Function exhaustive_fixed_length_strings_using_chars

pub fn exhaustive_fixed_length_strings_using_chars<I: Iterator<Item = char>>(
    len: u64,
    cs: I,
) -> StringsFromCharVecs<ExhaustiveFixedLengthVecs1Input<I>> 
Expand description

Generates all Strings of a given length with chars from a single iterator.

If cs is finite, the output length is $\ell^n$, where $\ell$ is cs.count() and $n$ is len. If cs is infinite, the output is also infinite.

If len is 0, the output consists of one empty [String].

If cs is empty, the output is also empty, unless len is 0.


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::strings::exhaustive::exhaustive_fixed_length_strings_using_chars;

let ss = exhaustive_fixed_length_strings_using_chars(2, ['c', 'a', 't'].iter().cloned())
    ss.iter().map(|cs| cs.as_str()).collect_vec().as_slice(),
    &["cc", "ca", "ac", "aa", "ct", "at", "tc", "ta", "tt"]