A block containing operations to apply on a given chain, as well as the
acknowledgment of a number of incoming messages from other chains.
The messages and the state hash resulting from a
’s execution.
An authenticated proposal for a new block.
A certified statement from the committee.
A chain ID with a block height.
A channel name together with its application ID.
An event recorded in an executed block.
, together with the outcome from its execution.
A statement to be certified by the validators, with its hash.
A bundle of cross-chain messages.
A certified statement from the committee, without the value.
The hash and chain ID of a CertificateValue
A vote on a statement from a validator, represented as a LiteValue
A set of messages from a single block, for a single destination.
The origin of a message, relative to a particular application. Used to identify each inbox.
A posted message together with routing information.
A message together with kind, authentication and grant information.
The data a block proposer signs.
The target of a message, relative to a particular application. Used to identify each outbox.
A vote on a statement from a validator.