
1// Copyright © 2025 Mikhail Hogrefe
3// This file is part of Malachite.
5// Malachite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
6// Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
7// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See <>.
9use crate::num::basic::unsigneds::PrimitiveUnsigned;
10use crate::num::conversion::traits::{PowerOf2Digits, WrappingFrom};
11use alloc::vec::Vec;
13fn to_power_of_2_digits_asc<T: PrimitiveUnsigned, U: PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<T>>(
14    x: &T,
15    log_base: u64,
16) -> Vec<U> {
17    assert_ne!(log_base, 0);
18    assert!(
19        log_base <= U::WIDTH,
20        "type {:?} is too small for a digit of width {}",
21        U::NAME,
22        log_base
23    );
24    let mut digits = Vec::new();
25    if *x == T::ZERO {
26    } else if x.significant_bits() <= log_base {
27        digits.push(U::wrapping_from(*x));
28    } else {
29        let mut x = *x;
30        let mask = U::low_mask(log_base);
31        while x != T::ZERO {
32            digits.push(U::wrapping_from(x) & mask);
33            x >>= log_base;
34        }
35    }
36    digits
39fn to_power_of_2_digits_desc<T: PrimitiveUnsigned, U: PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<T>>(
40    x: &T,
41    log_base: u64,
42) -> Vec<U> {
43    let mut digits = to_power_of_2_digits_asc(x, log_base);
44    digits.reverse();
45    digits
48fn from_power_of_2_digits_asc<
49    T: TryFrom<U> + PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<U>,
50    U: PrimitiveUnsigned,
51    I: Iterator<Item = U>,
53    log_base: u64,
54    digits: I,
55) -> Option<T> {
56    assert_ne!(log_base, 0);
57    assert!(
58        log_base <= U::WIDTH,
59        "type {:?} is too small for a digit of width {}",
60        U::NAME,
61        log_base
62    );
63    let mut n = T::ZERO;
64    let mut shift = 0;
65    for digit in digits {
66        if digit.significant_bits() > log_base {
67            return None;
68        }
69        n |= T::try_from(digit)
70            .ok()
71            .and_then(|d| d.arithmetic_checked_shl(shift))?;
72        shift += log_base;
73    }
74    Some(n)
77fn from_power_of_2_digits_desc<
78    T: PrimitiveUnsigned + WrappingFrom<U>,
79    U: PrimitiveUnsigned,
80    I: Iterator<Item = U>,
82    log_base: u64,
83    digits: I,
84) -> Option<T> {
85    assert_ne!(log_base, 0);
86    assert!(
87        log_base <= U::WIDTH,
88        "type {:?} is too small for a digit of width {}",
89        U::NAME,
90        log_base
91    );
92    let mut n = T::ZERO;
93    for digit in digits {
94        if digit.significant_bits() > log_base {
95            return None;
96        }
97        let shifted = n.arithmetic_checked_shl(log_base)?;
98        n = shifted | T::wrapping_from(digit);
99    }
100    Some(n)
103macro_rules! impl_power_of_2_digits {
104    ($t:ident) => {
105        macro_rules! impl_power_of_2_digits_inner {
106            ($u:ident) => {
107                impl PowerOf2Digits<$u> for $t {
108                    /// Returns a [`Vec`] containing the base-$2^k$ digits of a number in ascending
109                    /// order (least- to most-significant).
110                    ///
111                    /// The base-2 logarithm of the base is specified. `log_base` must be no larger
112                    /// than the width of the digit type. If `self` is 0, the [`Vec`] is empty;
113                    /// otherwise, it ends with a nonzero digit.
114                    ///
115                    /// $f(x, k) = (d_i)_ {i=0}^{n-1}$, where $0 \leq d_i < 2^k$ for all $i$, $n=0$
116                    /// or $d_{n-1} \neq 0$, and
117                    ///
118                    /// $$
119                    /// \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}2^{ki}d_i = x.
120                    /// $$
121                    ///
122                    /// # Worst-case complexity
123                    /// $T(n) = O(n)$
124                    ///
125                    /// $M(n) = O(n)$
126                    ///
127                    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
128                    /// `self.significant_bits()`.
129                    ///
130                    /// # Panics
131                    /// Panics if `log_base` is greater than the width of the output type, or if
132                    /// `log_base` is zero.
