Module exhaustive

Expand description

Iterators that generate Vecs without repetition.


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::vecs::exhaustive::lex_vecs_length_2;

let xss = lex_vecs_length_2(
    ['a', 'b', 'c'].iter().cloned(),
    ['x', 'y', 'z'].iter().cloned(),
        &['a', 'x'],
        &['a', 'y'],
        &['a', 'z'],
        &['b', 'x'],
        &['b', 'y'],
        &['b', 'z'],
        &['c', 'x'],
        &['c', 'y'],
        &['c', 'z']


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::chars::exhaustive::exhaustive_ascii_chars;
use malachite_base::vecs::exhaustive::lex_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs;

// We are generating length-3 `Vec`s of `char`s using two input iterators. The first iterator
// (with index 0) produces all ASCII `char`s, and the second (index 1) produces the three
// `char`s `'x'`, `'y'`, and `'z'`. The elements of `output_types` are 0, 1, and 0, meaning that
// the first element of the output `Vec`s will be taken from iterator 0, the second element from
// iterator 1, and the third also from iterator 0.
let xss = lex_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs(
    ['x', 'y', 'z'].iter().cloned(),
    &[0, 1, 0],
let xss_prefix = xss.take(20).collect_vec();
        &['a', 'x', 'a'],
        &['a', 'x', 'b'],
        &['a', 'x', 'c'],
        &['a', 'x', 'd'],
        &['a', 'x', 'e'],
        &['a', 'x', 'f'],
        &['a', 'x', 'g'],
        &['a', 'x', 'h'],
        &['a', 'x', 'i'],
        &['a', 'x', 'j'],
        &['a', 'x', 'k'],
        &['a', 'x', 'l'],
        &['a', 'x', 'm'],
        &['a', 'x', 'n'],
        &['a', 'x', 'o'],
        &['a', 'x', 'p'],
        &['a', 'x', 'q'],
        &['a', 'x', 'r'],
        &['a', 'x', 's'],
        &['a', 'x', 't']


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::vecs::exhaustive::exhaustive_vecs_length_2;

let xss = exhaustive_vecs_length_2(
    ['a', 'b', 'c'].iter().cloned(),
    ['x', 'y', 'z'].iter().cloned(),
        &['a', 'x'],
        &['a', 'y'],
        &['b', 'x'],
        &['b', 'y'],
        &['a', 'z'],
        &['b', 'z'],
        &['c', 'x'],
        &['c', 'y'],
        &['c', 'z']


use itertools::Itertools;
use malachite_base::chars::exhaustive::exhaustive_ascii_chars;
use malachite_base::iterators::bit_distributor::BitDistributorOutputType;
use malachite_base::vecs::exhaustive::exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs;

// We are generating length-3 `Vec`s of `char`s using two input iterators. The first iterator
// (with index 0) produces all ASCII `char`s, and the second (index 1) produces the three
// `char`s `'x'`, `'y'`, and `'z'`. The elements of `output_types` have the indices 0, 1, and 0,
// meaning that the first element of the output `Vec`s will be taken from iterator 0, the second
// element from iterator 1, and the third also from iterator 0. The third element has a tiny
// output type, so it will grow more slowly than the other two elements (though it doesn't look
// that way from the first few `Vec`s).
let xss = exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs(
    ['x', 'y', 'z'].iter().cloned(),
        (BitDistributorOutputType::normal(1), 0),
        (BitDistributorOutputType::normal(1), 1),
        (BitDistributorOutputType::tiny(), 0),
let xss_prefix = xss.take(20).collect_vec();
        &['a', 'x', 'a'],
        &['a', 'x', 'b'],
        &['a', 'x', 'c'],
        &['a', 'x', 'd'],
        &['a', 'y', 'a'],
        &['a', 'y', 'b'],
        &['a', 'y', 'c'],
        &['a', 'y', 'd'],
        &['a', 'x', 'e'],
        &['a', 'x', 'f'],
        &['a', 'x', 'g'],
        &['a', 'x', 'h'],
        &['a', 'y', 'e'],
        &['a', 'y', 'f'],
        &['a', 'y', 'g'],
        &['a', 'y', 'h'],
        &['b', 'x', 'a'],
        &['b', 'x', 'b'],
        &['b', 'x', 'c'],
        &['b', 'x', 'd']


