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//! Processors for input values
//! This module simplifies input handling in your application by providing processors
//! for refining and manipulating values before reaching the application logic.
//! The foundation of this module lies in these enums.
//! - [`AxisProcessor`]: Handles `f32` values for single-axis inputs.
//! - [`DualAxisProcessor`]: Handles [`Vec2`](bevy::prelude::Vec2) values for dual-axis inputs.
//! Need something specific? You can also create your own processors by implementing these traits for specific needs.
//! - [`CustomAxisProcessor`]: Handles `f32` values for single-axis inputs.
//! - [`CustomDualAxisProcessor`]: Handles [`Vec2`](bevy::prelude::Vec2) values for dual-axis inputs.
//! Feel free to suggest additions to the built-in processors if you have a common use case!
//! # Built-in Processors
//! ## Digital Conversion
//! Digital processors convert raw input values into discrete values,
//! similar to [`f32::signum`] but returning `0.0` for zero values.
//! - [`AxisProcessor::Digital`]: Single-axis digital conversion.
//! - [`DualAxisProcessor::Digital`]: Dual-axis digital conversion.
//! ## Inversion
//! Inversion flips the sign of input values, resulting in a directional reversal of control.
//! For example, positive values become negative, and up becomes down.
//! - [`AxisProcessor::Inverted`]: Single-axis inversion.
//! - [`DualAxisInverted`]: Dual-axis inversion, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! ## Sensitivity
//! Sensitivity scales input values with a specified multiplier (doubling, halving, etc.),
//! allowing fine-tuning the responsiveness of controls.
//! - [`AxisProcessor::Sensitivity`]: Single-axis scaling.
//! - [`DualAxisSensitivity`]: Dual-axis scaling, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! ## Value Bounds
//! Value bounds define an acceptable range for input values,
//! clamping out-of-bounds inputs to the nearest valid value and leaving others as is
//! to avoid unexpected behavior caused by extreme inputs.
//! - [`AxisBounds`]: A min-max range for valid single-axis inputs,
//! implemented [`Into<AxisProcessor>`] and [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`DualAxisBounds`]: A square-shaped region for valid dual-axis inputs,
//! with independent min-max ranges for each axis, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`CircleBounds`]: A circular region for valid dual-axis inputs,
//! with a radius defining the maximum magnitude, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! ## Dead Zones
//! ### Unscaled Versions
//! Unscaled dead zones specify regions where input values within the regions
//! are considered excluded from further processing and treated as zeros,
//! helping filter out minor fluctuations and unintended movements.
//! - [`AxisExclusion`]: A min-max range for excluding single-axis input values,
//! implemented [`Into<AxisProcessor>`] and [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`DualAxisExclusion`]: A cross-shaped region for excluding dual-axis inputs,
//! with independent min-max ranges for each axis, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`CircleExclusion`]: A circular region for excluding dual-axis inputs,
//! with a radius defining the maximum excluded magnitude, implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! ### Scaled Versions
//! Scaled dead zones transform input values by restricting values within the default bounds,
//! and then scaling non-excluded values linearly into the "live zone",
//! the remaining region within the bounds after dead zone exclusion.
//! - [`AxisDeadZone`]: A scaled version of [`AxisExclusion`] with the bounds
//! set to [`AxisBounds::symmetric(1.0)`](AxisBounds::default),
//! implemented [`Into<AxisProcessor>`] and [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`DualAxisDeadZone`]: A scaled version of [`DualAxisExclusion`] with the bounds
//! set to [`DualAxisBounds::symmetric_all(1.0)`](DualAxisBounds::default), implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
//! - [`CircleDeadZone`]: A scaled version of [`CircleExclusion`] with the bounds
//! set to [`CircleBounds::new(1.0)`](CircleBounds::default), implemented [`Into<DualAxisProcessor>`].
pub use self::dual_axis::*;
pub use self::single_axis::*;
pub mod dual_axis;
pub mod single_axis;