1//! `TcpStream` split support.
3//! A `TcpStream` can be split into a `ReadHalf` and a
4//! `WriteHalf` with the `TcpStream::split` method. `ReadHalf`
5//! implements `AsyncRead` while `WriteHalf` implements `AsyncWrite`.
7//! Compared to the generic split of `AsyncRead + AsyncWrite`, this specialized
8//! split has no associated overhead and enforces all invariants at the type
9//! level.
11use crate::future::poll_fn;
12use crate::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, Interest, ReadBuf, Ready};
13use crate::net::TcpStream;
15use std::io;
16use std::net::{Shutdown, SocketAddr};
17use std::pin::Pin;
18use std::task::{Context, Poll};
20cfg_io_util! {
21 use bytes::BufMut;
24/// Borrowed read half of a [`TcpStream`], created by [`split`].
26/// Reading from a `ReadHalf` is usually done using the convenience methods found on the
27/// [`AsyncReadExt`] trait.
29/// [`TcpStream`]: TcpStream
30/// [`split`]: TcpStream::split()
31/// [`AsyncReadExt`]: trait@crate::io::AsyncReadExt
33pub struct ReadHalf<'a>(&'a TcpStream);
35/// Borrowed write half of a [`TcpStream`], created by [`split`].
37/// Note that in the [`AsyncWrite`] implementation of this type, [`poll_shutdown`] will
38/// shut down the TCP stream in the write direction.
40/// Writing to an `WriteHalf` is usually done using the convenience methods found
41/// on the [`AsyncWriteExt`] trait.
43/// [`TcpStream`]: TcpStream
44/// [`split`]: TcpStream::split()
45/// [`AsyncWrite`]: trait@crate::io::AsyncWrite
46/// [`poll_shutdown`]: fn@crate::io::AsyncWrite::poll_shutdown
47/// [`AsyncWriteExt`]: trait@crate::io::AsyncWriteExt
49pub struct WriteHalf<'a>(&'a TcpStream);
51pub(crate) fn split(stream: &mut TcpStream) -> (ReadHalf<'_>, WriteHalf<'_>) {
52 (ReadHalf(&*stream), WriteHalf(&*stream))
55impl ReadHalf<'_> {
56 /// Attempts to receive data on the socket, without removing that data from
57 /// the queue, registering the current task for wakeup if data is not yet
58 /// available.
59 ///
60 /// Note that on multiple calls to `poll_peek` or `poll_read`, only the
61 /// `Waker` from the `Context` passed to the most recent call is scheduled
62 /// to receive a wakeup.
63 ///
64 /// See the [`TcpStream::poll_peek`] level documentation for more details.
65 ///
66 /// # Examples
67 ///
68 /// ```no_run
69 /// use tokio::io::{self, ReadBuf};
70 /// use tokio::net::TcpStream;
71 ///
72 /// use futures::future::poll_fn;
73 ///
74 /// #[tokio::main]
75 /// async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
76 /// let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
77 /// let (mut read_half, _) = stream.split();
78 /// let mut buf = [0; 10];
79 /// let mut buf = ReadBuf::new(&mut buf);
80 ///
81 /// poll_fn(|cx| {
82 /// read_half.poll_peek(cx, &mut buf)
83 /// }).await?;
84 ///
85 /// Ok(())
86 /// }
87 /// ```
88 ///
89 /// [`TcpStream::poll_peek`]: TcpStream::poll_peek
90 pub fn poll_peek(
91 &mut self,
92 cx: &mut Context<'_>,
93 buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>,
94 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
95 self.0.poll_peek(cx, buf)
96 }
98 /// Receives data on the socket from the remote address to which it is
99 /// connected, without removing that data from the queue. On success,
100 /// returns the number of bytes peeked.
101 ///
102 /// See the [`TcpStream::peek`] level documentation for more details.
103 ///
104 /// [`TcpStream::peek`]: TcpStream::peek
105 ///
106 /// # Examples
107 ///
108 /// ```no_run
109 /// use tokio::net::TcpStream;
110 /// use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
111 /// use std::error::Error;
112 ///
113 /// #[tokio::main]
114 /// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
115 /// // Connect to a peer
116 /// let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
117 /// let (mut read_half, _) = stream.split();
118 ///
119 /// let mut b1 = [0; 10];
120 /// let mut b2 = [0; 10];
121 ///
122 /// // Peek at the data
123 /// let n = read_half.peek(&mut b1).await?;
124 ///
125 /// // Read the data
126 /// assert_eq!(n, b2[..n]).await?);
127 /// assert_eq!(&b1[..n], &b2[..n]);
128 ///
129 /// Ok(())
130 /// }
131 /// ```
132 ///
133 /// The [`read`] method is defined on the [`AsyncReadExt`] trait.
134 ///
135 /// [`read`]: fn@crate::io::AsyncReadExt::read
136 /// [`AsyncReadExt`]: trait@crate::io::AsyncReadExt
137 pub async fn peek(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
138 let mut buf = ReadBuf::new(buf);
139 poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_peek(cx, &mut buf)).await
140 }
142 /// Waits for any of the requested ready states.
