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mod bootstrap;
mod tailwind;
use crate::ColumnSort;
pub use bootstrap::*;
pub use tailwind::*;
/// A trait for providing classes for the table.
pub trait TableClassesProvider {
/// Create a new instance of the class provider.
fn new() -> Self;
/// Get the class attribute for the thead.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the
/// `thead_class` prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn thead(&self, prop_class: &str) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the thead row.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the
/// `thead_row_class` prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn thead_row(&self, prop_class: &str) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the thead cells.
/// The `sort` parameter contains the sort state of the column.
/// The `macro_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the `head_class` macro attribute of the field.
fn thead_cell(&self, sort: ColumnSort, macro_class: &str) -> String {
format!("{} {}", sort.as_class(), macro_class)
/// Get the classes for the thead cells' inner element.
fn thead_cell_inner(&self) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the tbody.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the
/// `tbody_class` prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn tbody(&self, prop_class: &str) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the body rows.
/// The `row_index` parameter contains the index of the row. The first row has index 0.
/// The `selected` parameter indicates whether the row is selected.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the `row_class`
/// prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn row(&self, row_index: usize, selected: bool, prop_class: &str) -> String {
prop_class.to_string() + if selected { " selected" } else { "" }
/// Get the classes for the elements inside of the cells of rows that are currently
/// being loaded.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the
/// `loading_cell_class` prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn loading_cell(&self, row_index: usize, col_index: usize, prop_class: &str) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the elements inside of the cells of rows that are currently
/// being loaded. Usually this will be some loading indicator like a sceleton bar.
/// The `prop_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the
/// `loading_cell_inner_class` prop of the [`TableContent`] component.
fn loading_cell_inner(&self, row_index: usize, col_index: usize, prop_class: &str) -> String {
/// Get the classes for the body cells.
/// The `macro_class` parameter contains the classes specified in the `class` macro attribute of the field.
fn cell(&self, macro_class: &str) -> String {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DummyTableClassesProvider;
impl TableClassesProvider for DummyTableClassesProvider {
fn new() -> Self {