress(&self, data: LanceBuffer) -> Result<DataBlock>;
482pub trait DecompressorStrategy: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
483    fn create_miniblock_decompressor(
484        &self,
485        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
486    ) -> Result<Box<dyn MiniBlockDecompressor>>;
488    fn create_fixed_per_value_decompressor(
489        &self,
490        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
491    ) -> Result<Box<dyn FixedPerValueDecompressor>>;
493    fn create_variable_per_value_decompressor(
494        &self,
495        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
496    ) -> Result<Box<dyn VariablePerValueDecompressor>>;
498    fn create_block_decompressor(
499        &self,
500        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
501    ) -> Result<Box<dyn BlockDecompressor>>;
504#[derive(Debug, Default)]
505pub struct CoreDecompressorStrategy {}
507impl DecompressorStrategy for CoreDecompressorStrategy {
508    fn create_miniblock_decompressor(
509        &self,
510        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
511    ) -> Result<Box<dyn MiniBlockDecompressor>> {
512        match description.array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap() {
513            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Flat(flat) => {
514                Ok(Box::new(ValueDecompressor::new(flat)))
515            }
516            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Bitpack2(description) => {
517                Ok(Box::new(BitpackMiniBlockDecompressor::new(description)))
518            }
519            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Variable(_) => {
520                Ok(Box::new(BinaryMiniBlockDecompressor::default()))
521            }
522            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Fsst(description) => {
523                Ok(Box::new(FsstMiniBlockDecompressor::new(description)))
524            }
525            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::PackedStructFixedWidthMiniBlock(description) => {
526                Ok(Box::new(PackedStructFixedWidthMiniBlockDecompressor::new(
527                    description,
528                )))
529            }
530            _ => todo!(),
531        }
532    }
534    fn create_fixed_per_value_decompressor(
535        &self,
536        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
537    ) -> Result<Box<dyn FixedPerValueDecompressor>> {
538        match description.array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap() {
539            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Flat(flat) => {
540                Ok(Box::new(ValueDecompressor::new(flat)))
541            }
542            _ => todo!("fixed-per-value decompressor for {:?}", description),
543        }
544    }
546    fn create_variable_per_value_decompressor(
547        &self,
548        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
549    ) -> Result<Box<dyn VariablePerValueDecompressor>> {
550        match *description.array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap() {
551            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Variable(variable) => {
552                assert!(variable.bits_per_offset < u8::MAX as u32);
553                Ok(Box::new(VariableDecoder::default()))
554            }
555            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Fsst(ref fsst) => {
556                Ok(Box::new(FsstPerValueDecompressor::new(
557                    LanceBuffer::from_bytes(fsst.symbol_table.clone(), 1),
558                    Box::new(VariableDecoder::default()),
559                )))
560            }
561            _ => todo!("variable-per-value decompressor for {:?}", description),
562        }
563    }
565    fn create_block_decompressor(
566        &self,
567        description: &pb::ArrayEncoding,
568    ) -> Result<Box<dyn BlockDecompressor>> {
569        match description.array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap() {
570            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Flat(flat) => {
571                Ok(Box::new(ValueDecompressor::new(flat)))
572            }
573            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Constant(constant) => {
574                let scalar = LanceBuffer::from_bytes(constant.value.clone(), 1);
575                Ok(Box::new(ConstantDecompressor::new(
576                    scalar,
577                    constant.num_values,
578                )))
579            }
580            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Variable(_) => {
581                Ok(Box::new(BinaryBlockDecompressor::default()))
582            }
583            _ => todo!(),
584        }
585    }
588/// The core decoder strategy handles all the various Arrow types
590pub struct CoreFieldDecoderStrategy {
591    pub validate_data: bool,
592    pub decompressor_strategy: Arc<dyn DecompressorStrategy>,
595impl Default for CoreFieldDecoderStrategy {
596    fn default() -> Self {
597        Self {
598            validate_data: false,
599            decompressor_strategy: Arc::new(CoreDecompressorStrategy {}),
600        }
601    }
604impl CoreFieldDecoderStrategy {
605    /// This is just a sanity check to ensure there is no "wrapped encodings"
606    /// that haven't been handled.
607    fn ensure_values_encoded(column_info: &ColumnInfo, field_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
608        let column_encoding = column_info
609            .encoding
610            .column_encoding
611            .as_ref()
612            .ok_or_else(|| {
613                Error::invalid_input(
614                    format!(
615                        "the column at index {} was missing a ColumnEncoding",
616                        column_info.index
617                    ),
618                    location!(),
619                )
620            })?;
621        if matches!(
622            column_encoding,
623            pb::column_encoding::ColumnEncoding::Values(_)
624        ) {
625            Ok(())
626        } else {
627            Err(Error::invalid_input(format!("the column at index {} mapping to the input field {} has column encoding {:?} and no decoder is registered to handle it", column_info.index, field_name, column_encoding), location!()))
628        }
629    }
631    fn is_primitive(data_type: &DataType) -> bool {
632        if data_type.is_primitive() {
633            true
634        } else {
635            match data_type {
636                // DataType::is_primitive doesn't consider these primitive but we do
637                DataType::Boolean | DataType::Null | DataType::FixedSizeBinary(_) => true,
638                DataType::FixedSizeList(inner, _) => Self::is_primitive(inner.data_type()),
639                _ => false,
640            }
641        }
642    }
644    fn create_primitive_scheduler(
645        &self,
646        field: &Field,
647        column: &ColumnInfo,
648        buffers: FileBuffers,
649    ) -> Result<Box<dyn FieldScheduler>> {
650        Self::ensure_values_encoded(column, &;
651        // Primitive fields map to a single column
652        let column_buffers = ColumnBuffers {
653            file_buffers: buffers,
654            positions_and_sizes: &column.buffer_offsets_and_sizes,
655        };
656        Ok(Box::new(PrimitiveFieldScheduler::new(
657            column.index,
658            field.data_type(),
659            column.page_infos.clone(),
660            column_buffers,
661            self.validate_data,
662        )))
663    }
665    /// Helper method to verify the page encoding of a struct header column
666    fn check_simple_struct(column_info: &ColumnInfo, field_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
667        Self::ensure_values_encoded(column_info, field_name)?;
668        if column_info.page_infos.len() != 1 {
669            return Err(Error::InvalidInput { source: format!("Due to schema we expected a struct column but we received a column with {} pages and right now we only support struct columns with 1 page", column_info.page_infos.len()).into(), location: location!() });
670        }
671        let encoding = &column_info.page_infos[0].encoding;
672        match encoding.as_legacy().array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap() {
673            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Struct(_) => Ok(()),
674            _ => Err(Error::InvalidInput { source: format!("Expected a struct encoding because we have a struct field in the schema but got the encoding {:?}", encoding).into(), location: location!() }),
675        }
676    }
678    fn check_packed_struct(column_info: &ColumnInfo) -> bool {
679        let encoding = &column_info.page_infos[0].encoding;
680        matches!(
681            encoding.as_legacy().array_encoding.as_ref().unwrap(),
682            pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::PackedStruct(_)
683        )
684    }
686    fn create_list_scheduler(
687        &self,
688        list_field: &Field,
689        column_infos: &mut ColumnInfoIter,
690        buffers: FileBuffers,
691        offsets_column: &ColumnInfo,
692    ) -> Result<Box<dyn FieldScheduler>> {
693        Self::ensure_values_encoded(offsets_column, &;
694        let offsets_column_buffers = ColumnBuffers {
695            file_buffers: buffers,
696            positions_and_sizes: &offsets_column.buffer_offsets_and_sizes,
697        };
698        let items_scheduler =
699            self.create_legacy_field_scheduler(&list_field.children[0], column_infos, buffers)?;
701        let (inner_infos, null_offset_adjustments): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = offsets_column
702            .page_infos
703            .iter()
704            .filter(|offsets_page| offsets_page.num_rows > 0)
705            .map(|offsets_page| {
706                if let Some(pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::List(list_encoding)) =
707                    &offsets_page.encoding.as_legacy().array_encoding
708                {
709                    let inner = PageInfo {
710                        buffer_offsets_and_sizes: offsets_page.buffer_offsets_and_sizes.clone(),
711                        encoding: PageEncoding::Legacy(
712                            list_encoding.offsets.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref().clone(),
713                        ),
714                        num_rows: offsets_page.num_rows,
715                        priority: 0,
716                    };
717                    (
718                        inner,
719                        OffsetPageInfo {
720                            offsets_in_page: offsets_page.num_rows,
721                            null_offset_adjustment: list_encoding.null_offset_adjustment,
722                            num_items_referenced_by_page: list_encoding.num_items,
723                        },
724                    )
725                } else {
726                    // TODO: Should probably return Err here
727                    panic!("Expected a list column");
728                }
729            })
730            .unzip();
731        let inner = Arc::new(PrimitiveFieldScheduler::new(
732            offsets_column.index,
733            DataType::UInt64,
734            Arc::from(inner_infos.into_boxed_slice()),
735            offsets_column_buffers,
736            self.validate_data,
737        )) as Arc<dyn FieldScheduler>;
738        let items_field = match list_field.data_type() {
739            DataType::List(inner) => inner,
740            DataType::LargeList(inner) => inner,
741            _ => unreachable!(),
742        };
743        let offset_type = if matches!(list_field.data_type(), DataType::List(_)) {
744            DataType::Int32
745        } else {
746            DataType::Int64
747        };
748        Ok(Box::new(ListFieldScheduler::new(
749            inner,
750            items_scheduler.into(),
751            items_field,
752            offset_type,
753            null_offset_adjustments,
754        )))
755    }
757    fn unwrap_blob(column_info: &ColumnInfo) -> Option<ColumnInfo> {
758        if let column_encoding::ColumnEncoding::Blob(blob) =
759            column_info.encoding.column_encoding.as_ref().unwrap()
760        {
761            let mut column_info = column_info.clone();
762            column_info.encoding = blob.inner.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref().clone();
763            Some(column_info)
764        } else {
765            None
766        }
767    }
769    fn items_per_row(data_type: &DataType) -> u64 {
770        match data_type {
771            DataType::FixedSizeList(inner, dimension) => {
772                Self::items_per_row(inner.data_type()) * *dimension as u64
773            }
774            _ => 1,
775        }
776    }
778    fn create_structural_field_scheduler(
779        &self,
780        field: &Field,
