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#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://nical.github.io/lyon-doc/lyon-logo.svg")] //! 2d rendering on the GPU in rust. //! //!  //! //! [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon) //! [](https://travis-ci.org/nical/lyon) //! //! # Crates //! //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_tessellation) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_tessellation) - //! **lyon_tessellation** - Path tessellation routines. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_path_builder) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_path_builder) - //! **lyon_path_builder** - Tools to facilitate building paths. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_path_iterator) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_path_iterator) - //! **lyon_path_iterator** - Tools to facilitate iteratring over paths. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_path) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_path) - //! **lyon_path** - A simple optional path data structure, provided for convenience. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_bezier) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_bezier) - //! **lyon_bezier** - Cubic and quadratic 2d bézier math. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_svg) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_svg) - //! **lyon_svg** - Create paths using SVG's path syntax. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_extra) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_extra) - //! **lyon_extra** - Additional testing and debugging tools. //! * [](https://crates.io/crates/lyon_core) //! [](https://docs.rs/lyon_core) - //! **lyon_core** - Common types to most lyon crates (mostly for internal use, reexported by the other crates). //! //! [This crate](https://crates.io/crates/lyon) is a meta-crate, reexporting the crates listed above. //! //! # Additional documentation and links //! //! * [very basic gfx-rs example](https://github.com/nical/lyon/tree/master/examples/gfx_basic). //! * [advanced gfx-rs example](https://github.com/nical/lyon/tree/master/examples/gfx_advanced). //! * There is some useful documentaion on the project's [wiki](https://github.com/nical/lyon/wiki). //! * The source code is available on the project's [git repository](https://github.com/nical/lyon). //! * Interested in contributing? Pull requests are welcome. If you would like to help but don't know //! what to do specifically, have a look at the [github issues](https://github.com/nical/lyon/issues), //! some of which are tagged as [easy](https://github.com/nical/lyon/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aeasy). //! //! # Examples //! //! ## Tessellating a rounded rectangle //! //! The `lyon_tessellation` crate provides a collection of tessellation routines //! for common shapes such as rectangles and circles. Let's have a look at how //! to obtain the fill tessellation a rectangle with rounded corners: //! //! ``` //! extern crate lyon; //! use lyon::math::rect; //! use lyon::tessellation::VertexBuffers; //! use lyon::tessellation::basic_shapes::*; //! use lyon::tessellation::geometry_builder::simple_builder; //! //! fn main() { //! let mut geometry = VertexBuffers::new(); //! //! let tolerance = 0.1; //! //! fill_rounded_rectangle( //! &rect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 50.0), //! &BorderRadii { //! top_left: 10.0, //! top_right: 5.0, //! bottom_left: 20.0, //! bottom_right: 25.0, //! }, //! tolerance, //! &mut simple_builder(&mut geometry), //! ); //! //! // The tessellated geometry is ready to be uploaded to the GPU. //! println!(" -- {} vertices {} indices", //! geometry.vertices.len(), //! geometry.indices.len() //! ); //! } //! //! ``` //! //! ## Building and tessellating an arbitrary path //! //! ``` //! extern crate lyon; //! use lyon::math::point; //! use lyon::path::Path; //! use lyon::path_builder::*; //! use lyon::path_iterator::PathIterator; //! use lyon::tessellation::{FillTessellator, FillOptions, VertexBuffers}; //! use lyon::tessellation::geometry_builder::simple_builder; //! //! fn main() { //! // Build a Path. //! let mut builder = Path::builder(); //! builder.move_to(point(0.0, 0.0)); //! builder.line_to(point(1.0, 0.0)); //! builder.quadratic_bezier_to(point(2.0, 0.0), point(2.0, 1.0)); //! builder.cubic_bezier_to(point(1.0, 1.0), point(0.0, 1.0), point(0.0, 0.0)); //! builder.close(); //! let path = builder.build(); //! //! // Will contain the result of the tessellation. //! let mut geometry = VertexBuffers::new(); //! //! let mut tessellator = FillTessellator::new(); //! //! { //! let mut geom_builder = simple_builder(&mut geometry); //! //! let tolerance = 0.1; //! //! // Compute the tessellation. //! tessellator.tessellate_flattened_path( //! path.path_iter().flattened(tolerance), //! &FillOptions::default(), //! &mut geom_builder //! ).unwrap(); //! } //! //! // The tessellated geometry is ready to be uploaded to the GPU. //! println!