Function use_user_media

pub fn use_user_media() -> UseUserMediaReturn<impl Fn() + Clone + Send + Sync, impl Fn() + Clone + Send + Sync>
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Reactive mediaDevices.getUserMedia streaming.


Link to Demo


let video_ref = NodeRef::<leptos::html::Video>::new();

let UseUserMediaReturn { stream, start, .. } = use_user_media();


Effect::new(move |_|
    video_ref.get().map(|v| {
        match stream.get() {
            Some(Ok(s)) => v.set_src_object(Some(&s)),
            Some(Err(e)) => error!("Failed to get media stream: {:?}", e),
            None => log!("No stream yet"),

view! { <video node_ref=video_ref controls=false autoplay=true muted=true></video> }

§Server-Side Rendering

On the server calls to start or any other way to enable the stream will be ignored and the stream will always be None.