781        column_infos: &mut ColumnInfoIter,
782    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StructuralFieldScheduler>> {
783        let data_type = field.data_type();
784        if Self::is_primitive(&data_type) {
785            let column_info = column_infos.expect_next()?;
786            let items_per_row = Self::items_per_row(&data_type);
787            let scheduler = Box::new(StructuralPrimitiveFieldScheduler::try_new(
788                column_info.as_ref(),
789                items_per_row,
790                self.decompressor_strategy.as_ref(),
791            )?);
793            // advance to the next top level column
794            column_infos.next_top_level();
796            return Ok(scheduler);
797        }
798        match &data_type {
799            DataType::Struct(fields) => {
800                if field.is_packed_struct() {
801                    let column_info = column_infos.expect_next()?;
802                    let scheduler = Box::new(StructuralPrimitiveFieldScheduler::try_new(
803                        column_info.as_ref(),
804                        1, // items_per_row is always 1, any FSL will get transposed into 1 row
805                        self.decompressor_strategy.as_ref(),
806                    )?);
808                    // advance to the next top level column
809                    column_infos.next_top_level();
811                    return Ok(scheduler);
812                }
813                let mut child_schedulers = Vec::with_capacity(field.children.len());
814                for field in field.children.iter() {
815                    let field_scheduler =
816                        self.create_structural_field_scheduler(field, column_infos)?;
817                    child_schedulers.push(field_scheduler);
818                }
820                let fields = fields.clone();
821                Ok(
822                    Box::new(StructuralStructScheduler::new(child_schedulers, fields))
823                        as Box<dyn StructuralFieldScheduler>,
824                )
825            }
826            DataType::Binary | DataType::Utf8 => {
827                let column_info = column_infos.expect_next()?;
828                let scheduler = Box::new(StructuralPrimitiveFieldScheduler::try_new(
829                    column_info.as_ref(),
830                    /*items_per_row=*/ 1,
831                    self.decompressor_strategy.as_ref(),
832                )?);
833                column_infos.next_top_level();
834                Ok(scheduler)
835            }
836            DataType::List(_) | DataType::LargeList(_) => {
837                let child = field
838                    .children
839                    .first()
840                    .expect("List field must have a child");
841                let child_scheduler =
842                    self.create_structural_field_scheduler(child, column_infos)?;
843                Ok(Box::new(StructuralListScheduler::new(child_scheduler))
844                    as Box<dyn StructuralFieldScheduler>)
845            }
846            _ => todo!(),
847        }
848    }
850    fn create_legacy_field_scheduler(
851        &self,
852        field: &Field,
853        column_infos: &mut ColumnInfoIter,
854        buffers: FileBuffers,
855    ) -> Result<Box<dyn FieldScheduler>> {
856        let data_type = field.data_type();
857        if Self::is_primitive(&data_type) {
858            let column_info = column_infos.expect_next()?;
859            let scheduler = self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, column_info, buffers)?;
860            return Ok(scheduler);
861        } else if data_type.is_binary_like() {
862            let column_info =;
863            // Column is blob and user is asking for binary data
864            if let Some(blob_col) = Self::unwrap_blob(column_info.as_ref()) {
865                let desc_scheduler =
866                    self.create_primitive_scheduler(&BLOB_DESC_LANCE_FIELD, &blob_col, buffers)?;
867                let blob_scheduler = Box::new(BlobFieldScheduler::new(desc_scheduler.into()));
868                return Ok(blob_scheduler);
869            }
870            if let Some(page_info) = column_info.page_infos.first() {
871                if matches!(
872                    page_info.encoding.as_legacy(),
873                    pb::ArrayEncoding {
874                        array_encoding: Some(pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::List(..))
875                    }
876                ) {
877                    let list_type = if matches!(data_type, DataType::Utf8 | DataType::Binary) {
878                        DataType::List(Arc::new(ArrowField::new("item", DataType::UInt8, false)))
879                    } else {
880                        DataType::LargeList(Arc::new(ArrowField::new(
881                            "item",
882                            DataType::UInt8,
883                            false,
884                        )))
885                    };
886                    let list_field = Field::try_from(ArrowField::new(
887              ,
888                        list_type,
889                        field.nullable,
890                    ))
891                    .unwrap();
892                    let list_scheduler = self.create_list_scheduler(
893                        &list_field,
894                        column_infos,
895                        buffers,
896                        &column_info,
897                    )?;
898                    let binary_scheduler = Box::new(BinaryFieldScheduler::new(
899                        list_scheduler.into(),
900                        field.data_type(),
901                    ));
902                    return Ok(binary_scheduler);
903                } else {
904                    let scheduler =
905                        self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, &column_info, buffers)?;
906                    return Ok(scheduler);
907                }
908            } else {
909                return self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, &column_info, buffers);
910            }
911        }
912        match &data_type {
913            DataType::FixedSizeList(inner, _dimension) => {
914                // A fixed size list column could either be a physical or a logical decoder
915                // depending on the child data type.
916                if Self::is_primitive(inner.data_type()) {
917                    let primitive_col = column_infos.expect_next()?;
918                    let scheduler =
919                        self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, primitive_col, buffers)?;
920                    Ok(scheduler)
921                } else {
922                    todo!()
923                }
924            }
925            DataType::Dictionary(_key_type, value_type) => {
926                if Self::is_primitive(value_type) || value_type.is_binary_like() {
927                    let primitive_col = column_infos.expect_next()?;
928                    let scheduler =
929                        self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, primitive_col, buffers)?;
930                    Ok(scheduler)
931                } else {
932                    Err(Error::NotSupported {
933                        source: format!(
934                            "No way to decode into a dictionary field of type {}",
935                            value_type
936                        )
937                        .into(),
938                        location: location!(),
939                    })
940                }
941            }
942            DataType::List(_) | DataType::LargeList(_) => {
943                let offsets_column = column_infos.expect_next()?.clone();
944                column_infos.next_top_level();
945                self.create_list_scheduler(field, column_infos, buffers, &offsets_column)
946            }
947            DataType::Struct(fields) => {
948                let column_info = column_infos.expect_next()?;
950                // Column is blob and user is asking for descriptions
951                if let Some(blob_col) = Self::unwrap_blob(column_info.as_ref()) {
952                    // Can use primitive scheduler here since descriptions are always packed struct
953                    return self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, &blob_col, buffers);
954                }
956                if Self::check_packed_struct(column_info) {
957                    // use packed struct encoding
958                    self.create_primitive_scheduler(field, column_info, buffers)
959                } else {
960                    // use default struct encoding
961                    Self::check_simple_struct(column_info, &;
962                    let num_rows = column_info
963                        .page_infos
964                        .iter()
965                        .map(|page| page.num_rows)
966                        .sum();
967                    let mut child_schedulers = Vec::with_capacity(field.children.len());
968                    for field in &field.children {
969                        column_infos.next_top_level();
970                        let field_scheduler =
971                            self.create_legacy_field_scheduler(field, column_infos, buffers)?;
972                        child_schedulers.push(Arc::from(field_scheduler));
973                    }
975                    let fields = fields.clone();
976                    Ok(Box::new(SimpleStructScheduler::new(
977                        child_schedulers,
978                        fields,
979                        num_rows,
980                    )))
981                }
982            }
983            // TODO: Still need support for RLE
984            _ => todo!(),
985        }
986    }
989/// Create's a dummy ColumnInfo for the root column
990fn root_column(num_rows: u64) -> ColumnInfo {
991    let num_root_pages = num_rows.div_ceil(u32::MAX as u64);
992    let final_page_num_rows = num_rows % (u32::MAX as u64);
993    let root_pages = (0..num_root_pages)
994        .map(|i| PageInfo {
995            num_rows: if i == num_root_pages - 1 {
996                final_page_num_rows
997            } else {
998                u64::MAX
999            },
1000            encoding: PageEncoding::Legacy(pb::ArrayEncoding {
1001                array_encoding: Some(pb::array_encoding::ArrayEncoding::Struct(
1002                    pb::SimpleStruct {},
1003                )),
1004            }),
1005            priority: 0, // not used in legacy scheduler
1006            buffer_offsets_and_sizes: Arc::new([]),
1007        })
1008        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1009    ColumnInfo {
1010        buffer_offsets_and_sizes: Arc::new([]),
1011        encoding: values_column_encoding(),
1012        index: u32::MAX,
1013        page_infos: Arc::from(root_pages),
1014    }
1017pub enum RootDecoder {
1018    Structural(StructuralStructDecoder),
1019    Legacy(SimpleStructDecoder),
1022impl RootDecoder {
1023    pub fn into_structural(self) -> StructuralStructDecoder {
1024        match self {
1025            Self::Structural(decoder) => decoder,
1026            Self::Legacy(_) => panic!("Expected a structural decoder"),
1027        }
1028    }
1030    pub fn into_legacy(self) -> SimpleStructDecoder {
1031        match self {
1032            Self::Legacy(decoder) => decoder,
1033            Self::Structural(_) => panic!("Expected a legacy decoder"),
1034        }
1035    }
1038impl DecodeBatchScheduler {
1039    /// Creates a new decode scheduler with the expected schema and the column
1040    /// metadata of the file.
1041    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
1042    pub async fn try_new<'a>(
1043        schema: &'a Schema,
1044        column_indices: &[u32],
1045        column_infos: &[Arc<ColumnInfo>],
1046        file_buffer_positions_and_sizes: &'a Vec<(u64, u64)>,
1047        num_rows: u64,
1048        _decoder_plugins: Arc<DecoderPlugins>,
1049        io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1050        cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>,
1051        filter: &FilterExpression,
1052    ) -> Result<Self> {
1053        assert!(num_rows > 0);
1054        let buffers = FileBuffers {
1055            positions_and_sizes: file_buffer_positions_and_sizes,
1056        };
1057        let arrow_schema = ArrowSchema::from(schema);
1058        let root_fields = arrow_schema.fields().clone();
1059        let root_type = DataType::Struct(root_fields.clone());
1060        let mut root_field = Field::try_from(&ArrowField::new("root", root_type, false))?;
1061        // root_field.children and schema.fields should be identical at this point but the latter
1062        // has field ids and the former does not.  This line restores that.
1063        // TODO:  Is there another way to create the root field without forcing a trip through arrow?