143 ///
144 /// This function is usually paired with [`try_read()`]. It can be used instead
145 /// of [`readable()`] to check the returned ready set for [`Ready::READABLE`]
146 /// and [`Ready::READ_CLOSED`] events.
147 ///
148 /// The function may complete without the socket being ready. This is a
149 /// false-positive and attempting an operation will return with
150 /// `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock`. The function can also return with an empty
151 /// [`Ready`] set, so you should always check the returned value and possibly
152 /// wait again if the requested states are not set.
153 ///
154 /// This function is equivalent to [`TcpStream::ready`].
155 ///
156 /// [`try_read()`]: Self::try_read
157 /// [`readable()`]: Self::readable
158 ///
159 /// # Cancel safety
160 ///
161 /// This method is cancel safe. Once a readiness event occurs, the method
162 /// will continue to return immediately until the readiness event is
163 /// consumed by an attempt to read or write that fails with `WouldBlock` or
164 /// `Poll::Pending`.
165 pub async fn ready(&self, interest: Interest) -> io::Result<Ready> {
166 self.0.ready(interest).await
167 }
169 /// Waits for the socket to become readable.
170 ///
171 /// This function is equivalent to `ready(Interest::READABLE)` and is usually
172 /// paired with `try_read()`.
173 ///
174 /// This function is also equivalent to [`TcpStream::ready`].
175 ///
176 /// # Cancel safety
177 ///
178 /// This method is cancel safe. Once a readiness event occurs, the method
179 /// will continue to return immediately until the readiness event is
180 /// consumed by an attempt to read that fails with `WouldBlock` or
181 /// `Poll::Pending`.
182 pub async fn readable(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
183 self.0.readable().await
184 }
186 /// Tries to read data from the stream into the provided buffer, returning how
187 /// many bytes were read.
188 ///
189 /// Receives any pending data from the socket but does not wait for new data
190 /// to arrive. On success, returns the number of bytes read. Because
191 /// `try_read()` is non-blocking, the buffer does not have to be stored by
192 /// the async task and can exist entirely on the stack.
193 ///
194 /// Usually, [`readable()`] or [`ready()`] is used with this function.
195 ///
196 /// [`readable()`]: Self::readable()
197 /// [`ready()`]: Self::ready()
198 ///
199 /// # Return
200 ///
201 /// If data is successfully read, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the
202 /// number of bytes read. If `n` is `0`, then it can indicate one of two scenarios:
203 ///
204 /// 1. The stream's read half is closed and will no longer yield data.
205 /// 2. The specified buffer was 0 bytes in length.
206 ///
207 /// If the stream is not ready to read data,
208 /// `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned.
209 pub fn try_read(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
210 self.0.try_read(buf)
211 }
213 /// Tries to read data from the stream into the provided buffers, returning
214 /// how many bytes were read.
215 ///
216 /// Data is copied to fill each buffer in order, with the final buffer
217 /// written to possibly being only partially filled. This method behaves
218 /// equivalently to a single call to [`try_read()`] with concatenated
219 /// buffers.
220 ///
221 /// Receives any pending data from the socket but does not wait for new data
222 /// to arrive. On success, returns the number of bytes read. Because
223 /// `try_read_vectored()` is non-blocking, the buffer does not have to be
224 /// stored by the async task and can exist entirely on the stack.
225 ///
226 /// Usually, [`readable()`] or [`ready()`] is used with this function.
227 ///
228 /// [`try_read()`]: Self::try_read()
229 /// [`readable()`]: Self::readable()
230 /// [`ready()`]: Self::ready()
231 ///
232 /// # Return
233 ///
234 /// If data is successfully read, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the
235 /// number of bytes read. `Ok(0)` indicates the stream's read half is closed
236 /// and will no longer yield data. If the stream is not ready to read data
237 /// `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned.
238 pub fn try_read_vectored(&self, bufs: &mut [io::IoSliceMut<'_>]) -> io::Result<usize> {
239 self.0.try_read_vectored(bufs)
240 }
242 cfg_io_util! {
243 /// Tries to read data from the stream into the provided buffer, advancing the
244 /// buffer's internal cursor, returning how many bytes were read.
245 ///
246 /// Receives any pending data from the socket but does not wait for new data
247 /// to arrive. On success, returns the number of bytes read. Because
248 /// `try_read_buf()` is non-blocking, the buffer does not have to be stored by
249 /// the async task and can exist entirely on the stack.
250 ///
251 /// Usually, [`readable()`] or [`ready()`] is used with this function.
252 ///
253 /// [`readable()`]: Self::readable()
254 /// [`ready()`]: Self::ready()
255 ///
256 /// # Return
257 ///
258 /// If data is successfully read, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the
259 /// number of bytes read. `Ok(0)` indicates the stream's read half is closed
260 /// and will no longer yield data. If the stream is not ready to read data
261 /// `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned.
