
1// Copyright © 2025 Mikhail Hogrefe
3// Uses code adopted from the FLINT Library.
5//      Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
6//      Free Software Foundation, Inc.
8//      Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016 William Hart
10//      Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2021 Fredrik Johansson
12//      Copyright © 2008, Peter Shrimpton
14//      Copyright © 2009, Tom Boothby
16// This file is part of Malachite.
18// Malachite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
19// Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
20// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See <>.
22use crate::num::arithmetic::traits::{
23    ModMul, ModMulAssign, ModMulPrecomputed, ModMulPrecomputedAssign, Parity, PowerOf2,
24    WrappingSubAssign,
26use crate::num::basic::integers::{PrimitiveInt, USIZE_IS_U32};
27use crate::num::basic::unsigneds::PrimitiveUnsigned;
28use crate::num::conversion::traits::{ExactFrom, HasHalf, JoinHalves, SplitInHalf, WrappingFrom};
29use crate::num::logic::traits::LeadingZeros;
31pub_test! {naive_mod_mul<T: PrimitiveUnsigned>(x: T, y: T, m: T) -> T {
32    assert!(x < m, "x must be reduced mod m, but {x} >= {m}");
33    assert!(y < m, "y must be reduced mod m, but {y} >= {m}");
34    let (product_1, product_0) = T::x_mul_y_to_zz(x, y);
35    T::xx_div_mod_y_to_qr(product_1, product_0, m).1
38const INVERT_U32_TABLE_LOG_SIZE: u64 = 9;
40const INVERT_U32_TABLE_SIZE: usize = 1 << INVERT_U32_TABLE_LOG_SIZE;
42// INVERT_U32_TABLE[i] = floor((2^24 - 2^14 + 2^9) / (2^9 + i))
43const INVERT_U32_TABLE: [u32; INVERT_U32_TABLE_SIZE] = [
44    32737, 32673, 32609, 32546, 32483, 32420, 32357, 32295, 32233, 32171, 32109, 32048, 31987,
45    31926, 31865, 31805, 31744, 31684, 31625, 31565, 31506, 31447, 31388, 31329, 31271, 31212,
46    31154, 31097, 31039, 30982, 30924, 30868, 30811, 30754, 30698, 30642, 30586, 30530, 30475,
47    30419, 30364, 30309, 30255, 30200, 30146, 30092, 30038, 29984, 29930, 29877, 29824, 29771,
48    29718, 29666, 29613, 29561, 29509, 29457, 29405, 29354, 29303, 29251, 29200, 29150, 29099,
49    29049, 28998, 28948, 28898, 28849, 28799, 28750, 28700, 28651, 28602, 28554, 28505, 28457,
50    28409, 28360, 28313, 28265, 28217, 28170, 28123, 28075, 28029, 27982, 27935, 27889, 27842,
51    27796, 27750, 27704, 27658, 27613, 27568, 27522, 27477, 27432, 27387, 27343, 27298, 27254,
52    27209, 27165, 27121, 27078, 27034, 26990, 26947, 26904, 26861, 26818, 26775, 26732, 26690,
53    26647, 26605, 26563, 26521, 26479, 26437, 26395, 26354, 26312, 26271, 26230, 26189, 26148,
54    26108, 26067, 26026, 25986, 25946, 25906, 25866, 25826, 25786, 25747, 25707, 25668, 25628,
55    25589, 25550, 25511, 25473, 25434, 25395, 25357, 25319, 25281, 25242, 25205, 25167, 25129,
56    25091, 25054, 25016, 24979, 24942, 24905, 24868, 24831, 24794, 24758, 24721, 24685, 24649,
57    24612, 24576, 24540, 24504, 24469, 24433, 24397, 24362, 24327, 24291, 24256, 24221, 24186,
58    24151, 24117, 24082, 24047, 24013, 23979, 23944, 23910, 23876, 23842, 23808, 23774, 23741,
59    23707, 23674, 23640, 23607, 23574, 23541, 23508, 23475, 23442, 23409, 23377, 23344, 23312,