1064        root_field.children.clone_from(&schema.fields);
1065        root_field
1066            .metadata
1067            .insert("__lance_decoder_root".to_string(), "true".to_string());
1069        if column_infos[0].is_structural() {
1070            let mut column_iter = ColumnInfoIter::new(column_infos.to_vec(), column_indices);
1072            let mut root_scheduler = CoreFieldDecoderStrategy::default()
1073                .create_structural_field_scheduler(&root_field, &mut column_iter)?;
1075            let context = SchedulerContext::new(io, cache.clone());
1076            root_scheduler.initialize(filter, &context).await?;
1078            Ok(Self {
1079                root_scheduler: RootScheduler::Structural(root_scheduler),
1080                root_fields,
1081                cache,
1082            })
1083        } else {
1084            // The old encoding style expected a header column for structs and so we
1085            // need a header column for the top-level struct
1086            let mut columns = Vec::with_capacity(column_infos.len() + 1);
1087            columns.push(Arc::new(root_column(num_rows)));
1088            columns.extend(column_infos.iter().cloned());
1090            let adjusted_column_indices = [0_u32]
1091                .into_iter()
1092                .chain(column_indices.iter().map(|i| i.saturating_add(1)))
1093                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1094            let mut column_iter = ColumnInfoIter::new(columns, &adjusted_column_indices);
1095            let root_scheduler = CoreFieldDecoderStrategy::default()
1096                .create_legacy_field_scheduler(&root_field, &mut column_iter, buffers)?;
1098            let context = SchedulerContext::new(io, cache.clone());
1099            root_scheduler.initialize(filter, &context).await?;
1101            Ok(Self {
1102                root_scheduler: RootScheduler::Legacy(root_scheduler.into()),
1103                root_fields,
1104                cache,
1105            })
1106        }
1107    }
1109    pub fn from_scheduler(
1110        root_scheduler: Arc<dyn FieldScheduler>,
1111        root_fields: Fields,
1112        cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>,
1113    ) -> Self {
1114        Self {
1115            root_scheduler: RootScheduler::Legacy(root_scheduler),
1116            root_fields,
1117            cache,
1118        }
1119    }
1121    fn do_schedule_ranges_structural(
1122        &mut self,
1123        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
1124        filter: &FilterExpression,
1125        io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1126        mut schedule_action: impl FnMut(Result<DecoderMessage>) -> bool,
1127    ) {
1128        let root_scheduler = self.root_scheduler.as_structural();
1129        let mut context = SchedulerContext::new(io, self.cache.clone());
1130        let maybe_root_job = root_scheduler.schedule_ranges(ranges, filter);
1131        if let Err(schedule_ranges_err) = maybe_root_job {
1132            schedule_action(Err(schedule_ranges_err));
1133            return;
1134        }
1135        let mut root_job = maybe_root_job.unwrap();
1136        let mut num_rows_scheduled = 0;
1137        loop {
1138            let maybe_next_scan_line = root_job.schedule_next(&mut context);
1139            if let Err(err) = maybe_next_scan_line {
1140                schedule_action(Err(err));
1141                return;
1142            }
1143            let next_scan_line = maybe_next_scan_line.unwrap();
1144            match next_scan_line {
1145                Some(next_scan_line) => {
1146                    trace!(
1147                        "Scheduled scan line of {} rows and {} decoders",
1148                        next_scan_line.rows_scheduled,
1149                        next_scan_line.decoders.len()
1150                    );
1151                    num_rows_scheduled += next_scan_line.rows_scheduled;
1152                    if !schedule_action(Ok(DecoderMessage {
1153                        scheduled_so_far: num_rows_scheduled,
1154                        decoders: next_scan_line.decoders,
1155                    })) {
1156                        // Decoder has disconnected
1157                        return;
1158                    }
1159                }
1160                None => return,
1161            }
1162        }
1163    }
1165    fn do_schedule_ranges_legacy(
1166        &mut self,
1167        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
1168        filter: &FilterExpression,
1169        io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1170        mut schedule_action: impl FnMut(Result<DecoderMessage>) -> bool,
1171        // If specified, this will be used as the top_level_row for all scheduling
1172        // tasks.  This is used by list scheduling to ensure all items scheduling
1173        // tasks are scheduled at the same top level row.
1174        priority: Option<Box<dyn PriorityRange>>,
1175    ) {
1176        let root_scheduler = self.root_scheduler.as_legacy();
1177        let rows_requested = ranges.iter().map(|r| r.end - r.start).sum::<u64>();
1178        trace!(
1179            "Scheduling {} ranges across {}..{} ({} rows){}",
1180            ranges.len(),
1181            ranges.first().unwrap().start,
1182            ranges.last().unwrap().end,
1183            rows_requested,
1184            priority
1185                .as_ref()
1186                .map(|p| format!(" (priority={:?})", p))
1187                .unwrap_or_default()
1188        );
1190        let mut context = SchedulerContext::new(io, self.cache.clone());
1191        let maybe_root_job = root_scheduler.schedule_ranges(ranges, filter);
1192        if let Err(schedule_ranges_err) = maybe_root_job {
1193            schedule_action(Err(schedule_ranges_err));
1194            return;
1195        }
1196        let mut root_job = maybe_root_job.unwrap();
1197        let mut num_rows_scheduled = 0;
1198        let mut rows_to_schedule = root_job.num_rows();
1199        let mut priority = priority.unwrap_or(Box::new(SimplePriorityRange::new(0)));
1200        trace!("Scheduled ranges refined to {} rows", rows_to_schedule);
1201        while rows_to_schedule > 0 {
1202            let maybe_next_scan_line = root_job.schedule_next(&mut context, priority.as_ref());
1203            if let Err(schedule_next_err) = maybe_next_scan_line {
1204                schedule_action(Err(schedule_next_err));
1205                return;
1206            }
1207            let next_scan_line = maybe_next_scan_line.unwrap();
1208            priority.advance(next_scan_line.rows_scheduled);
1209            num_rows_scheduled += next_scan_line.rows_scheduled;
1210            rows_to_schedule -= next_scan_line.rows_scheduled;
1211            trace!(
1212                "Scheduled scan line of {} rows and {} decoders",
1213                next_scan_line.rows_scheduled,
1214                next_scan_line.decoders.len()
1215            );
1216            if !schedule_action(Ok(DecoderMessage {
1217                scheduled_so_far: num_rows_scheduled,
1218                decoders: next_scan_line.decoders,
1219            })) {
1220                // Decoder has disconnected
1221                return;
1222            }
1224            trace!("Finished scheduling {} ranges", ranges.len());
1225        }
1226    }
1228    fn do_schedule_ranges(
1229        &mut self,
1230        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
1231        filter: &FilterExpression,
1232        io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1233        schedule_action: impl FnMut(Result<DecoderMessage>) -> bool,
1234        // If specified, this will be used as the top_level_row for all scheduling
1235        // tasks.  This is used by list scheduling to ensure all items scheduling
1236        // tasks are scheduled at the same top level row.
1237        priority: Option<Box<dyn PriorityRange>>,
1238    ) {
1239        match &self.root_scheduler {
1240            RootScheduler::Legacy(_) => {
1241                self.do_schedule_ranges_legacy(ranges, filter, io, schedule_action, priority)
1242            }
1243            RootScheduler::Structural(_) => {
1244                self.do_schedule_ranges_structural(ranges, filter, io, schedule_action)
1245            }
1246        }
1247    }
1249    // This method is similar to schedule_ranges but instead of
1250    // sending the decoders to a channel it collects them all into a vector
1251    pub fn schedule_ranges_to_vec(
1252        &mut self,
1253        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
1254        filter: &FilterExpression,
1255        io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1256        priority: Option<Box<dyn PriorityRange>>,
1257    ) -> Result<Vec<DecoderMessage>> {
1258        let mut decode_messages = Vec::new();
1259        self.do_schedule_ranges(
1260            ranges,
1261            filter,
1262            io,
1263            |msg| {
1264                decode_messages.push(msg);
1265                true
1266            },
1267            priority,
1268        );
1269        decode_messages.into_iter().collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
1270    }
1272    /// Schedules the load of multiple ranges of rows
1273    ///
1274    /// Ranges must be non-overlapping and in sorted order
1275    ///
1276    /// # Arguments
1277    ///
1278    /// * `ranges` - The ranges of rows to load
1279    /// * `sink` - A channel to send the decode tasks
1280    /// * `scheduler` An I/O scheduler to issue I/O requests
1281    #[instrument(skip_all)]
1282    pub fn schedule_ranges(
1283        &mut self,
1284        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
1285        filter: &FilterExpression,
1286        sink: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1287        scheduler: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1288    ) {
1289        self.do_schedule_ranges(
1290            ranges,
1291            filter,
1292            scheduler,
1293            |msg| {
1294                match sink.send(msg) {
1295                    Ok(_) => true,
1296                    Err(SendError { .. }) => {
1297                        // The receiver has gone away.  We can't do anything about it
1298                        // so just ignore the error.
1299                        debug!(
1300                        "schedule_ranges aborting early since decoder appears to have been dropped"
1301                    );
1302                        false
1303                    }
1304                }
1305            },
1306            None,
1307        )
1308    }
1310    /// Schedules the load of a range of rows
1311    ///
1312    /// # Arguments
1313    ///
1314    /// * `range` - The range of rows to load
1315    /// * `sink` - A channel to send the decode tasks
1316    /// * `scheduler` An I/O scheduler to issue I/O requests
1317    #[instrument(skip_all)]
1318    pub fn schedule_range(
1319        &mut self,
1320        range: Range<u64>,
1321        filter: &FilterExpression,
1322        sink: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1323        scheduler: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1324    ) {
1325        self.schedule_ranges(&[range], filter, sink, scheduler)
1326    }
1328    /// Schedules the load of selected rows
1329    ///
1330    /// # Arguments
1331    ///
1332    /// * `indices` - The row indices to load (these must be in ascending order!)
