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use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub(crate) mod cfg;
pub(crate) mod func;
pub(crate) mod generate;
pub(crate) mod parse;
pub(crate) mod visibility;
use generate::func::inner_lombok_data;
/// This is an example of how to use the `Lombok` procedural macro with `get` and `set` attributes.
/// The `Lombok` procedural macro is used to automatically generate getters and setters for struct fields.
/// The `get` attribute controls the visibility of the getter function, and the `set` attribute controls
/// the visibility of the setter function.
/// Example:
/// ```rust
/// use lombok_macros::*;
/// #[derive(Lombok, Debug, Clone)]
/// struct LombokTest<'a, 'b, T: Clone> {
/// #[get(pub(crate))]
/// #[set(pub(crate))]
/// list: Vec<String>,
/// #[get(pub(crate))]
/// opt_str_lifetime_a: Option<&'a T>,
/// #[set(private)]
/// opt_str_lifetime_b: Option<&'b str>,
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// let mut data: LombokTest<usize> = LombokTest {
/// list: Vec::new(),
/// opt_str_lifetime_a: None,
/// opt_str_lifetime_b: None,
/// };
/// let list: Vec<String> = vec!["hello".to_string(), "world".to_string()];
/// data.set_list(list.clone());
/// match data.get_list() {
/// left_val => {
/// assert_eq!(*left_val, list);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
#[proc_macro_derive(Lombok, attributes(set, get))]
pub fn lombok_data(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {