Macro crate_version

macro_rules! crate_version {
    (VERSION) => { ... };
    (BUILD_TIME) => { ... };
    (VERSION => $vis:vis $name:ident) => { ... };
    (VERSION => $vis:vis $name:ident, $($c:tt)*) => { ... };
    (BUILD_TIME => $vis:vis $name:ident) => { ... };
Expand description

Helper to create version string or build time for your crate.

Package version with git info is in format {CARGO_PKG_VERSION}-{git btanch}-{git commit}-{debug or release}, like 0.4.0-main-c298bc2-DEBUG.

Should have git installed.


  • Create a in the root dir if not persists, and use this macro in the main func. The main func should return Result.

    • For a version string, use crate_version!(VERSION)

    • For a build time in RFC3339 format, use crate_version!(BUILD_TIME).

      Don’t forget to add chrono to your build dependencies.

  • In your crate, place crate_version!(VERSION => pub VERSION), crate_version!(VERSION => pub VERSION) where you like.

    You can even do this: crate_version!(VERSION => pub VERSION, env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME", "/"))