1333    /// * `sink` - A channel to send the decode tasks
1334    /// * `scheduler` An I/O scheduler to issue I/O requests
1335    pub fn schedule_take(
1336        &mut self,
1337        indices: &[u64],
1338        filter: &FilterExpression,
1339        sink: mpsc::UnboundedSender<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1340        scheduler: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1341    ) {
1342        debug_assert!(|w| w[0] <= w[1]));
1343        if indices.is_empty() {
1344            return;
1345        }
1346        trace!("Scheduling take of {} rows", indices.len());
1347        let ranges = indices
1348            .iter()
1349            .map(|&idx| idx..(idx + 1))
1350            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1351        self.schedule_ranges(&ranges, filter, sink, scheduler)
1352    }
1355pub struct ReadBatchTask {
1356    pub task: BoxFuture<'static, Result<RecordBatch>>,
1357    pub num_rows: u32,
1360/// A stream that takes scheduled jobs and generates decode tasks from them.
1361pub struct BatchDecodeStream {
1362    context: DecoderContext,
1363    root_decoder: SimpleStructDecoder,
1364    rows_remaining: u64,
1365    rows_per_batch: u32,
1366    rows_scheduled: u64,
1367    rows_drained: u64,
1368    scheduler_exhausted: bool,
1369    emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc<Once>,
1372impl BatchDecodeStream {
1373    /// Create a new instance of a batch decode stream
1374    ///
1375    /// # Arguments
1376    ///
1377    /// * `scheduled` - an incoming stream of decode tasks from a
1378    ///   [`crate::decode::DecodeBatchScheduler`]
1379    /// * `schema` - the schema of the data to create
1380    /// * `rows_per_batch` the number of rows to create before making a batch
1381    /// * `num_rows` the total number of rows scheduled
1382    /// * `num_columns` the total number of columns in the file
1383    pub fn new(
1384        scheduled: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1385        rows_per_batch: u32,
1386        num_rows: u64,
1387        root_decoder: SimpleStructDecoder,
1388    ) -> Self {
1389        Self {
1390            context: DecoderContext::new(scheduled),
1391            root_decoder,
1392            rows_remaining: num_rows,
1393            rows_per_batch,
1394            rows_scheduled: 0,
1395            rows_drained: 0,
1396            scheduler_exhausted: false,
1397            emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc::new(Once::new()),
1398        }
1399    }
1401    fn accept_decoder(&mut self, decoder: DecoderReady) -> Result<()> {
1402        if decoder.path.is_empty() {
1403            // The root decoder we can ignore
1404            Ok(())
1405        } else {
1406            self.root_decoder.accept_child(decoder)
1407        }
1408    }
1410    async fn wait_for_scheduled(&mut self, scheduled_need: u64) -> Result<u64> {
1411        if self.scheduler_exhausted {
1412            return Ok(self.rows_scheduled);
1413        }
1414        while self.rows_scheduled < scheduled_need {
1415            let next_message = self.context.source.recv().await;
1416            match next_message {
1417                Some(scan_line) => {
1418                    let scan_line = scan_line?;
1419                    self.rows_scheduled = scan_line.scheduled_so_far;
1420                    for message in scan_line.decoders {
1421                        self.accept_decoder(message.into_legacy())?;
1422                    }
1423                }
1424                None => {
1425                    // Schedule ended before we got all the data we expected.  This probably
1426                    // means some kind of pushdown filter was applied and we didn't load as
1427                    // much data as we thought we would.
1428                    self.scheduler_exhausted = true;
1429                    return Ok(self.rows_scheduled);
1430                }
1431            }
1432        }
1433        Ok(scheduled_need)
1434    }
1436    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
1437    async fn next_batch_task(&mut self) -> Result<Option<NextDecodeTask>> {
1438        trace!(
1439            "Draining batch task (rows_remaining={} rows_drained={} rows_scheduled={})",
1440            self.rows_remaining,
1441            self.rows_drained,
1442            self.rows_scheduled,
1443        );
1444        if self.rows_remaining == 0 {
1445            return Ok(None);
1446        }
1448        let mut to_take = self.rows_remaining.min(self.rows_per_batch as u64);
1449        self.rows_remaining -= to_take;
1451        let scheduled_need = (self.rows_drained + to_take).saturating_sub(self.rows_scheduled);
1452        trace!("scheduled_need = {} because rows_drained = {} and to_take = {} and rows_scheduled = {}", scheduled_need, self.rows_drained, to_take, self.rows_scheduled);
1453        if scheduled_need > 0 {
1454            let desired_scheduled = scheduled_need + self.rows_scheduled;
1455            trace!(
1456                "Draining from scheduler (desire at least {} scheduled rows)",
1457                desired_scheduled
1458            );
1459            let actually_scheduled = self.wait_for_scheduled(desired_scheduled).await?;
1460            if actually_scheduled < desired_scheduled {
1461                let under_scheduled = desired_scheduled - actually_scheduled;
1462                to_take -= under_scheduled;
1463            }
1464        }
1466        if to_take == 0 {
1467            return Ok(None);
1468        }
1470        // wait_for_loaded waits for *>* loaded_need (not >=) so we do a -1 here
1471        let loaded_need = self.rows_drained + to_take - 1;
1472        trace!(
1473            "Waiting for I/O (desire at least {} fully loaded rows)",
1474            loaded_need
1475        );
1476        self.root_decoder.wait_for_loaded(loaded_need).await?;
1478        let next_task = self.root_decoder.drain(to_take)?;
1479        self.rows_drained += to_take;
1480        Ok(Some(next_task))
1481    }
1483    pub fn into_stream(self) -> BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask> {
1484        let stream = futures::stream::unfold(self, |mut slf| async move {
1485            let next_task = slf.next_batch_task().await;
1486            let next_task = next_task.transpose().map(|next_task| {
1487                let num_rows = next_task.as_ref().map(|t| t.num_rows).unwrap_or(0);
1488                let emitted_batch_size_warning = slf.emitted_batch_size_warning.clone();
1489                let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
1490                    let next_task = next_task?;
1491                    next_task.into_batch(emitted_batch_size_warning)
1492                });
1493                (task, num_rows)
1494            });
1495  |(task, num_rows)| {
1496                let task =|join_wrapper| join_wrapper.unwrap()).boxed();
1497                // This should be true since batch size is u32
1498                debug_assert!(num_rows <= u32::MAX as u64);
1499                let next_task = ReadBatchTask {
1500                    task,
1501                    num_rows: num_rows as u32,
1502                };
1503                (next_task, slf)
1504            })
1505        });
1506        stream.boxed()
1507    }
1510// Utility types to smooth out the differences between the 2.0 and 2.1 decoders so that
1511// we can have a single implementation of the batch decode iterator
1512enum RootDecoderMessage {
1513    LoadedPage(LoadedPage),
1514    LegacyPage(DecoderReady),
1516trait RootDecoderType {
1517    fn accept_message(&mut self, message: RootDecoderMessage) -> Result<()>;
1518    fn drain_batch(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<NextDecodeTask>;
1519    fn wait(&mut self, loaded_need: u64, runtime: &tokio::runtime::Runtime) -> Result<()>;
1521impl RootDecoderType for StructuralStructDecoder {
1522    fn accept_message(&mut self, message: RootDecoderMessage) -> Result<()> {
1523        let RootDecoderMessage::LoadedPage(loaded_page) = message else {
1524            unreachable!()
1525        };
1526        self.accept_page(loaded_page)
1527    }
1528    fn drain_batch(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<NextDecodeTask> {
1529        self.drain_batch_task(num_rows)
1530    }
1531    fn wait(&mut self, _: u64, _: &tokio::runtime::Runtime) -> Result<()> {
1532        // Waiting happens elsewhere (not as part of the decoder)
1533        Ok(())
1534    }
1536impl RootDecoderType for SimpleStructDecoder {
1537    fn accept_message(&mut self, message: RootDecoderMessage) -> Result<()> {
1538        let RootDecoderMessage::LegacyPage(legacy_page) = message else {
1539            unreachable!()
1540        };
1541        self.accept_child(legacy_page)
1542    }
1543    fn drain_batch(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<NextDecodeTask> {
1544        self.drain(num_rows)
1545    }
1546    fn wait(&mut self, loaded_need: u64, runtime: &tokio::runtime::Runtime) -> Result<()> {
1547        runtime.block_on(self.wait_for_loaded(loaded_need))
1548    }
1551/// A blocking batch decoder that performs synchronous decoding
1552struct BatchDecodeIterator<T: RootDecoderType> {
1553    messages: VecDeque<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1554    root_decoder: T,
1555    rows_remaining: u64,
1556    rows_per_batch: u32,
1557    rows_scheduled: u64,
1558    rows_drained: u64,
1559    emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc<Once>,
1560    // Note: this is not the runtime on which I/O happens.
