pub fn repeat_mut<State>(state: State) -> RepeatMut<State> 
Expand description

Returns an infinite impl LendingIterator which lends &'next mut State items.

Useful as an entry-point for the other combinators and adapters.

It is also conceptually interesting since it features one of the simplest .next() implementations, as an “identity” function: |self| Some(self).

And yet, such a next() implementation would have been impossible to feature using an Iterator, since the returned item would not be allowed to keep borrowing from *self.


  • use ::lending_iterator::prelude::*;
    let iter =
            .map_into_iter(|&mut globby| globby)
        ["Globby", "Globby", "Globby", "Globby", "Globby", "Globby", "Globby"],