
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
2// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Lance Authors
4use arrow_array::builder::Int64Builder;
5use arrow_array::{Array, Int64Array};
6use arrow_schema::DataType;
7use deepsize::DeepSizeOf;
8use lance_io::encodings::plain::PlainDecoder;
9use lance_io::encodings::Decoder;
10use snafu::location;
11use std::collections::BTreeMap;
12use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
14use lance_core::{Error, Result};
15use lance_io::traits::{Reader, Writer};
17#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeepSizeOf)]
18pub struct PageInfo {
19    pub position: usize,
20    pub length: usize,
23impl PageInfo {
24    pub fn new(position: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
25        Self { position, length }
26    }
29/// Page lookup table.
31#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, DeepSizeOf)]
32pub struct PageTable {
33    /// map[field-id,  map[batch-id, PageInfo]]
34    pages: BTreeMap<i32, BTreeMap<i32, PageInfo>>,
37impl PageTable {
38    /// Load [PageTable] from disk.
39    ///
40    /// Parameters:
41    ///  * `position`: The start position in the file where the page table is stored.
42    ///  * `min_field_id`: The smallest field_id that is present in the schema.
43    ///  * `max_field_id`: The largest field_id that is present in the schema.
44    ///  * `num_batches`: The number of batches in the file.
45    ///
46    /// The page table is stored as an array. The on-disk size is determined based
47    /// on the `min_field_id`, `max_field_id`, and `num_batches` parameters. If
48    /// these are incorrect, the page table will not be read correctly.
49    ///
50    /// The full sequence of field ids `min_field_id..=max_field_id` will be loaded.
51    /// Non-existent pages will be represented as (0, 0) in the page table. Pages
52    /// can be non-existent because they are not present in the file, or because
53    /// they are struct fields which have no data pages.
54    pub async fn load(
55        reader: &dyn Reader,
56        position: usize,
57        min_field_id: i32,
58        max_field_id: i32,
59        num_batches: i32,
60    ) -> Result<Self> {
61        if max_field_id < min_field_id {
62            return Err(Error::Internal {
63                message: format!(
64                    "max_field_id {} is less than min_field_id {}",
65                    max_field_id, min_field_id
66                ),
67                location: location!(),
68            });
69        }
71        let field_ids = min_field_id..=max_field_id;
72        let num_columns = field_ids.clone().count();
73        let length = num_columns * num_batches as usize * 2;
74        let decoder = PlainDecoder::new(reader, &DataType::Int64, position, length)?;
75        let raw_arr = decoder.decode().await?;
76        let arr = raw_arr.as_any().downcast_ref::<Int64Array>().unwrap();
78        let mut pages = BTreeMap::default();
79        for (field_pos, field_id) in field_ids.enumerate() {
80            pages.insert(field_id, BTreeMap::default());
81            for batch in 0..num_batches {
82                let idx = field_pos as i32 * num_batches + batch;
83                let batch_position = &arr.value((idx * 2) as usize);
84                let batch_length = &arr.value((idx * 2 + 1) as usize);
85                pages.get_mut(&field_id).unwrap().insert(
86                    batch,
87                    PageInfo {
88                        position: *batch_position as usize,
89                        length: *batch_length as usize,
90                    },
91                );
92            }
93        }
95        Ok(Self { pages })
96    }
98    /// Write [PageTable] to disk.
99    ///
100    /// `min_field_id` is the smallest field_id that is present in the schema.
101    /// This might be a struct field, which has no data pages, but it still must
102    /// be serialized to the page table per the format spec.
103    ///
104    /// Any (field_id, batch_id) combinations that are not present in the page table
105    /// will be written as (0, 0) to indicate an empty page. This includes any
106    /// holes in the field ids as well as struct fields which have no data pages.
107    pub async fn write(&self, writer: &mut dyn Writer, min_field_id: i32) -> Result<usize> {
108        if self.pages.is_empty() {
109            return Err(Error::InvalidInput {
110                source: "empty page table".into(),
111                location: location!(),
112            });
113        }
115        let observed_min = *self.pages.keys().min().unwrap();
116        if min_field_id > *self.pages.keys().min().unwrap() {
117            return Err(Error::invalid_input(
118                format!(
119                    "field_id_offset {} is greater than the minimum field_id {}",
120                    min_field_id, observed_min
121                ),
122                location!(),
123            ));
124        }
125        let max_field_id = *self.pages.keys().max().unwrap();
126        let field_ids = min_field_id..=max_field_id;
128        let pos = writer.tell().await?;
129        let num_batches = self
130            .pages
131            .values()
132            .flat_map(|c_map| c_map.keys().max())
133            .max()
134            .unwrap()
135            + 1;
137        let mut builder =
138            Int64Builder::with_capacity(field_ids.clone().count() * num_batches as usize);
139        for field_id in field_ids {
140            for batch in 0..num_batches {
141                if let Some(page_info) = self.get(field_id, batch) {
142                    builder.append_value(page_info.position as i64);
143                    builder.append_value(page_info.length as i64);
144                } else {
145                    builder.append_slice(&[0, 0]);
146                }
147            }
148        }
149        let arr = builder.finish();
150        writer
151            .write_all(arr.into_data().buffers()[0].as_slice())
152            .await?;
154        Ok(pos)
155    }
157    /// Set page lookup info for a page identified by `(column, batch)` pair.