1561    // That's always in the scheduler.  This is just a runtime we use to
1562    // sleep the current thread if I/O is unready
1563    wait_for_io_runtime: tokio::runtime::Runtime,
1564    schema: Arc<ArrowSchema>,
1567impl<T: RootDecoderType> BatchDecodeIterator<T> {
1568    /// Create a new instance of a batch decode iterator
1569    pub fn new(
1570        messages: VecDeque<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1571        rows_per_batch: u32,
1572        num_rows: u64,
1573        root_decoder: T,
1574        schema: Arc<ArrowSchema>,
1575    ) -> Self {
1576        Self {
1577            messages,
1578            root_decoder,
1579            rows_remaining: num_rows,
1580            rows_per_batch,
1581            rows_scheduled: 0,
1582            rows_drained: 0,
1583            wait_for_io_runtime: tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
1584                .build()
1585                .unwrap(),
1586            emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc::new(Once::new()),
1587            schema,
1588        }
1589    }
1591    /// Wait for a single page of data to finish loading
1592    ///
1593    /// If the data is not available this will perform a *blocking* wait (put
1594    /// the current thread to sleep)
1595    fn wait_for_page(&self, unloaded_page: UnloadedPage) -> Result<LoadedPage> {
1596        match maybe_done(unloaded_page.0) {
1597            // Fast path, avoid all runtime shenanigans if the data is ready
1598            MaybeDone::Done(loaded_page) => loaded_page,
1599            // Slow path, we need to wait on I/O, enter the runtime
1600            MaybeDone::Future(fut) => self.wait_for_io_runtime.block_on(fut),
1601            MaybeDone::Gone => unreachable!(),
1602        }
1603    }
1605    /// Waits for I/O until `scheduled_need` rows have been loaded
1606    ///
1607    /// Note that `scheduled_need` is cumulative.  E.g. this method
1608    /// should be called with 5, 10, 15 and not 5, 5, 5
1609    #[instrument(skip_all)]
1610    fn wait_for_io(&mut self, scheduled_need: u64) -> Result<u64> {
1611        while self.rows_scheduled < scheduled_need && !self.messages.is_empty() {
1612            let message = self.messages.pop_front().unwrap()?;
1613            self.rows_scheduled = message.scheduled_so_far;
1614            for decoder_message in message.decoders {
1615                match decoder_message {
1616                    MessageType::UnloadedPage(unloaded_page) => {
1617                        let loaded_page = self.wait_for_page(unloaded_page)?;
1618                        self.root_decoder
1619                            .accept_message(RootDecoderMessage::LoadedPage(loaded_page))?;
1620                    }
1621                    MessageType::DecoderReady(decoder_ready) => {
1622                        // The root decoder we can ignore
1623                        if !decoder_ready.path.is_empty() {
1624                            self.root_decoder
1625                                .accept_message(RootDecoderMessage::LegacyPage(decoder_ready))?;
1626                        }
1627                    }
1628                }
1629            }
1630        }
1632        let loaded_need = self.rows_drained + self.rows_per_batch as u64 - 1;
1634        self.root_decoder
1635            .wait(loaded_need, &self.wait_for_io_runtime)?;
1636        Ok(self.rows_scheduled)
1637    }
1639    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
1640    fn next_batch_task(&mut self) -> Result<Option<RecordBatch>> {
1641        trace!(
1642            "Draining batch task (rows_remaining={} rows_drained={} rows_scheduled={})",
1643            self.rows_remaining,
1644            self.rows_drained,
1645            self.rows_scheduled,
1646        );
1647        if self.rows_remaining == 0 {
1648            return Ok(None);
1649        }
1651        let mut to_take = self.rows_remaining.min(self.rows_per_batch as u64);
1652        self.rows_remaining -= to_take;
1654        let scheduled_need = (self.rows_drained + to_take).saturating_sub(self.rows_scheduled);
1655        trace!("scheduled_need = {} because rows_drained = {} and to_take = {} and rows_scheduled = {}", scheduled_need, self.rows_drained, to_take, self.rows_scheduled);
1656        if scheduled_need > 0 {
1657            let desired_scheduled = scheduled_need + self.rows_scheduled;
1658            trace!(
1659                "Draining from scheduler (desire at least {} scheduled rows)",
1660                desired_scheduled
1661            );
1662            let actually_scheduled = self.wait_for_io(desired_scheduled)?;
1663            if actually_scheduled < desired_scheduled {
1664                let under_scheduled = desired_scheduled - actually_scheduled;
1665                to_take -= under_scheduled;
1666            }
1667        }
1669        if to_take == 0 {
1670            return Ok(None);
1671        }
1673        let next_task = self.root_decoder.drain_batch(to_take)?;
1675        self.rows_drained += to_take;
1677        let batch = next_task.into_batch(self.emitted_batch_size_warning.clone())?;
1679        Ok(Some(batch))
1680    }
1683impl<T: RootDecoderType> Iterator for BatchDecodeIterator<T> {
1684    type Item = ArrowResult<RecordBatch>;
1686    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
1687        self.next_batch_task()
1688            .transpose()
1689            .map(|r| r.map_err(ArrowError::from))
1690    }
1693impl<T: RootDecoderType> RecordBatchReader for BatchDecodeIterator<T> {
1694    fn schema(&self) -> Arc<ArrowSchema> {
1695        self.schema.clone()
1696    }
1699/// A stream that takes scheduled jobs and generates decode tasks from them.
1700pub struct StructuralBatchDecodeStream {
1701    context: DecoderContext,
1702    root_decoder: StructuralStructDecoder,
1703    rows_remaining: u64,
1704    rows_per_batch: u32,
1705    rows_scheduled: u64,
1706    rows_drained: u64,
1707    scheduler_exhausted: bool,
1708    emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc<Once>,
1711impl StructuralBatchDecodeStream {
1712    /// Create a new instance of a batch decode stream
1713    ///
1714    /// # Arguments
1715    ///
1716    /// * `scheduled` - an incoming stream of decode tasks from a
1717    ///   [`crate::decode::DecodeBatchScheduler`]
1718    /// * `schema` - the schema of the data to create
1719    /// * `rows_per_batch` the number of rows to create before making a batch
1720    /// * `num_rows` the total number of rows scheduled
1721    /// * `num_columns` the total number of columns in the file
1722    pub fn new(
1723        scheduled: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1724        rows_per_batch: u32,
1725        num_rows: u64,
1726        root_decoder: StructuralStructDecoder,
1727    ) -> Self {
1728        Self {
1729            context: DecoderContext::new(scheduled),
1730            root_decoder,
1731            rows_remaining: num_rows,
1732            rows_per_batch,
1733            rows_scheduled: 0,
1734            rows_drained: 0,
1735            scheduler_exhausted: false,
1736            emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc::new(Once::new()),
1737        }
1738    }
1740    async fn wait_for_scheduled(&mut self, scheduled_need: u64) -> Result<u64> {
1741        if self.scheduler_exhausted {
1742            return Ok(self.rows_scheduled);
1743        }
1744        while self.rows_scheduled < scheduled_need {
1745            let next_message = self.context.source.recv().await;
1746            match next_message {
1747                Some(scan_line) => {
1748                    let scan_line = scan_line?;
1749                    self.rows_scheduled = scan_line.scheduled_so_far;
1750                    for message in scan_line.decoders {
1751                        let unloaded_page = message.into_structural();
1752                        let loaded_page = unloaded_page.0.await?;
1753                        self.root_decoder.accept_page(loaded_page)?;
1754                    }
1755                }
1756                None => {
1757                    // Schedule ended before we got all the data we expected.  This probably
1758                    // means some kind of pushdown filter was applied and we didn't load as
1759                    // much data as we thought we would.
1760                    self.scheduler_exhausted = true;
1761                    return Ok(self.rows_scheduled);
1762                }
1763            }
1764        }
1765        Ok(scheduled_need)
1766    }
1768    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
1769    async fn next_batch_task(&mut self) -> Result<Option<NextDecodeTask>> {
1770        trace!(
1771            "Draining batch task (rows_remaining={} rows_drained={} rows_scheduled={})",
1772            self.rows_remaining,
1773            self.rows_drained,
1774            self.rows_scheduled,
1775        );
1776        if self.rows_remaining == 0 {
1777            return Ok(None);
1778        }
1780        let mut to_take = self.rows_remaining.min(self.rows_per_batch as u64);
1781        self.rows_remaining -= to_take;
1783        let scheduled_need = (self.rows_drained + to_take).saturating_sub(self.rows_scheduled);
1784        trace!("scheduled_need = {} because rows_drained = {} and to_take = {} and rows_scheduled = {}", scheduled_need, self.rows_drained, to_take, self.rows_scheduled);
1785        if scheduled_need > 0 {
1786            let desired_scheduled = scheduled_need + self.rows_scheduled;
1787            trace!(
1788                "Draining from scheduler (desire at least {} scheduled rows)",
1789                desired_scheduled
1790            );
1791            let actually_scheduled = self.wait_for_scheduled(desired_scheduled).await?;
1792            if actually_scheduled < desired_scheduled {
1793                let under_scheduled = desired_scheduled - actually_scheduled;
1794                to_take -= under_scheduled;
1795            }
1796        }
1798        if to_take == 0 {
1799            return Ok(None);
1800        }
1802        let next_task = self.root_decoder.drain_batch_task(to_take)?;
1803        self.rows_drained += to_take;
1804        Ok(Some(next_task))
1805    }
1807    pub fn into_stream(self) -> BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask> {
1808        let stream = futures::stream::unfold(self, |mut slf| async move {
1809            let next_task = slf.next_batch_task().await;
1810            let next_task = next_task.transpose().map(|next_task| {
1811                let num_rows = next_task.as_ref().map(|t| t.num_rows).unwrap_or(0);
1812                let emitted_batch_size_warning = slf.emitted_batch_size_warning.clone();
1813                let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
1814                    let next_task = next_task?;
1815                    next_task.into_batch(emitted_batch_size_warning)
1816                });
1817                (task, num_rows)
1818            });
1819  |(task, num_rows)| {
1820                let task =|join_wrapper| join_wrapper.unwrap()).boxed();
1821                // This should be true since batch size is u32
1822                debug_assert!(num_rows <= u32::MAX as u64);
1823                let next_task = ReadBatchTask {
1824                    task,
1825                    num_rows: num_rows as u32,
1826                };
1827                (next_task, slf)
1828            })
1829        });
1830        stream.boxed()
1831    }
1835pub enum RequestedRows {
1836    Ranges(Vec<Range<u64>>),
1837    Indices(Vec<u64>),
1840impl RequestedRows {
1841    pub fn num_rows(&self) -> u64 {
1842        match self {
1843            Self::Ranges(ranges) => ranges.iter().map(|r| r.end - r.start).sum(),
1844            Self::Indices(indices) => indices.len() as u64,
1845        }
1846    }
1849#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
1850pub struct SchedulerDecoderConfig {
1851    pub decoder_plugins: Arc<DecoderPlugins>,
1852    pub batch_size: u32,
1853    pub io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
1854    pub cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>,
1855    pub should_validate: bool,
1858fn check_scheduler_on_drop(
1859    stream: BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask>,
1860    scheduler_handle: tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>,
1861) -> BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask> {
1862    // This is a bit weird but we create an "empty stream" that unwraps the scheduler handle (which
1863    // will panic if the scheduler panicked).  This let's us check if the scheduler panicked
1864    // when the stream finishes.
1865    let mut scheduler_handle = Some(scheduler_handle);
1866    let check_scheduler = stream::unfold((), move |_| {
1867        let handle = scheduler_handle.take();
1868        async move {
1869            if let Some(handle) = handle {
1870                handle.await.unwrap();
1871            }
1872            None
1873        }
1874    });
1875    stream.chain(check_scheduler).boxed()
1878pub fn create_decode_stream(
1879    schema: &Schema,
1880    num_rows: u64,
1881    batch_size: u32,
1882    is_structural: bool,
1883    should_validate: bool,
1884    rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1885) -> BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask> {
1886    if is_structural {
1887        let arrow_schema = ArrowSchema::from(schema);
1888        let structural_decoder = StructuralStructDecoder::new(
1889            arrow_schema.fields,
1890            should_validate,
1891            /*is_root=*/ true,
1892        );
1893        StructuralBatchDecodeStream::new(rx, batch_size, num_rows, structural_decoder).into_stream()
1894    } else {
1895        let arrow_schema = ArrowSchema::from(schema);
1896        let root_fields = arrow_schema.fields;
1898        let simple_struct_decoder = SimpleStructDecoder::new(root_fields, num_rows);
1899        BatchDecodeStream::new(rx, batch_size, num_rows, simple_struct_decoder).into_stream()
1900    }
1903/// Creates a iterator that decodes a set of messages in a blocking fashion
1905/// See [`schedule_and_decode_blocking`] for more information.
