Function char_to_contiguous_range

pub const fn char_to_contiguous_range(c: char) -> u32
Expand description

Converts a char to a u32.

The conversion is done in such a way that if the next largest char after $x$ is $y$, then $\mathrm{char\_to\_contiguous\_range(x)}+1 = \mathrm{char\_to\_contiguous\_range(y)}$. This can’t be accomplished just through casting, because there is a range of u32s (the surrogate code points) that do not correspond to any char.

The inverse of this function is contiguous_range_to_char.

§Worst-case complexity

Constant time and additional memory.


use malachite_base::chars::crement::char_to_contiguous_range;
use std::char;

assert_eq!(char_to_contiguous_range('\u{0}'), 0);
assert_eq!(char_to_contiguous_range('a'), 97);
assert_eq!(char_to_contiguous_range(char::MAX), 1112063);