[][src]Module lyon_path::iterator

Tools to iterate over paths.

Lyon path iterators


This module provides a collection of traits to extend the Iterator trait when iterating over paths.


extern crate lyon_path;
use lyon_path::iterator::*;
use lyon_path::math::{point, vector};
use lyon_path::{PathEvent, SvgEvent, FlattenedEvent};

fn main() {
    let events = vec![
        SvgEvent::MoveTo(point(1.0, 1.0)),
        SvgEvent::RelativeQuadraticTo(vector(4.0, 5.0), vector(-1.0, 4.0)),
        SvgEvent::CubicTo(point(3.0, 0.0), point(3.0, 1.0), point(10.0, -3.0)),

    // A simple std::iter::Iterator<SvgEvent>,
    let simple_iter = events.iter().cloned();

    // Make it a SvgIterator (keeps tracks of the path state).
    let svg_path_iter = SvgPathIter::new(simple_iter);

    // Make it a PathEvent iterator.
    let path_iter = svg_path_iter.path_events();

    // Make it an iterator over even simpler primitives: FlattenedEvent,
    // which do not contain any curve. To do so we approximate each curve
    // linear segments according to a tolerance threshold which controls
    // the tradeoff between fidelity of the approximation and amount of
    // generated events. Let's use a tolerance threshold of 0.01.
    // The beauty of this approach is that the flattening happens lazily
    // while iterating without allocating memory for the path.
    let flattened_iter = path_iter.flattened(0.01);

    for evt in flattened_iter {
        match evt {
            FlattenedEvent::MoveTo(p) => { println!(" - move to {:?}", p); }
            FlattenedEvent::Line(segment) => { println!(" - line {:?}", segment); }
            FlattenedEvent::Close(segment) => { println!(" - close {:?}", segment); }

An equivalent (shorter) version of the above code takes advantage of the fact you can get a flattening iterator directly from an SvgIterator:

extern crate lyon_path;
use lyon_path::iterator::*;
use lyon_path::math::{point, vector};
use lyon_path::SvgEvent;

fn main() {
    let events = vec![
        SvgEvent::MoveTo(point(1.0, 1.0)),
        SvgEvent::RelativeQuadraticTo(vector(4.0, 5.0), vector(-1.0, 4.0)),
        SvgEvent::SmoothCubicTo(point(3.0, 1.0), point(10.0, -3.0)),

    for evt in SvgPathIter::new(events.iter().cloned()).flattened(0.01) {
        // ...

Sometimes, working with segments directly without dealing with MoveTo/Close events can be more convenient:

extern crate lyon_path;
use lyon_path::iterator::*;
use lyon_path::math::{point, vector};
use lyon_path::geom::BezierSegment;
use lyon_path::Path;

fn main() {
    // In practice it is more common to iterate over Path objects than vectors
    // of SVG commands (the former can be constructed from the latter).
    let mut builder = Path::builder();
    builder.move_to(point(1.0, 1.0));
    builder.line_to(point(2.0, 1.0));
    builder.quadratic_bezier_to(point(2.0, 2.0), point(1.0, 2.0));
    builder.cubic_bezier_to(point(0.0, 2.0), point(0.0, 0.0), point(1.0, 0.0));
    let path = builder.build();

    // Iterate over bézier segments directly.
    for segment in path.iter().bezier_segments() {
        match segment {
            BezierSegment::Linear(segment) => { println!("{:?}", segment); }
            BezierSegment::Quadratic(segment) => { println!("{:?}", segment); }
            BezierSegment::Cubic(segment) => { println!("{:?}", segment); }

    // It is also possible to iterate over line segments directly with flattened paths.
    for segment in path.iter().flattened(0.1).line_segments() {
        println!("line segment {:?} -> {:?}", segment.from, segment.to);

Chaining the provided iterators allow performing some path manipulations lazily without allocating actual path objects to hold the result of the transformations.

extern crate lyon_path;
use lyon_path::iterator::*;
use lyon_path::geom::euclid::{Angle, Transform2D};
use lyon_path::math::point;
use lyon_path::Path;

fn main() {
    // In practice it is more common to iterate over Path objects than vectors
    // of SVG commands (the former can be constructed from the latter).
    let mut builder = Path::builder();
    builder.move_to(point(1.0, 1.0));
    builder.line_to(point(2.0, 1.0));
    builder.quadratic_bezier_to(point(2.0, 2.0), point(1.0, 2.0));
    builder.cubic_bezier_to(point(0.0, 2.0), point(0.0, 0.0), point(1.0, 0.0));
    let path = builder.build();

    let mut transform = Transform2D::create_rotation(Angle::radians(1.0));

    for evt in path.iter().transformed(&transform).bezier_segments() {
        // ...



Turns an iterator of PathEvent into an iterator of BezierSegment<f32>.


An iterator that consumes PathEvent iterator and yields FlattenedEvents.


An iterator that consumes an iterator of Points and produces FlattenedEvents.


Turns an iterator of FlattenedEvent into an iterator of LineSegment<f32>.


Turns an iterator of SVG path commands into an iterator of PathEvent.


An adapter iterator that implements SvgIterator on top of an Iterator<Item=SvgEvent>.


Applies a 2D transform to a path iterator and yields the resulting path iterator.



An extension to the common Iterator interface, that adds information which is useful when chaining path-specific iterators.


An extension trait for PathEvent iterators.


An extension to the common Iterator interface, that adds information which is useful when chaining path-specific iterators.


An extension to the common Iterator interface, that adds information which is useful when chaining path-specific iterators.