1906pub fn create_decode_iterator(
1907    schema: &Schema,
1908    num_rows: u64,
1909    batch_size: u32,
1910    should_validate: bool,
1911    is_structural: bool,
1912    messages: VecDeque<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
1913) -> Box<dyn RecordBatchReader> {
1914    let arrow_schema = Arc::new(ArrowSchema::from(schema));
1915    let root_fields = arrow_schema.fields.clone();
1916    if is_structural {
1917        let simple_struct_decoder =
1918            StructuralStructDecoder::new(root_fields, should_validate, /*is_root=*/ true);
1919        Box::new(BatchDecodeIterator::new(
1920            messages,
1921            batch_size,
1922            num_rows,
1923            simple_struct_decoder,
1924            arrow_schema,
1925        ))
1926    } else {
1927        let root_decoder = SimpleStructDecoder::new(root_fields, num_rows);
1928        Box::new(BatchDecodeIterator::new(
1929            messages,
1930            batch_size,
1931            num_rows,
1932            root_decoder,
1933            arrow_schema,
1934        ))
1935    }
1938fn create_scheduler_decoder(
1939    column_infos: Vec<Arc<ColumnInfo>>,
1940    requested_rows: RequestedRows,
1941    filter: FilterExpression,
1942    column_indices: Vec<u32>,
1943    target_schema: Arc<Schema>,
1944    config: SchedulerDecoderConfig,
1945) -> Result<BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask>> {
1946    let num_rows = requested_rows.num_rows();
1948    let is_structural = column_infos[0].is_structural();
1950    let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
1952    let decode_stream = create_decode_stream(
1953        &target_schema,
1954        num_rows,
1955        config.batch_size,
1956        is_structural,
1957        config.should_validate,
1958        rx,
1959    );
1961    let scheduler_handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move {
1962        let mut decode_scheduler = match DecodeBatchScheduler::try_new(
1963            target_schema.as_ref(),
1964            &column_indices,
1965            &column_infos,
1966            &vec![],
1967            num_rows,
1968            config.decoder_plugins,
1969  ,
1970            config.cache,
1971            &filter,
1972        )
1973        .await
1974        {
1975            Ok(scheduler) => scheduler,
1976            Err(e) => {
1977                let _ = tx.send(Err(e));
1978                return;
1979            }
1980        };
1982        match requested_rows {
1983            RequestedRows::Ranges(ranges) => {
1984                decode_scheduler.schedule_ranges(&ranges, &filter, tx,
1985            }
1986            RequestedRows::Indices(indices) => {
1987                decode_scheduler.schedule_take(&indices, &filter, tx,
1988            }
1989        }
1990    });
1992    Ok(check_scheduler_on_drop(decode_stream, scheduler_handle))
1995/// Launches a scheduler on a dedicated (spawned) task and creates a decoder to
1996/// decode the scheduled data and returns the decoder as a stream of record batches.
1998/// This is a convenience function that creates both the scheduler and the decoder
1999/// which can be a little tricky to get right.
2000pub fn schedule_and_decode(
2001    column_infos: Vec<Arc<ColumnInfo>>,
2002    requested_rows: RequestedRows,
2003    filter: FilterExpression,
2004    column_indices: Vec<u32>,
2005    target_schema: Arc<Schema>,
2006    config: SchedulerDecoderConfig,
2007) -> BoxStream<'static, ReadBatchTask> {
2008    if requested_rows.num_rows() == 0 {
2009        return stream::empty().boxed();
2010    }
2011    // For convenience we really want this method to be a snchronous method where all
2012    // errors happen on the stream.  There is some async initialization that must happen
2013    // when creating a scheduler.  We wrap that all up in the very first task.
2014    match create_scheduler_decoder(
2015        column_infos,
2016        requested_rows,
2017        filter,
2018        column_indices,
2019        target_schema,
2020        config,
2021    ) {
2022        // If the initialization failed make it look like a failed task
2023        Ok(stream) => stream,
2024        Err(e) => stream::once(std::future::ready(ReadBatchTask {
2025            num_rows: 0,
2026            task: std::future::ready(Err(e)).boxed(),
2027        }))
2028        .boxed(),
2029    }
2032lazy_static::lazy_static! {
2033    pub static ref WAITER_RT: tokio::runtime::Runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
2034        .build()
2035        .unwrap();
2038/// Schedules and decodes the requested data in a blocking fashion
2040/// This function is a blocking version of [`schedule_and_decode`]. It schedules the requested data
2041/// and decodes it in the current thread.
2043/// This can be useful when the disk is fast (or the data is in memory) and the amount
2044/// of data is relatively small.  For example, when doing a take against NVMe or in-memory data.
2046/// This should NOT be used for full scans.  Even if the data is in memory this function will
2047/// not parallelize the decode and will be slower than the async version.  Full scans typically
2048/// make relatively few IOPs and so the asynchronous overhead is much smaller.
2050/// This method will first completely run the scheduling process.  Then it will run the
2051/// decode process.
2052pub fn schedule_and_decode_blocking(
2053    column_infos: Vec<Arc<ColumnInfo>>,
2054    requested_rows: RequestedRows,
2055    filter: FilterExpression,
2056    column_indices: Vec<u32>,
2057    target_schema: Arc<Schema>,
2058    config: SchedulerDecoderConfig,
2059) -> Result<Box<dyn RecordBatchReader>> {
2060    if requested_rows.num_rows() == 0 {
2061        let arrow_schema = Arc::new(ArrowSchema::from(target_schema.as_ref()));
2062        return Ok(Box::new(RecordBatchIterator::new(vec![], arrow_schema)));
2063    }
2065    let num_rows = requested_rows.num_rows();
2066    let is_structural = column_infos[0].is_structural();
2068    let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
2070    // Initialize the scheduler.  This is still "asynchronous" but we run it with a current-thread
2071    // runtime.
2072    let mut decode_scheduler = WAITER_RT.block_on(DecodeBatchScheduler::try_new(
2073        target_schema.as_ref(),
2074        &column_indices,
2075        &column_infos,
2076        &vec![],
2077        num_rows,
2078        config.decoder_plugins,
2080        config.cache,
2081        &filter,
2082    ))?;
2084    // Schedule the requested rows
2085    match requested_rows {
2086        RequestedRows::Ranges(ranges) => {
2087            decode_scheduler.schedule_ranges(&ranges, &filter, tx,
2088        }
2089        RequestedRows::Indices(indices) => {
2090            decode_scheduler.schedule_take(&indices, &filter, tx,
2091        }
2092    }
2094    // Drain the scheduler queue into a vec of decode messages
2095    let mut messages = Vec::new();
2096    while rx
2097        .recv_many(&mut messages, usize::MAX)
2098        .now_or_never()
2099        .unwrap()
2100        != 0
2101    {}
2103    // Create a decoder to decode the messages
2104    let decode_iterator = create_decode_iterator(
2105        &target_schema,
2106        num_rows,
2107        config.batch_size,
2108        config.should_validate,
2109        is_structural,
2110        messages.into(),
2111    );
2113    Ok(decode_iterator)
2116/// A decoder for single-column encodings of primitive data (this includes fixed size
2117/// lists of primitive data)
2119/// Physical decoders are able to decode into existing buffers for zero-copy operation.
2121/// Instances should be stateless and `Send` / `Sync`.  This is because multiple decode
2122/// tasks could reference the same page.  For example, imagine a page covers rows 0-2000
2123/// and the decoder stream has a batch size of 1024.  The decoder will be needed by both
2124/// the decode task for batch 0 and the decode task for batch 1.
2126/// See [`crate::decoder`] for more information
2127pub trait PrimitivePageDecoder: Send + Sync {
2128    /// Decode data into buffers
2129    ///
2130    /// This may be a simple zero-copy from a disk buffer or could involve complex decoding
2131    /// such as decompressing from some compressed representation.
2132    ///
2133    /// Capacity is stored as a tuple of (num_bytes: u64, is_needed: bool).  The `is_needed`
2134    /// portion only needs to be updated if the encoding has some concept of an "optional"
2135    /// buffer.
2136    ///
2137    /// Encodings can have any number of input or output buffers.  For example, a dictionary
2138    /// decoding will convert two buffers (indices + dictionary) into a single buffer
2139    ///
2140    /// Binary decodings have two output buffers (one for values, one for offsets)
2141    ///
2142    /// Other decodings could even expand the # of output buffers.  For example, we could decode
2143    /// fixed size strings into variable length strings going from one input buffer to multiple output
2144    /// buffers.
2145    ///
2146    /// Each Arrow data type typically has a fixed structure of buffers and the encoding chain will
2147    /// generally end at one of these structures.  However, intermediate structures may exist which
2148    /// do not correspond to any Arrow type at all.  For example, a bitpacking encoding will deal
2149    /// with buffers that have bits-per-value that is not a multiple of 8.
2150    ///
2151    /// The `primitive_array_from_buffers` method has an expected buffer layout for each arrow
2152    /// type (order matters) and encodings that aim to decode into arrow types should respect
2153    /// this layout.
2154    /// # Arguments
2155    ///
2156    /// * `rows_to_skip` - how many rows to skip (within the page) before decoding
2157    /// * `num_rows` - how many rows to decode
2158    /// * `all_null` - A mutable bool, set to true if a decoder determines all values are null
2159    fn decode(&self, rows_to_skip: u64, num_rows: u64) -> Result<DataBlock>;
2162/// A scheduler for single-column encodings of primitive data
2164/// The scheduler is responsible for calculating what I/O is needed for the requested rows
2166/// Instances should be stateless and `Send` and `Sync`.  This is because instances can
2167/// be shared in follow-up I/O tasks.