262 pub fn try_read_buf<B: BufMut>(&self, buf: &mut B) -> io::Result<usize> {
263 self.0.try_read_buf(buf)
264 }
265 }
267 /// Returns the remote address that this stream is connected to.
268 pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
269 self.0.peer_addr()
270 }
272 /// Returns the local address that this stream is bound to.
273 pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
274 self.0.local_addr()
275 }
278impl WriteHalf<'_> {
279 /// Waits for any of the requested ready states.
280 ///
281 /// This function is usually paired with [`try_write()`]. It can be used instead
282 /// of [`writable()`] to check the returned ready set for [`Ready::WRITABLE`]
283 /// and [`Ready::WRITE_CLOSED`] events.
284 ///
285 /// The function may complete without the socket being ready. This is a
286 /// false-positive and attempting an operation will return with
287 /// `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock`. The function can also return with an empty
288 /// [`Ready`] set, so you should always check the returned value and possibly
289 /// wait again if the requested states are not set.
290 ///
291 /// This function is equivalent to [`TcpStream::ready`].
292 ///
293 /// [`try_write()`]: Self::try_write
294 /// [`writable()`]: Self::writable
295 ///
296 /// # Cancel safety
297 ///
298 /// This method is cancel safe. Once a readiness event occurs, the method
299 /// will continue to return immediately until the readiness event is
300 /// consumed by an attempt to read or write that fails with `WouldBlock` or
301 /// `Poll::Pending`.
302 pub async fn ready(&self, interest: Interest) -> io::Result<Ready> {
303 self.0.ready(interest).await
304 }
306 /// Waits for the socket to become writable.
307 ///
308 /// This function is equivalent to `ready(Interest::WRITABLE)` and is usually
309 /// paired with `try_write()`.
310 ///
311 /// # Cancel safety
312 ///
313 /// This method is cancel safe. Once a readiness event occurs, the method
314 /// will continue to return immediately until the readiness event is
315 /// consumed by an attempt to write that fails with `WouldBlock` or
316 /// `Poll::Pending`.
317 pub async fn writable(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
318 self.0.writable().await
319 }
321 /// Tries to write a buffer to the stream, returning how many bytes were
322 /// written.
323 ///
324 /// The function will attempt to write the entire contents of `buf`, but
325 /// only part of the buffer may be written.
326 ///
327 /// This function is usually paired with `writable()`.
328 ///
329 /// # Return
330 ///
331 /// If data is successfully written, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the
332 /// number of bytes written. If the stream is not ready to write data,
333 /// `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned.
334 pub fn try_write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
335 self.0.try_write(buf)
336 }
338 /// Tries to write several buffers to the stream, returning how many bytes
339 /// were written.
340 ///
341 /// Data is written from each buffer in order, with the final buffer read
342 /// from possible being only partially consumed. This method behaves
343 /// equivalently to a single call to [`try_write()`] with concatenated
344 /// buffers.
345 ///
346 /// This function is usually paired with `writable()`.
347 ///
348 /// [`try_write()`]: Self::try_write()
349 ///
350 /// # Return
351 ///
352 /// If data is successfully written, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the
353 /// number of bytes written. If the stream is not ready to write data,
354 /// `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned.
355 pub fn try_write_vectored(&self, bufs: &[io::IoSlice<'_>]) -> io::Result<usize> {
356 self.0.try_write_vectored(bufs)
357 }
359 /// Returns the remote address that this stream is connected to.
360 pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
361 self.0.peer_addr()
362 }
364 /// Returns the local address that this stream is bound to.
365 pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
366 self.0.local_addr()
367 }
370impl AsyncRead for ReadHalf<'_> {
371 fn poll_read(
372 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
373 cx: &mut Context<'_>,
374 buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>,
375 ) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
376 self.0.poll_read_priv(cx, buf)
377 }
380impl AsyncWrite for WriteHalf<'_> {
381 fn poll_write(
382 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
383 cx: &mut Context<'_>,
384 buf: &[u8],
385 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
386 self.0.poll_write_priv(cx, buf)
387 }
389 fn poll_write_vectored(
390 self: Pin<&mut Self>,
391 cx: &mut Context<'_>,
392 bufs: &[io::IoSlice<'_>],
393 ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
394 self.0.poll_write_vectored_priv(cx, bufs)
395 }
397 fn is_write_vectored(&self) -> bool {
398 self.0.is_write_vectored()
399 }
401 #[inline]
402 fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
403 // tcp flush is a no-op
404 Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
405 }
407 // `poll_shutdown` on a write half shutdowns the stream in the "write" direction.
408 fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
409 self.0.shutdown_std(Shutdown::Write).into()
410 }
413impl AsRef<TcpStream> for ReadHalf<'_> {
414 fn as_ref(&self) -> &TcpStream {
415 self.0
416 }
419impl AsRef<TcpStream> for WriteHalf<'_> {
420 fn as_ref(&self) -> &TcpStream {
421 self.0
422 }