libp2p-quic 0.10.3

TLS based QUIC transport implementation for libp2p failed to build libp2p-quic-0.10.3
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Visit the last successful build: libp2p-quic-0.12.0

Implementation of the QUIC transport protocol for libp2p.



# #[cfg(not(feature = "async-std"))]
# fn main() {}
# #[cfg(feature = "async-std")]
# fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use libp2p_quic as quic;
use libp2p_core::{Multiaddr, Transport, transport::ListenerId};

let keypair = libp2p_identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let quic_config = quic::Config::new(&keypair);

let mut quic_transport = quic::async_std::Transport::new(quic_config);

let addr = "/ip4/".parse().expect("address should be valid");
quic_transport.listen_on(ListenerId::next(), addr).expect("listen error.");
# Ok(())
# }

The [GenTransport] struct implements the [libp2p_core::Transport]. See the documentation of [libp2p_core] and of libp2p in general to learn how to use the [Transport][libp2p_core::Transport] trait.

Note that QUIC provides transport, security, and multiplexing in a single protocol. Therefore, QUIC connections do not need to be upgraded. You will get a compile-time error if you try. Instead, you must pass all needed configuration into the constructor.