60    23279, 23247, 23215, 23183, 23151, 23119, 23087, 23055, 23023, 22992, 22960, 22929, 22898,
61    22866, 22835, 22804, 22773, 22742, 22711, 22681, 22650, 22619, 22589, 22559, 22528, 22498,
62    22468, 22438, 22408, 22378, 22348, 22318, 22289, 22259, 22229, 22200, 22171, 22141, 22112,
63    22083, 22054, 22025, 21996, 21967, 21938, 21910, 21881, 21853, 21824, 21796, 21767, 21739,
64    21711, 21683, 21655, 21627, 21599, 21571, 21544, 21516, 21488, 21461, 21433, 21406, 21379,
65    21352, 21324, 21297, 21270, 21243, 21216, 21190, 21163, 21136, 21110, 21083, 21056, 21030,
66    21004, 20977, 20951, 20925, 20899, 20873, 20847, 20821, 20795, 20769, 20744, 20718, 20693,
67    20667, 20642, 20616, 20591, 20566, 20540, 20515, 20490, 20465, 20440, 20415, 20390, 20366,
68    20341, 20316, 20292, 20267, 20243, 20218, 20194, 20170, 20145, 20121, 20097, 20073, 20049,
69    20025, 20001, 19977, 19953, 19930, 19906, 19882, 19859, 19835, 19812, 19789, 19765, 19742,
70    19719, 19696, 19672, 19649, 19626, 19603, 19581, 19558, 19535, 19512, 19489, 19467, 19444,
71    19422, 19399, 19377, 19354, 19332, 19310, 19288, 19265, 19243, 19221, 19199, 19177, 19155,
72    19133, 19112, 19090, 19068, 19046, 19025, 19003, 18982, 18960, 18939, 18917, 18896, 18875,
73    18854, 18832, 18811, 18790, 18769, 18748, 18727, 18706, 18686, 18665, 18644, 18623, 18603,
74    18582, 18561, 18541, 18520, 18500, 18479, 18459, 18439, 18419, 18398, 18378, 18358, 18338,
75    18318, 18298, 18278, 18258, 18238, 18218, 18199, 18179, 18159, 18139, 18120, 18100, 18081,
76    18061, 18042, 18022, 18003, 17984, 17964, 17945, 17926, 17907, 17888, 17869, 17850, 17831,
77    17812, 17793, 17774, 17755, 17736, 17718, 17699, 17680, 17662, 17643, 17624, 17606, 17587,
78    17569, 17551, 17532, 17514, 17496, 17477, 17459, 17441, 17423, 17405, 17387, 17369, 17351,
79    17333, 17315, 17297, 17279, 17261, 17244, 17226, 17208, 17191, 17173, 17155, 17138, 17120,
80    17103, 17085, 17068, 17051, 17033, 17016, 16999, 16982, 16964, 16947, 16930, 16913, 16896,
81    16879, 16862, 16845, 16828, 16811, 16794, 16778, 16761, 16744, 16727, 16711, 16694, 16677,
82    16661, 16644, 16628, 16611, 16595, 16578, 16562, 16546, 16529, 16513, 16497, 16481, 16464,
83    16448, 16432, 16416, 16400, 16384,
86#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
87pub fn test_invert_u32_table() {
88    for (i, &x) in INVERT_U32_TABLE.iter().enumerate() {
89        let value = (u32::power_of_2(24) - u32::power_of_2(14) + u32::power_of_2(9))
90            / (u32::power_of_2(9) + u32::exact_from(i));
91        assert_eq!(
92            x, value,
93            "INVERT_U32_TABLE gives incorrect value, {x}, for index {i}"
94        );
95    }
98// Computes
99// $$
100// f(x) = \left \lfloor \frac{2^{64} - 2^{32}x - 1}{x} \right \rfloor =
101//     \left \lfloor \frac{2^{64}-1}{x}-2^{32} \right \rfloor.
102// $$
104// The highest bit of `x` must be set.
106// # Worst-case complexity
107// Constant time and additional memory.
109// This is equivalent to `invert_limb` from `longlong.h`, FLINT 2.7.1, when `GMP_LIMB_BITS == 32`.
