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//! Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) is a matrix-free method for
//! finding the large (or smallest) eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of a symmetric
//! eigenvalue problem
//! ```text
//! A x = lambda x
//! ```
//! where A is symmetric and (x, lambda) the solution. It has the following advantages:
//! * matrix free: does not require storing the coefficient matrix explicitely and only evaluates
//! matrix-vector products.
//! * factorization-free: does not require any matrix decomposition
//! * linear-convergence: theoretically guaranteed and practically observed
//! See also the wikipedia article at [LOBPCG](
mod algorithm;
mod eig;
mod svd;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use rand::distributions::Standard;
use rand::prelude::*;
pub use crate::{LinalgError, Order};
pub use algorithm::lobpcg;
pub use eig::{TruncatedEig, TruncatedEigIterator};
pub use svd::{MagnitudeCorrection, TruncatedSvd};
/// Generate random array
pub(crate) fn random<A, Sh, D, R: Rng>(sh: Sh, mut rng: R) -> Array<A, D>
A: NdFloat,
D: Dimension,
Sh: ShapeBuilder<Dim = D>,
Standard: Distribution<A>,
ArrayBase::from_shape_fn(sh, |_| rng.gen::<A>())
/// The result of the eigensolver
/// In the best case the eigensolver has converged with a result better than the given threshold,
/// then a `Ok` gives the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and norms. If an error ocurred
/// during the process, it is returned in `Err` (together with the best result),
/// as it could be of value. If there is no result at all, then the second field is `None`.
/// This happens if the algorithm fails in an early stage, for example if the matrix `A` is not SPD
pub type LobpcgResult<A> = std::result::Result<Lobpcg<A>, (LinalgError, Option<Lobpcg<A>>)>;
pub struct Lobpcg<A> {
pub eigvals: Array1<A>,
pub eigvecs: Array2<A>,
pub rnorm: Vec<A>,