Module lightningcss::visitor
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Visitors for traversing the values in a StyleSheet.
The Visitor trait includes methods for visiting and transforming rules, properties, and values within a StyleSheet. Each value implements the Visit trait, which knows how to visit the value itself, as well as its children. A Visitor is configured to only visit specific types of values using VisitTypes flags. This enables entire branches to be skipped when a type does not contain any relevant values.
This example transforms a stylesheet, adding a prefix to all URLs, and converting pixels to rems.
use std::convert::Infallible;
use lightningcss::{
stylesheet::{StyleSheet, ParserOptions, PrinterOptions},
visitor::{Visitor, Visit, VisitTypes},
let mut stylesheet = StyleSheet::parse(
.foo {
background: url(bg.png);
width: 32px;
struct MyVisitor;
impl<'i> Visitor<'i> for MyVisitor {
type Error = Infallible;
fn visit_types(&self) -> VisitTypes {
visit_types!(URLS | LENGTHS)
fn visit_url(&mut self, url: &mut Url<'i>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
url.url = format!("{}", url.url).into();
fn visit_length(&mut self, length: &mut LengthValue) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
match length {
LengthValue::Px(px) => *length = LengthValue::Rem(*px / 16.0),
_ => {}
stylesheet.visit(&mut MyVisitor).unwrap();
let res = stylesheet.to_css(PrinterOptions { minify: true, ..Default::default() }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(res.code, ".foo{background:url(;width:2rem}");
- Describes what a Visitor will visit when traversing a StyleSheet.
- A trait for values that can be visited by a Visitor.
- A trait for visiting or transforming rules, properties, and values in a StyleSheet.