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CSS property values.

Each property provides parsing and serialization support using the Parse and ToCss traits. Properties are fully parsed as defined by the CSS spec, and printed in their canonical form. For example, most CSS properties are case-insensitive, and may be written in various orders, but when printed they are lower cased as appropriate and in a standard order.

CSS properties often also contain many implicit values that are automatically filled in during parsing when omitted. These are also omitted when possible during serialization. Many properties also implement the Default trait, which returns the initial value for the property.

Shorthand properties are represented as structs containing fields for each of the sub-properties. If some of the sub-properties are not specified in the shorthand, their default values are filled in.

The Property enum contains the values of all properties, and can be used to parse property values by name. The PropertyId enum represents only property names, and not values and is used to refer to known properties.


This example shows how the background shorthand property is parsed and serialized. The parse_string function parses the background into a structure with all missing fields filled in with their default values. When printed using the to_css_string function, the components are in their canonical order, and default values are removed.

use smallvec::smallvec;
use lightningcss::{
  properties::{Property, PropertyId, background::*},
  values::{url::Url, image::Image, color::CssColor, position::*, length::*},
  stylesheet::{ParserOptions, PrinterOptions},

let background = Property::parse_string(
  "url('img.png') repeat fixed 20px 10px / 50px 100px",

  Property::Background(smallvec![Background {
    image: Image::Url(Url {
      url: "img.png".into(),
      loc: Location { line: 1, column: 1 }
    color: CssColor::RGBA(cssparser::RGBA {
      red: 0,
      green: 0,
      blue: 0,
      alpha: 0
    position: BackgroundPosition {
      x: HorizontalPosition::Length(LengthPercentage::px(20.0)),
      y: VerticalPosition::Length(LengthPercentage::px(10.0)),
    repeat: BackgroundRepeat {
      x: BackgroundRepeatKeyword::Repeat,
      y: BackgroundRepeatKeyword::Repeat,
    size: BackgroundSize::Explicit {
      width: LengthPercentageOrAuto::LengthPercentage(LengthPercentage::px(50.0)),
      height: LengthPercentageOrAuto::LengthPercentage(LengthPercentage::px(100.0)),
    attachment: BackgroundAttachment::Fixed,
    origin: BackgroundOrigin::PaddingBox,
    clip: BackgroundClip::BorderBox,

  background.to_css_string(false, PrinterOptions::default()).unwrap(),
  r#"background: url("img.png") 20px 10px / 50px 100px fixed"#

If you have a cssparser::Parser already, you can also use the parse and to_css methods instead, rather than parsing from a string.

Unparsed and custom properties

Custom and unknown properties are represented by the CustomProperty struct, and the Property::Custom variant. The value of these properties is not parsed, and is stored as a raw TokenList, with the name as a string.

If a known property is unable to be parsed, e.g. it contains var() references, then it is represented by the UnparsedProperty struct, and the Property::Unparsed variant. The value is stored as a raw TokenList, with a PropertyId as the name.


  • CSS properties related to box alignment.
  • CSS properties related to keyframe animations.
  • CSS properties related to backgrounds.
  • CSS properties related to borders.
  • CSS properties related to border images.
  • The CSS border radius property.
  • The CSS box-shadow property.
  • CSS properties related to containment.
  • Properties related to CSS modules.
  • CSS custom properties and unparsed token values.
  • CSS properties related to display.
  • CSS properties related to filters and effects.
  • CSS properties related to flexbox layout.
  • CSS properties related to fonts.
  • CSS properties related to grid layout.
  • CSS properties related to lists and counters.
  • CSS properties related to clipping and masking.
  • CSS properties related to outlines.
  • CSS properties related to overflow.
  • CSS properties related to positioning.
  • CSS properties related to box sizing.
  • CSS properties used in SVG.
  • CSS properties related to text.
  • CSS properties related to 2D and 3D transforms.
  • CSS properties related to transitions.
  • CSS properties related to user interface.
