Module lightning_invoice::payment[][src]

Expand description

A module for paying Lightning invoices and sending spontaneous payments.

Defines an InvoicePayer utility for sending payments, parameterized by Payer and Router traits. Implementations of Payer provide the payer’s node id, channels, and means to send a payment over a Route. Implementations of Router find a Route between payer and payee using information provided by the payer and from the payee’s Invoice, when applicable.

InvoicePayer is parameterized by a LockableScore, which it uses for scoring failed and successful payment paths upon receiving Event::PaymentPathFailed and Event::PaymentPathSuccessful events, respectively.

InvoicePayer is capable of retrying failed payments. It accomplishes this by implementing EventHandler which decorates a user-provided handler. It will intercept any Event::PaymentPathFailed events and retry the failed paths for a fixed number of total attempts or until retry is no longer possible. In such a situation, InvoicePayer will pass along the events to the user-provided handler.


let event_handler = |event: &Event| {
    match event {
        Event::PaymentPathFailed { .. } => println!("payment failed after retries"),
        Event::PaymentSent { .. } => println!("payment successful"),
        _ => {},
let invoice_payer = InvoicePayer::new(&payer, router, &scorer, &logger, event_handler, RetryAttempts(2));

let invoice = "...";
if let Ok(invoice) = invoice.parse::<Invoice>() {

    loop {


The Route is computed before each payment attempt. Any updates affecting path finding such as updates to the network graph or changes to channel scores should be applied prior to retries, typically by way of composing EventHandlers accordingly.


A utility for paying Invoices and sending spontaneous payments.

Number of attempts to retry payment path failures for an Invoice.


An error that may occur when making a payment.


A trait defining behavior of an Invoice payer.

A trait defining behavior for routing an Invoice payment.