(" -- {} vertices {} indices", //! geometry.vertices.len(), //! geometry.indices.len() //! ); //! } //! ``` //! //! ## What is the tolerance variable in these examples? //! //! The tessellator operates on flattened paths (that only contains line segments) //! so we have to approximate the curves segments with sequences of line segments. //! To do so we pick a tolerance threshold which is the maximum distance allowed //! between the curve and its approximation. //! The documentation of the [lyon_bezier](https://docs.rs/lyon_bezier) crate provides //! more detailed explanations about this tolerance parameter. //! //! ## Rendering the tessellated geometry //! //! Lyon does not provide with any GPU abstraction or rendering backend (for now). //! It is up to the user of this crate to decide whether to use OpenGL, vulkan, gfx-rs, //! glium, or any low level graphics API and how to render it. //! The [basic](https://github.com/nical/lyon/tree/master/examples/gfx_basic) and //! [advanced](https://github.com/nical/lyon/tree/master/examples/gfx_advanced) gfx-rs //! examples can be used to get an idea of how to render the geometry (in this case //! using gfx-rs). //! //! ## Which crates do I need? //! //! The meta-crate (`lyon`) mostly reexports the other lyon crates for convenience. //! //! ```ignore //! extern crate lyon; //! use lyon::tessellation::FillTessellator; //! ``` //! //! Is equivalent to: //! //! ```ignore //! extern crate lyon_tessellation; //! use lyon_tessellation::FillTessellator; //! ``` //! //! - The `lyon_tessellation` crate is the most interesting crate so is what most people using //! lyon are interested in. The tessellation algorithms don't depend on a specific data //! structure. Instead they work on iterators of path. When using the `lyon_tessellation` //! crate you'll almost always want to use the `lyon_path_iterator` crate as well. //! - The `lyon_path_iterator` crate contains a colletion of tools to chain iterators //! of path events. These adapters are very useful to convert an iterator of SVG events //! (which contains various types of curves in relative and absolute coordinates) into //! iterator of simpler path events (every thing in absolute coordinates) all the way to //! flattened events (only line segments in absolute corrdinates). //! - The `lyon_path` crate is completely optional. It contains a path data structure //! which work with the `lyon_path_iterator` (and thus works with `lyon_tessellation`) and //! `lyon_path_builder` crates. Various examples use it but anyone can implement a custom //! path data structure that works with the tessellators as long as it provides an iterator //! of path events. //! - The `lyon_path_builder` crate is also optional, but provide useful abstractions to //! build path objects from sequences of function calls like `move_to`, `cubic_bezier_to`, etc. //! Just like `lyon_path_iterator` this crate provides adapters between the different types of //! path events, making it easy to use the full set of SVG events to build a path object that //! does not actually support all of them by converting events to lower level primitives on //! the fly. //! - The `lyon_bezier` crate is really standalone as it does not depend on any other `lyon_*` crate. //! It implements useful quadratic and cubic bezier curve math, including the flattening //! algorithm that is used by `lyon_path_iterator` and `lyon_path_builder`. //! - The `lyon_svg` crate contains utilities to interface with SVG. At the moment it is mostly //! a collection of wrappers around the excellent `svgparser` crate. //! - The `lyon_core` crate contains internal details that are useful to all other lyon crates //! (except `lyon_bezier`). It is reexported by all crates and you should not have to interact //! directly with it. //! //! These crates are not very big, it's usually fine for most use-case to simply import the `lyon` //! meta-crate, unless you are only interested in the bezier tools. //! pub extern crate lyon_core; pub extern crate lyon_path; pub extern crate lyon_path_builder; pub extern crate lyon_path_iterator; pub extern crate lyon_tessellation; pub extern crate lyon_bezier; pub extern crate lyon_extra; pub extern crate lyon_svg; //pub extern crate lyon_renderer; pub use lyon_core::*; pub use lyon_tessellation as tessellation; pub use lyon_path as path; pub use lyon_path_builder as path_builder; pub use lyon_path_iterator as path_iterator; pub use lyon_bezier as bezier; pub use lyon_extra as extra; pub use lyon_svg as svg; //pub use lyon_renderer as renderer;