133                    ///
134                    /// # Examples
135                    /// See [here](super::power_of_2_digits#to_power_of_2_digits_asc).
136                    #[inline]
137                    fn to_power_of_2_digits_asc(&self, log_base: u64) -> Vec<$u> {
138                        to_power_of_2_digits_asc(self, log_base)
139                    }
141                    /// Returns a [`Vec`] containing the base-$2^k$ digits of a number in descending
142                    /// order (most- to least-significant).
143                    ///
144                    /// The base-2 logarithm of the base is specified. `log_base` must be no larger
145                    /// than the width of the digit type. If `self` is 0, the [`Vec`] is empty;
146                    /// otherwise, it begins with a nonzero digit.
147                    ///
148                    /// $f(x, k) = (d_i)_ {i=0}^{n-1}$, where $0 \leq d_i < 2^k$ for all $i$, $n=0$
149                    /// or $d_0 \neq 0$, and
150                    ///
151                    /// $$
152                    /// \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}2^{k (n-i-1)}d_i = x.
153                    /// $$
154                    ///
155                    /// # Worst-case complexity
156                    /// $T(n) = O(n)$
157                    ///
158                    /// $M(n) = O(n)$
159                    ///
160                    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is
161                    /// `self.significant_bits()`.
162                    ///
163                    /// # Panics
164                    /// Panics if `log_base` is greater than the width of the output type, or if
165                    /// `log_base` is zero.
166                    ///
167                    /// # Examples
168                    /// See [here](super::power_of_2_digits#to_power_of_2_digits_desc).
169                    #[inline]
170                    fn to_power_of_2_digits_desc(&self, log_base: u64) -> Vec<$u> {
171                        to_power_of_2_digits_desc(self, log_base)
172                    }
174                    /// Converts an iterator of base-$2^k$ digits into a value.
175                    ///
176                    /// The base-2 logarithm of the base is specified. The input digits are in
177                    /// ascending order (least- to most-significant). `log_base` must be no larger
178                    /// than the width of the digit type. The function returns `None` if the input
179                    /// represents a number that can't fit in the output type.
180                    ///
181                    /// $$
182                    /// f((d_i)_ {i=0}^{n-1}, k) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}2^{ki}d_i.
183                    /// $$
184                    ///
185                    /// # Worst-case complexity
186                    /// $T(n) = O(n)$
187                    ///
188                    /// $M(n) = O(1)$
189                    ///
190                    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `digits.count()`.
191                    ///
192                    /// # Panics
193                    /// Panics if `log_base` is greater than the width of the digit type, or if
194                    /// `log_base` is zero.
195                    ///
196                    /// # Examples
197                    /// See [here](super::power_of_2_digits#from_power_of_2_digits_asc).
198                    #[inline]
199                    fn from_power_of_2_digits_asc<I: Iterator<Item = $u>>(
200                        log_base: u64,
201                        digits: I,
202                    ) -> Option<$t> {
203                        from_power_of_2_digits_asc(log_base, digits)
204                    }
206                    /// Converts an iterator of base-$2^k$ digits into a value.
207                    ///
208                    /// The base-2 logarithm of the base is specified. The input digits are in
209                    /// descending order (most- to least-significant). `log_base` must be no larger
210                    /// than the width of the digit type. The function returns `None` if the input
211                    /// represents a number that can't fit in the output type.
212                    ///
213                    /// $$
214                    /// f((d_i)_ {i=0}^{n-1}, k) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}2^{k (n-i-1)}d_i.
215                    /// $$
216                    ///
217                    /// # Worst-case complexity
218                    /// $T(n) = O(n)$
219                    ///
220                    /// $M(n) = O(1)$
221                    ///
222                    /// where $T$ is time, $M$ is additional memory, and $n$ is `digits.count()`.
223                    ///
224                    /// # Panics
225                    /// Panics if `log_base` is greater than the width of the digit type, or if
226                    /// `log_base` is zero.
227                    ///
228                    /// # Examples
229                    /// See [here](super::power_of_2_digits#from_power_of_2_digits_desc).
230                    fn from_power_of_2_digits_desc<I: Iterator<Item = $u>>(
231                        log_base: u64,
232                        digits: I,
233                    ) -> Option<$t> {
234                        from_power_of_2_digits_desc(log_base, digits)
235                    }
236                }
237            };
238        }
239        apply_to_unsigneds!(impl_power_of_2_digits_inner);
240    };