lento-yoga 0.4.0

Rust bindings for Facebook's Yoga, a Flexbox layout engine
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A Rust wrapper for Facebook's Yoga layout library.

You may also want to check out taffy (a revived fork of the abandoned stretch) as it is a pure Rust implementation.


  • cargo
  • rustc
  • libc++-dev (LLVM’s libc++)


$ cargo build --release

Run Example

$ cargo run --release --example layout

Format Code

$ cargo +nightly fmt

Example Code

extern crate yoga;

use yoga::prelude::*;
use yoga::Node;
use yoga::StyleUnit::{Auto, UndefinedValue};

fn main() {
	let mut node = Node::new();

	let mut child = Node::new();
	let mut other_child = Node::new();

	node.insert_child(&mut child, 0);
	node.insert_child(&mut other_child, 1);

		Margin(10 pt),
		PaddingHorizontal(4 pt),
		Left(16 %),

	let child_styles = make_styles!(
		Width(32 pt),
		Height(32 pt),


	node.calculate_layout(512.0, 512.0, yoga::Direction::LTR);

	println!("Layout is {:#?}", child.get_layout());


The unit tests are automatically generated based on upstream fixtures and should not be edited manually.

$ cargo test

To generate the test cases: Download the ChromeDriver binary and put it somewhere in your $PATH. Linux/MacOS example:

$ cp chromedriver /usr/local/bin

Then run the following

$ cd gentest
$ bundle install # Install the required ruby gems
$ ruby gentest/gentest.rb # Generate the tests
$ cargo +nightly fmt # Format the tests for consistency