Function libmimalloc_sys::mi_process_info

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mi_process_info(
    elapsed_msecs: *mut usize,
    user_msecs: *mut usize,
    system_msecs: *mut usize,
    current_rss: *mut usize,
    peak_rss: *mut usize,
    current_commit: *mut usize,
    peak_commit: *mut usize,
    page_faults: *mut usize,
Expand description

Return process information (time and memory usage). All parameters are optional (nullable) out-params:

elapsed_msecsElapsed wall-clock time of the process in milli-seconds.
user_msecsUser time in milli-seconds (as the sum over all threads).
system_msecsSystem time in milli-seconds.
current_rssCurrent working set size (touched pages).
peak_rssPeak working set size (touched pages).
current_commitCurrent committed memory (backed by the page file).
peak_commitPeak committed memory (backed by the page file).
page_faultsCount of hard page faults.

The current_rss is precise on Windows and MacOSX; other systems estimate this using current_commit. The commit is precise on Windows but estimated on other systems as the amount of read/write accessible memory reserved by mimalloc.