Function exhaustive_primitive_float_range

pub fn exhaustive_primitive_float_range<T: PrimitiveFloat>(
    a: T,
    b: T,
) -> ExhaustivePrimitiveFloatInclusiveRange<T> 
Expand description

Generates all primitive floats in the half-open interval $[a, b)$.

Positive and negative zero are treated as two distinct values, with negative zero being smaller than zero.

The floats are generated in a way such that simpler floats (with lower precision) are generated first. To generate floats in ascending order instead, use primitive_float_increasing_range instead.

NiceFloat(a) must be less than or equal to NiceFloat(b). If NiceFloat(a) and NiceFloat(b) are equal, the range is empty.

Let $\varphi$ be to_ordered_representation:

The output length is $\varphi(b) - \varphi(a)$.

§Complexity per iteration

Constant time and additional memory.


Panics if NiceFloat(a) > NiceFloat(b).


use malachite_base::iterators::prefix_to_string;
use malachite_base::num::exhaustive::exhaustive_primitive_float_range;
use malachite_base::num::float::NiceFloat;

        exhaustive_primitive_float_range::<f32>(core::f32::consts::E, core::f32::consts::PI)
    "[3.0, 2.75, 2.875, 3.125, 2.8125, 2.9375, 3.0625, 2.71875, 2.78125, 2.84375, 2.90625, \
    2.96875, 3.03125, 3.09375, 2.734375, 2.765625, 2.796875, 2.828125, 2.859375, 2.890625, \
    2.921875, 2.953125, 2.984375, 3.015625, 3.046875, 3.078125, 3.109375, 3.140625, \
    2.7265625, 2.7421875, 2.7578125, 2.7734375, 2.7890625, 2.8046875, 2.8203125, 2.8359375, \
    2.8515625, 2.8671875, 2.8828125, 2.8984375, 2.9140625, 2.9296875, 2.9453125, 2.9609375, \
    2.9765625, 2.9921875, 3.0078125, 3.0234375, 3.0390625, 3.0546875, ...]"