pub const fn lex_dependent_pairs<X: Clone, Y, S: ExhaustiveDependentPairsYsGenerator<X, Y, J>, I: Iterator<Item = X>, J: Iterator<Item = Y>>(
xs: I,
ys_generator: S,
) -> LexDependentPairs<X, Y, S, I, J> ⓘ
Expand description
Generates pairs $(x, y)$, where the possible values of $y$ depend on the value of $x$. All $y$ values are output before proceeding to the next $x$.
This function takes an iterator xs
that produces $x$ values, along with a ys_generator
creates an iterator of $y$ values when given a reference to an $x$ value. The resulting iterator
first generates all pairs generated by the first $x$ value, then all pairs generated by the
second $x$ value, and so on.
It’s called lex_dependent_pairs
because if the xs
iterator produces elements in some order,
and each ys
iterator produces elements in some order (uniform across all ys
), then the
resulting pairs are output in lexicographic order with respect to the $x$ and $y$ orders.
Each ys
iterator produced by ys_generator
must be finite; if some ys
is infinite, then no
further xs
value will be used. For a similar function that works with infinite ys
, see
If, after a certain point, all the generated ys
are empty, the output iterator will hang
trying to find another $(x, y)$ to output. To get around this, try
use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::tuples::exhaustive::{
lex_dependent_pairs, ExhaustiveDependentPairsYsGenerator,
use maplit::hashmap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::Cloned;
use std::slice::Iter;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct DPGeneratorFromMap<X: Clone + Eq + Hash, Y: 'static + Clone> {
map: HashMap<X, &'static [Y]>,
impl<X: Clone + Eq + Hash, Y: 'static + Clone>
ExhaustiveDependentPairsYsGenerator<X, Y, Cloned<Iter<'static, Y>>>
for DPGeneratorFromMap<X, Y>
fn get_ys(&self, x: &X) -> Cloned<Iter<'static, Y>> {[x].iter().cloned()
let xs = ["a", "b", "c", "b", "a"].iter().cloned();
let xss = lex_dependent_pairs(
DPGeneratorFromMap {
map: hashmap! {
"a" => &[2, 3, 4][..],
"b" => &[20][..],
"c" => &[30, 40][..]
("a", 2),
("a", 3),
("a", 4),
("b", 20),
("c", 30),
("c", 40),
("b", 20),
("a", 2),
("a", 3),
("a", 4)
let xs = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2].iter().cloned();
let xss = lex_dependent_pairs(
DPGeneratorFromMap {
map: hashmap! {
1 => &[100, 101, 102][..],
2 => &[][..],
3 => &[300, 301, 302][..]
&[(1, 100), (1, 101), (1, 102), (3, 300), (3, 301), (3, 302), (3, 300), (3, 301), (3, 302),]