158    pub fn set(&mut self, field_id: i32, batch: i32, page_info: PageInfo) {
159        self.pages
160            .entry(field_id)
161            .or_default()
162            .insert(batch, page_info);
163    }
165    pub fn get(&self, field_id: i32, batch: i32) -> Option<&PageInfo> {
166        self.pages
167            .get(&field_id)
168            .and_then(|c_map| c_map.get(&batch))
169    }
173mod tests {
175    use super::*;
176    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
178    use lance_io::local::LocalObjectReader;
180    #[test]
181    fn test_set_page_info() {
182        let mut page_table = PageTable::default();
183        let page_info = PageInfo::new(1, 2);
184        page_table.set(10, 20, page_info.clone());
186        let actual = page_table.get(10, 20).unwrap();
187        assert_eq!(actual, &page_info);
188    }
190    #[tokio::test]
191    async fn test_roundtrip_page_info() {
192        let mut page_table = PageTable::default();
193        let page_info = PageInfo::new(1, 2);
195        // Add fields 10..14, 4 batches with some missing
196        page_table.set(10, 2, page_info.clone());
197        page_table.set(11, 1, page_info.clone());
198        // A hole at 12
199        page_table.set(13, 0, page_info.clone());
200        page_table.set(13, 1, page_info.clone());
201        page_table.set(13, 2, page_info.clone());
202        page_table.set(13, 3, page_info.clone());
204        let test_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
205        let path = test_dir.path().join("test");
207        // The first field_id with entries is 10, but if it's inside of a struct
208        // the struct itself needs to be included in the page table. We use 9
209        // here to represent the struct.
210        let starting_field_id = 9;
212        let mut writer = tokio::fs::File::create(&path).await.unwrap();
213        let pos = page_table
214            .write(&mut writer, starting_field_id)
215            .await
216            .unwrap();
217        writer.shutdown().await.unwrap();
219        let reader = LocalObjectReader::open_local_path(&path, 1024, None)
220            .await
221            .unwrap();
222        let actual = PageTable::load(
223            reader.as_ref(),
224            pos,
225            starting_field_id, // First field id is 10, but we want to start at 9
226            13,                // Last field id is 13
227            4,                 // 4 batches
228        )
229        .await
230        .unwrap();
232        // Output should have filled in the empty pages.
233        let mut expected = actual.clone();
234        let default_page_info = PageInfo::new(0, 0);
235        let expected_default_pages = [
236            (9, 0),
237            (9, 1),
238            (9, 2),
239            (9, 3),
240            (10, 0),
241            (10, 1),
242            (10, 3),
243            (11, 0),
244            (11, 2),
245            (11, 3),
246            (12, 0),
247            (12, 1),
248            (12, 2),
249            (12, 3),
250        ];
251        for (field_id, batch) in expected_default_pages.iter() {
252            expected.set(*field_id, *batch, default_page_info.clone());
253        }
255        assert_eq!(expected, actual);
256    }
258    #[tokio::test]
259    async fn test_error_handling() {
260        let mut page_table = PageTable::default();
262        let test_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
263        let path = test_dir.path().join("test");
265        // Returns an error if the page table is empty
266        let mut writer = tokio::fs::File::create(&path).await.unwrap();
267        let res = page_table.write(&mut writer, 1).await;
268        assert!(res.is_err());
269        assert!(
270            matches!(res.unwrap_err(), Error::InvalidInput { source, .. } if source.to_string().contains("empty page table"))
271        );
273        let page_info = PageInfo::new(1, 2);
274        page_table.set(0, 0, page_info.clone());
276        // Returns an error if passing a min_field_id higher than the lowest field_id
277        let mut writer = tokio::fs::File::create(&path).await.unwrap();
278        let res = page_table.write(&mut writer, 1).await;
279        assert!(res.is_err());
280        assert!(
281            matches!(res.unwrap_err(), Error::InvalidInput { source, .. } 
282                if source.to_string().contains("field_id_offset 1 is greater than the minimum field_id 0"))
283        );
285        let mut writer = tokio::fs::File::create(&path).await.unwrap();
286        let res = page_table.write(&mut writer, 0).await.unwrap();
288        let reader = LocalObjectReader::open_local_path(&path, 1024, None)
289            .await
290            .unwrap();
292        // Returns an error if max_field_id is less than min_field_id
293        let res = PageTable::load(reader.as_ref(), res, 1, 0, 1).await;
294        assert!(res.is_err());
295        assert!(matches!(res.unwrap_err(), Error::Internal { message, .. }
296                if message.contains("max_field_id 0 is less than min_field_id 1")));
297    }