Function iterator_to_bit_chunks

pub fn iterator_to_bit_chunks<I: Iterator<Item = T>, T: PrimitiveUnsigned, U: PrimitiveUnsigned>(
    xs: I,
    in_chunk_size: u64,
    out_chunk_size: u64,
) -> IteratorToBitChunks<I, T, U> 
Expand description

Regroups an iterator of bit chunks into another iterator of bit chunks, possibly with a different chunk size.

In other words, let $A$ be the input chunk size and $B$ the output chunk size. Let’s consider the lowest $A$ bits of each unsigned value produced by the input iterator, and concatenate them (least-significant bits first) into a single bit sequence. Then we chop the sequence up into chunks of $B$ bits, and have the output iterator return each chunk.

Let $(x_i)_{i=0}^{n-1}$ be the input iterator, where $n$ may be $\infty$. If $n$ is finite, we assume that $x_{n-1} \neq 0$. Then we define the bit sequence $b_{k=0}^\infty$ such that $b \in \{0, 1\}$, $b_k=0$ for $k \geq An$, and $$ x_i = \sum_{k=0}^{A-1} b_{Ai+k}2^k. $$ Then, let $(y_j)_{j=0}^{m-1}$ be a sequence such that $$ y_j = \sum_{k=0}^{B-1} b_{Bi+k}2^k. $$ Then we have $f((x_i)_{i=0}^{n-1}) = (y_j)_{j=0}^{m-1}$. Note that the sequence $y$ is not uniquely specified, since it may contain arbitrarily many trailing zeros. However, if $x$ is finite, $y$ is guaranteed to also be finite.

The output length is $An/B + O(1)$, where $n$ is xs.count(), $A$ is in_chunk_size, and $B$ is out_chunk_size.

§Complexity per iteration

Constant time and additional memory.


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::num::iterators::iterator_to_bit_chunks;

    iterator_to_bit_chunks::<_, u16, u32>([123, 456].iter().cloned(), 10, 10)
    &[123, 456]
    iterator_to_bit_chunks::<_, u16, u16>([0b000111111, 0b110010010].iter().cloned(), 9, 3)
    &[0b111, 0b111, 0b000, 0b010, 0b010, 0b110]
    iterator_to_bit_chunks::<_, u16, u32>(
        [0b111, 0b111, 0b000, 0b010, 0b010, 0b110].iter().cloned(),
    &[0b000111111, 0b110010010]
    iterator_to_bit_chunks::<_, u32, u16>(
        [0b1010101, 0b1111101, 0b0100001, 0b110010].iter().cloned(),
    &[0b010101, 0b111011, 0b000111, 0b010010, 0b110]