2169/// See [`crate::decoder`] for more information
2170pub trait PageScheduler: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
2171    /// Schedules a batch of I/O to load the data needed for the requested ranges
2172    ///
2173    /// Returns a future that will yield a decoder once the data has been loaded
2174    ///
2175    /// # Arguments
2176    ///
2177    /// * `range` - the range of row offsets (relative to start of page) requested
2178    ///             these must be ordered and must not overlap
2179    /// * `scheduler` - a scheduler to submit the I/O request to
2180    /// * `top_level_row` - the row offset of the top level field currently being
2181    ///   scheduled.  This can be used to assign priority to I/O requests
2182    fn schedule_ranges(
2183        &self,
2184        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
2185        scheduler: &Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
2186        top_level_row: u64,
2187    ) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<Box<dyn PrimitivePageDecoder>>>;
2190/// A trait to control the priority of I/O
2191pub trait PriorityRange: std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync {
2192    fn advance(&mut self, num_rows: u64);
2193    fn current_priority(&self) -> u64;
2194    fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn PriorityRange>;
2197/// A simple priority scheme for top-level fields with no parent
2198/// repetition
2200pub struct SimplePriorityRange {
2201    priority: u64,
2204impl SimplePriorityRange {
2205    fn new(priority: u64) -> Self {
2206        Self { priority }
2207    }
2210impl PriorityRange for SimplePriorityRange {
2211    fn advance(&mut self, num_rows: u64) {
2212        self.priority += num_rows;
2213    }
2215    fn current_priority(&self) -> u64 {
2216        self.priority
2217    }
2219    fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn PriorityRange> {
2220        Box::new(Self {
2221            priority: self.priority,
2222        })
2223    }
2226/// Determining the priority of a list request is tricky.  We want
2227/// the priority to be the top-level row.  So if we have a
2228/// list<list<int>> and each outer list has 10 rows and each inner
2229/// list has 5 rows then the priority of the 100th item is 1 because
2230/// it is the 5th item in the 10th item of the *second* row.
2232/// This structure allows us to keep track of this complicated priority
2233/// relationship.
2235/// There's a fair amount of bookkeeping involved here.
2237/// A better approach (using repetition levels) is coming in the future.
2238pub struct ListPriorityRange {
2239    base: Box<dyn PriorityRange>,
2240    offsets: Arc<[u64]>,
2241    cur_index_into_offsets: usize,
2242    cur_position: u64,
2245impl ListPriorityRange {
2246    pub(crate) fn new(base: Box<dyn PriorityRange>, offsets: Arc<[u64]>) -> Self {
2247        Self {
2248            base,
2249            offsets,
2250            cur_index_into_offsets: 0,
2251            cur_position: 0,
2252        }
2253    }
2256impl std::fmt::Debug for ListPriorityRange {
2257    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
2258        f.debug_struct("ListPriorityRange")
2259            .field("base", &self.base)
2260            .field("offsets.len()", &self.offsets.len())
2261            .field("cur_index_into_offsets", &self.cur_index_into_offsets)
2262            .field("cur_position", &self.cur_position)
2263            .finish()
2264    }
2267impl PriorityRange for ListPriorityRange {
2268    fn advance(&mut self, num_rows: u64) {
2269        // We've scheduled X items.  Now walk through the offsets to
2270        // determine how many rows we've scheduled.
2271        self.cur_position += num_rows;
2272        let mut idx_into_offsets = self.cur_index_into_offsets;
2273        while idx_into_offsets + 1 < self.offsets.len()
2274            && self.offsets[idx_into_offsets + 1] <= self.cur_position
2275        {
2276            idx_into_offsets += 1;
2277        }
2278        let base_rows_advanced = idx_into_offsets - self.cur_index_into_offsets;
2279        self.cur_index_into_offsets = idx_into_offsets;
2280        self.base.advance(base_rows_advanced as u64);
2281    }
2283    fn current_priority(&self) -> u64 {
2284        self.base.current_priority()
2285    }
2287    fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn PriorityRange> {
2288        Box::new(Self {
2289            base: self.base.box_clone(),
2290            offsets: self.offsets.clone(),
2291            cur_index_into_offsets: self.cur_index_into_offsets,
2292            cur_position: self.cur_position,
2293        })
2294    }
2297/// Contains the context for a scheduler
2298pub struct SchedulerContext {
2299    recv: Option<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<DecoderMessage>>,
2300    io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>,
2301    cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>,
2302    name: String,
2303    path: Vec<u32>,
2304    path_names: Vec<String>,
2307pub struct ScopedSchedulerContext<'a> {
2308    pub context: &'a mut SchedulerContext,
2311impl<'a> ScopedSchedulerContext<'a> {
2312    pub fn pop(self) -> &'a mut SchedulerContext {
2313        self.context.pop();
2314        self.context
2315    }
2318impl SchedulerContext {
2319    pub fn new(io: Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>, cache: Arc<FileMetadataCache>) -> Self {
2320        Self {
2321            io,
2322            cache,
2323            recv: None,
2324            name: "".to_string(),
2325            path: Vec::new(),
2326            path_names: Vec::new(),
2327        }
2328    }
2330    pub fn io(&self) -> &Arc<dyn EncodingsIo> {
2331        &
2332    }
2334    pub fn cache(&self) -> &Arc<FileMetadataCache> {
2335        &self.cache
2336    }
2338    pub fn push(&mut self, name: &str, index: u32) -> ScopedSchedulerContext {
2339        self.path.push(index);
2340        self.path_names.push(name.to_string());
2341        ScopedSchedulerContext { context: self }
2342    }
2344    pub fn pop(&mut self) {
2345        self.path.pop();
2346        self.path_names.pop();
2347    }
2349    pub fn path_name(&self) -> String {
2350        let path = self.path_names.join("/");
2351        if self.recv.is_some() {
2352            format!("TEMP({}){}",, path)
2353        } else {
2354            format!("ROOT{}", path)
2355        }
2356    }
2358    pub fn current_path(&self) -> VecDeque<u32> {
2359        VecDeque::from_iter(self.path.iter().copied())
2360    }
2362    pub fn locate_decoder(&mut self, decoder: Box<dyn LogicalPageDecoder>) -> DecoderReady {
2363        trace!(
2364            "Scheduling decoder of type {:?} for {:?}",
2365            decoder.data_type(),
2366            self.path,
2367        );
2368        DecoderReady {
2369            decoder,
2370            path: self.current_path(),
2371        }
2372    }
2375pub struct UnloadedPage(pub BoxFuture<'static, Result<LoadedPage>>);
2377impl std::fmt::Debug for UnloadedPage {
2378    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
2379        f.debug_struct("UnloadedPage").finish()
2380    }
2384pub struct ScheduledScanLine {
2385    pub rows_scheduled: u64,
2386    pub decoders: Vec<MessageType>,
2389pub trait SchedulingJob: std::fmt::Debug {
2390    fn schedule_next(
2391        &mut self,
2392        context: &mut SchedulerContext,
2393        priority: &dyn PriorityRange,
2394    ) -> Result<ScheduledScanLine>;
2396    fn num_rows(&self) -> u64;
2399pub trait StructuralSchedulingJob: std::fmt::Debug {
2400    fn schedule_next(
2401        &mut self,
2402        context: &mut SchedulerContext,
2403    ) -> Result<Option<ScheduledScanLine>>;
2406/// A filter expression to apply to the data
2408/// The core decoders do not currently take advantage of filtering in
2409/// any way.  In order to maintain the abstraction we represent filters
2410/// as an arbitrary byte sequence.
2412/// We recommend that encodings use Substrait for filters.
2413pub struct FilterExpression(pub Bytes);
2415impl FilterExpression {
2416    /// Create a filter expression that does not filter any data
2417    ///
2418    /// This is currently represented by an empty byte array.  Encoders
2419    /// that are "filter aware" should make sure they handle this case.
2420    pub fn no_filter() -> Self {
2421        Self(Bytes::new())
2422    }
2424    /// Returns true if the filter is the same as the [`Self::no_filter`] filter
2425    pub fn is_noop(&self) -> bool {
2426        self.0.is_empty()
2427    }
2430/// A scheduler for a field's worth of data
2432/// Each field in a reader's output schema maps to one field scheduler.  This scheduler may
2433/// map to more than one column.  For example, one field of struct data may
2434/// cover many columns of child data.  In fact, the entire file is treated as one
2435/// top-level struct field.
2437/// The scheduler is responsible for calculating the necessary I/O.  One schedule_range
2438/// request could trigger multiple batches of I/O across multiple columns.  The scheduler
2439/// should emit decoders into the sink as quickly as possible.
2441/// As soon as the scheduler encounters a batch of data that can decoded then the scheduler
2442/// should emit a decoder in the "unloaded" state.  The decode stream will pull the decoder
2443/// and start decoding.
2445/// The order in which decoders are emitted is important.  Pages should be emitted in
2446/// row-major order allowing decode of complete rows as quickly as possible.
2448/// The `FieldScheduler` should be stateless and `Send` and `Sync`.  This is
2449/// because it might need to be shared.  For example, a list page has a reference to
2450/// the field schedulers for its items column.  This is shared with the follow-up I/O
2451/// task created when the offsets are loaded.
2453/// See [`crate::decoder`] for more information
2454pub trait FieldScheduler: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
2455    /// Called at the beginning of scheduling to initialize the scheduler
2456    fn initialize<'a>(
2457        &'a self,
2458        filter: &'a FilterExpression,
2459        context: &'a SchedulerContext,
2460    ) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>>;
2461    /// Schedules I/O for the requested portions of the field.
2462    ///
2463    /// Note: `ranges` must be ordered and non-overlapping
2464    /// TODO: Support unordered or overlapping ranges in file scheduler
2465    fn schedule_ranges<'a>(
2466        &'a self,
2467        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
2468        filter: &FilterExpression,
2469    ) -> Result<Box<dyn SchedulingJob + 'a>>;
2470    /// The number of rows in this field
2471    fn num_rows(&self) -> u64;
2474pub trait StructuralFieldScheduler: Send + std::fmt::Debug {
2475    fn initialize<'a>(
2476        &'a mut self,
2477        filter: &'a FilterExpression,
2478        context: &'a SchedulerContext,
2479    ) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>>;
2480    fn schedule_ranges<'a>(
2481        &'a self,
2482        ranges: &[Range<u64>],
2483        filter: &FilterExpression,
2484    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StructuralSchedulingJob + 'a>>;
2487/// A trait for tasks that decode data into an Arrow array
2488pub trait DecodeArrayTask: Send {
2489    /// Decodes the data into an Arrow array
2490    fn decode(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<ArrayRef>;
2493impl DecodeArrayTask for Box<dyn StructuralDecodeArrayTask> {
2494    fn decode(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
2495        StructuralDecodeArrayTask::decode(*self).map(|decoded_array| decoded_array.array)
2496    }
2499/// A task to decode data into an Arrow record batch
2501/// It has a child `task` which decodes a struct array with no nulls.