Generates $k$-compositions of $n$ for all $n$ in a given range: all length-$k$ Vecs of positive usizes whose sum is in a given range.
This documentation applies not only to ExhaustiveFixedLengthVecs2Inputs, but also to ExhaustiveFixedLengthVecs3Inputs, ExhaustiveFixedLengthVecs4Inputs, and so on. See exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
Generates all Vecs of elements from an iterator, where the Vecs have no repetitions and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
Generates all Vecs with elements from a specified iterator and with lengths from another iterator.
Generates all collections of elements from an iterator, where the collections are of a fixed length, have no repetitions, and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
This documentation applies not only to LexFixedLengthVecs2Inputs, but also to LexFixedLengthVecs3Inputs, LexFixedLengthVecs4Inputs, and so on. See lex_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
Generates all $k$-compositions of a number: all length-$k$ Vecs of positive usizes whose sum is a given number.
Generates all collections of elements from an iterator in lexicographic order, where the collections have no repetitions and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
Generates all collections of elements from an iterator in lexicographic order, where the collections have no repetitions.
Generates all Vecs of elements from an iterator, where the Vecs are of a fixed length and have no repetitions.
Generates all collections of elements from an iterator in shortlex order, where the collections have no repetitions and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
Generates all Vecs of elements from an iterator in shortlex order, where the Vecs have no repetitions.
Generates all Vecs with elements from a specified iterator and with lengths from another iterator.


Generates all Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator.
Generates all collections of elements from an iterator, where the collections have no repetitions and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
Generates all fixed-length Vecs of elements from an iterator, where the Vecs have no repetitions and are ordered the same way as in the iterator.
Generates all Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, in lexicographic order.


Given $n_\text{min}$, $n_\text{max}$, and $k$, generates all length-$k$ Vecs of positive usizes whose sum is in the closed interval $[n_\text{min}, n_\text{max}]$.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b]$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b]$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates all Vecs with elements from a specified iterator.
Generates all length-$n$ Vecs with elements from a single iterator.
This documentation applies not only to exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs, but also to exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length_3_inputs, exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length_4_inputs, and so on. See exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
Generates all Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator.
Generates all Vecs with elements from a specified iterator and with lengths from another iterator.
This documentation applies not only to exhaustive_vecs_length_2, but also to exhaustive_vecs_length_3, exhaustive_vecs_length_4, and so on. See exhaustive_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
Generates all Vecs with lengths in $[a, b]$ and with elements from a specified iterator.
Generates all Vecs with lengths in $[a, b)$ and with elements from a specified iterator.
Generates all Vecs with a minimum length and with elements from a specified iterator.
Generates all $k$-compositions of a number: given $n$ and $k$, generates all length-$k$ Vecs of positive usizes whose sum is $n$.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b]$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
This documentation applies not only to lex_vecs_fixed_length_2_inputs, but also to lex_vecs_fixed_length_3_inputs, lex_vecs_fixed_length_4_inputs, and so on. See lex_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
Generates all Vecs of a given length with elements from a single iterator, in lexicographic order.
This documentation applies not only to lex_vecs_length_2, but also to lex_vecs_length_3, lex_vecs_length_4, and so on. See lex_vecs_fixed_length for more information.
This function is used for iterating through all bit patterns with a specified number of minimum and maximum true bits.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b]$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements, and the elements in each Vec are ordered the same way as they are in the source iterator.
Generates Vecs with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b]$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs, with lengths in a range $[a, b)$, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs with a mininum length, with elements from a single iterator, such that each Vec has no repeated elements.
Generates Vecs with elements from a specified iterator, in shortlex order.
Generates all Vecs with elements from a specified iterator and with lengths from another iterator.
Generates all Vecs with lengths in $[a, b]$ and with elements from a specified iterator, in shortlex order.
Generates all Vecs with lengths in $[a, b)$ and with elements from a specified iterator, in shortlex order.
Generates all Vecs with a minimum length and with elements from a specified iterator, in shortlex order.