2502/// This is then converted into a record batch.
2503pub struct NextDecodeTask {
2504    /// The decode task itself
2505    pub task: Box<dyn DecodeArrayTask>,
2506    /// The number of rows that will be created
2507    pub num_rows: u64,
2510impl NextDecodeTask {
2511    // Run the task and produce a record batch
2512    //
2513    // If the batch is very large this function will log a warning message
2514    // suggesting the user try a smaller batch size.
2515    #[instrument(name = "task_to_batch", level = "debug", skip_all)]
2516    fn into_batch(self, emitted_batch_size_warning: Arc<Once>) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
2517        let struct_arr = self.task.decode();
2518        match struct_arr {
2519            Ok(struct_arr) => {
2520                let batch = RecordBatch::from(struct_arr.as_struct());
2521                let size_bytes = batch.get_array_memory_size() as u64;
2522                if size_bytes > BATCH_SIZE_BYTES_WARNING {
2523                    emitted_batch_size_warning.call_once(|| {
2524                        let size_mb = size_bytes / 1024 / 1024;
2525                        debug!("Lance read in a single batch that contained more than {}MiB of data.  You may want to consider reducing the batch size.", size_mb);
2526                    });
2527                }
2528                Ok(batch)
2529            }
2530            Err(e) => {
2531                let e = Error::Internal {
2532                    message: format!("Error decoding batch: {}", e),
2533                    location: location!(),
2534                };
2535                Err(e)
2536            }
2537        }
2538    }
2542pub struct DecoderReady {
2543    // The decoder that is ready to be decoded
2544    pub decoder: Box<dyn LogicalPageDecoder>,
2545    // The path to the decoder, the first value is the column index
2546    // following values, if present, are nested child indices
2547    //
2548    // For example, a path of [1, 1, 0] would mean to grab the second
2549    // column, then the second child, and then the first child.
2550    //
2551    // It could represent x in the following schema:
2552    //
2553    // score: float64
2554    // points: struct
2555    //   color: string
2556    //   location: struct
2557    //     x: float64
2558    //
2559    // Currently, only struct decoders have "children" although other
2560    // decoders may at some point as well.  List children are only
2561    // handled through indirect I/O at the moment and so they don't
2562    // need to be represented (yet)
2563    pub path: VecDeque<u32>,
2566// An envelope to wrap both 2.0 style messages and 2.1 style messages so we can
2567// share some code paths between the two.  Decoders can safely unwrap into whatever
2568// style they expect since a file will be either all-2.0 or all-2.1
2570pub enum MessageType {
2571    // The older v2.0 scheduler/decoder used a scheme where the message was the
2572    // decoder itself.  The messages were not sent in priority order and the decoder
2573    // had to wait for I/O, figuring out the correct priority.  This was a lot of
2574    // complexity.
2575    DecoderReady(DecoderReady),
2576    // Starting in 2.1 we use a simpler scheme where the scheduling happens in priority
2577    // order and the message is an unloaded decoder.  These can be awaited, in order, and
2578    // the decoder does not have to worry about waiting for I/O.
2579    UnloadedPage(UnloadedPage),
2582impl MessageType {
2583    pub fn into_legacy(self) -> DecoderReady {
2584        match self {
2585            Self::DecoderReady(decoder) => decoder,
2586            Self::UnloadedPage(_) => {
2587                panic!("Expected DecoderReady but got UnloadedPage")
2588            }
2589        }
2590    }
2592    pub fn into_structural(self) -> UnloadedPage {
2593        match self {
2594            Self::UnloadedPage(unloaded) => unloaded,
2595            Self::DecoderReady(_) => {
2596                panic!("Expected UnloadedPage but got DecoderReady")
2597            }
2598        }
2599    }
2602pub struct DecoderMessage {
2603    pub scheduled_so_far: u64,
2604    pub decoders: Vec<MessageType>,
2607pub struct DecoderContext {
2608    source: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<DecoderMessage>>,
2611impl DecoderContext {
2612    pub fn new(source: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Result<DecoderMessage>>) -> Self {
2613        Self { source }
2614    }
2617/// A decoder for a field's worth of data
2619/// The decoder is initially "unloaded" (doesn't have all its data).  The [`Self::wait`]
2620/// method should be called to wait for the needed I/O data before attempting to decode
2621/// any further.
2623/// Unlike the other decoder types it is assumed that `LogicalPageDecoder` is stateful
2624/// and only `Send`.  This is why we don't need a `rows_to_skip` argument in [`Self::drain`]
2625pub trait LogicalPageDecoder: std::fmt::Debug + Send {
2626    /// Add a newly scheduled child decoder
2627    ///
2628    /// The default implementation does not expect children and returns
2629    /// an error.
2630    fn accept_child(&mut self, _child: DecoderReady) -> Result<()> {
2631        Err(Error::Internal {
2632            message: format!(
2633                "The decoder {:?} does not expect children but received a child",
2634                self
2635            ),
2636            location: location!(),
2637        })
2638    }
2639    /// Waits until at least `num_rows` have been loaded
2640    fn wait_for_loaded(&mut self, loaded_need: u64) -> BoxFuture<Result<()>>;
2641    /// The number of rows loaded so far
2642    fn rows_loaded(&self) -> u64;
2643    /// The number of rows that still need loading
2644    fn rows_unloaded(&self) -> u64 {
2645        self.num_rows() - self.rows_loaded()
2646    }
2647    /// The total number of rows in the field
2648    fn num_rows(&self) -> u64;
2649    /// The number of rows that have been drained so far
2650    fn rows_drained(&self) -> u64;
2651    /// The number of rows that are still available to drain
2652    fn rows_left(&self) -> u64 {
2653        self.num_rows() - self.rows_drained()
2654    }
2655    /// Creates a task to decode `num_rows` of data into an array
2656    fn drain(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<NextDecodeTask>;
2657    /// The data type of the decoded data
2658    fn data_type(&self) -> &DataType;
2661pub struct DecodedPage {
2662    pub data: DataBlock,
2663    pub repdef: RepDefUnraveler,
2666pub trait DecodePageTask: Send + std::fmt::Debug {
2667    /// Decodes the data into an Arrow array
2668    fn decode(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<DecodedPage>;
2671pub trait StructuralPageDecoder: std::fmt::Debug + Send {
2672    fn drain(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<Box<dyn DecodePageTask>>;
2673    fn num_rows(&self) -> u64;
2677pub struct LoadedPage {
2678    // The decoder that is ready to be decoded
2679    pub decoder: Box<dyn StructuralPageDecoder>,
2680    // The path to the decoder, the first value is the column index
2681    // following values, if present, are nested child indices
2682    //
2683    // For example, a path of [1, 1, 0] would mean to grab the second
2684    // column, then the second child, and then the first child.
2685    //
2686    // It could represent x in the following schema:
2687    //
2688    // score: float64
2689    // points: struct
2690    //   color: string
2691    //   location: struct
2692    //     x: float64
2693    //
2694    // Currently, only struct decoders have "children" although other
2695    // decoders may at some point as well.  List children are only
2696    // handled through indirect I/O at the moment and so they don't
2697    // need to be represented (yet)
2698    pub path: VecDeque<u32>,
2699    pub page_index: usize,
2702pub struct DecodedArray {
2703    pub array: ArrayRef,
2704    pub repdef: CompositeRepDefUnraveler,
2707pub trait StructuralDecodeArrayTask: std::fmt::Debug + Send {
2708    fn decode(self: Box<Self>) -> Result<DecodedArray>;
2711pub trait StructuralFieldDecoder: std::fmt::Debug + Send {
2712    /// Add a newly scheduled child decoder
2713    ///
2714    /// The default implementation does not expect children and returns
2715    /// an error.
2716    fn accept_page(&mut self, _child: LoadedPage) -> Result<()>;
2717    /// Creates a task to decode `num_rows` of data into an array
2718    fn drain(&mut self, num_rows: u64) -> Result<Box<dyn StructuralDecodeArrayTask>>;
2719    /// The data type of the decoded data
2720    fn data_type(&self) -> &DataType;
2723#[derive(Debug, Default)]
2724pub struct DecoderPlugins {}
2726/// Decodes a batch of data from an in-memory structure created by [`crate::encoder::encode_batch`]
2727pub async fn decode_batch(
2728    batch: &EncodedBatch,
2729    filter: &FilterExpression,
2730    decoder_plugins: Arc<DecoderPlugins>,
2731    should_validate: bool,
2732    version: LanceFileVersion,
2733    cache: Option<Arc<FileMetadataCache>>,
2734) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
2735    // The io is synchronous so it shouldn't be possible for any async stuff to still be in progress
2736    // Still, if we just use now_or_never we hit misfires because some futures (channels) need to be
2737    // polled twice.
2739    let io_scheduler = Arc::new(BufferScheduler::new( as Arc<dyn EncodingsIo>;
2740    let cache = cache.unwrap_or_else(|| {
2741        Arc::new(FileMetadataCache::with_capacity(
2742            128 * 1024 * 1024,
2743            CapacityMode::Bytes,
2744        ))
2745    });
2746    let mut decode_scheduler = DecodeBatchScheduler::try_new(
2747        batch.schema.as_ref(),
2748        &batch.top_level_columns,
2749        &batch.page_table,
2750        &vec![],
2751        batch.num_rows,
2752        decoder_plugins,
2753        io_scheduler.clone(),
2754        cache,
2755        filter,
2756    )
2757    .await?;
2758    let (tx, rx) = unbounded_channel();
2759    decode_scheduler.schedule_range(0..batch.num_rows, filter, tx, io_scheduler);
2760    let is_structural = version >= LanceFileVersion::V2_1;
2761    let mut decode_stream = create_decode_stream(
2762        &batch.schema,
2763        batch.num_rows,
2764        batch.num_rows as u32,
2765        is_structural,
2766        should_validate,
2767        rx,
2768    );