110pub_crate_test! {limbs_invert_limb_u32(x: u32) -> u32 {
111    assert!(x.get_highest_bit());
112    let a = INVERT_U32_TABLE[usize::exact_from(x << 1 >> 23)];
113    let b = (a << 4)
114        .wrapping_sub((u64::from(a * a) * u64::from((x >> 11) + 1)).upper_half())
115        .wrapping_sub(1);
116    let mut c = b.wrapping_mul(x >> 1).wrapping_neg();
117    if x.odd() {
118        c.wrapping_sub_assign(b.wrapping_sub(b >> 1));
119    }
120    let d = (b << 15).wrapping_add((u64::from(b) * u64::from(c)).upper_half() >> 1);
121    d.wrapping_sub(
122        (u64::from(d) * u64::from(x))
123            .wrapping_add(u64::from(x))
124            .upper_half()
125            .wrapping_add(x),
126    )
129const INVERT_U64_TABLE_LOG_SIZE: u64 = 8;
131const INVERT_U64_TABLE_SIZE: usize = 1 << INVERT_U64_TABLE_LOG_SIZE;
133// INVERT_U32_TABLE[i] = floor((2^19 - 3*2^8) / (2^8 + i))
134const INVERT_U64_TABLE: [u64; INVERT_U64_TABLE_SIZE] = [
135    2045, 2037, 2029, 2021, 2013, 2005, 1998, 1990, 1983, 1975, 1968, 1960, 1953, 1946, 1938, 1931,
136    1924, 1917, 1910, 1903, 1896, 1889, 1883, 1876, 1869, 1863, 1856, 1849, 1843, 1836, 1830, 1824,
137    1817, 1811, 1805, 1799, 1792, 1786, 1780, 1774, 1768, 1762, 1756, 1750, 1745, 1739, 1733, 1727,
138    1722, 1716, 1710, 1705, 1699, 1694, 1688, 1683, 1677, 1672, 1667, 1661, 1656, 1651, 1646, 1641,
139    1636, 1630, 1625, 1620, 1615, 1610, 1605, 1600, 1596, 1591, 1586, 1581, 1576, 1572, 1567, 1562,
140    1558, 1553, 1548, 1544, 1539, 1535, 1530, 1526, 1521, 1517, 1513, 1508, 1504, 1500, 1495, 1491,
141    1487, 1483, 1478, 1474, 1470, 1466, 1462, 1458, 1454, 1450, 1446, 1442, 1438, 1434, 1430, 1426,
142    1422, 1418, 1414, 1411, 1407, 1403, 1399, 1396, 1392, 1388, 1384, 1381, 1377, 1374, 1370, 1366,
143    1363, 1359, 1356, 1352, 1349, 1345, 1342, 1338, 1335, 1332, 1328, 1325, 1322, 1318, 1315, 1312,
144    1308, 1305, 1302, 1299, 1295, 1292, 1289, 1286, 1283, 1280, 1276, 1273, 1270, 1267, 1264, 1261,
145    1258, 1255, 1252, 1249, 1246, 1243, 1240, 1237, 1234, 1231, 1228, 1226, 1223, 1220, 1217, 1214,
146    1211, 1209, 1206, 1203, 1200, 1197, 1195, 1192, 1189, 1187, 1184, 1181, 1179, 1176, 1173, 1171,
147    1168, 1165, 1163, 1160, 1158, 1155, 1153, 1150, 1148, 1145, 1143, 1140, 1138, 1135, 1133, 1130,
148    1128, 1125, 1123, 1121, 1118, 1116, 1113, 1111, 1109, 1106, 1104, 1102, 1099, 1097, 1095, 1092,
149    1090, 1088, 1086, 1083, 1081, 1079, 1077, 1074, 1072, 1070, 1068, 1066, 1064, 1061, 1059, 1057,
150    1055, 1053, 1051, 1049, 1047, 1044, 1042, 1040, 1038, 1036, 1034, 1032, 1030, 1028, 1026, 1024,
153/// Tests that `INVERT_U64_TABLE` is correct.
154#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
155pub fn test_invert_u64_table() {
156    for (i, &x) in INVERT_U64_TABLE.iter().enumerate() {
157        let value = (u64::power_of_2(19) - 3 * u64::power_of_2(8))
158            / (u64::power_of_2(8) + u64::exact_from(i));
159        assert_eq!(
160            x, value,
161            "INVERT_U64_TABLE gives incorrect value, {x}, for index {i}"
162        );
163    }
166// Computes
167// $$
168// f(x) = \left \lfloor \frac{2^{128} - 2^{64}x - 1}{x} \right \rfloor =
169//     \left \lfloor \frac{2^{128}-1}{x}-2^{64} \right \rfloor.
170// $$
172// The highest bit of `x` must be set.
174// # Worst-case complexity
175// Constant time and additional memory.
177// This is equivalent to `invert_limb` from `longlong.h`, FLINT 2.7.1, when `GMP_LIMB_BITS == 64`.
178pub_crate_test! {limbs_invert_limb_u64(x: u64) -> u64 {
179    assert!(x.get_highest_bit());
180    let a = (x >> 24) + 1;
181    let b = INVERT_U64_TABLE[usize::exact_from(x << 1 >> 56)];
182    let c = (b << 11).wrapping_sub(((b * b).wrapping_mul(a) >> 40) + 1);
183    let d = (c.wrapping_mul(u64::power_of_2(60).wrapping_sub(c.wrapping_mul(a))) >> 47)
184        .wrapping_add(c << 13);
185    let mut e = d.wrapping_mul(x >> 1).wrapping_neg();
186    if x.odd() {
187        e.wrapping_sub_assign(d.wrapping_sub(d >> 1));
188    }
189    let f = (d << 31).wrapping_add((u128::from(d) * u128::from(e)).upper_half() >> 1);
190    f.wrapping_sub(
191        (u128::from(f) * u128::from(x))
192            .wrapping_add(u128::from(x))
193            .upper_half()
194            .wrapping_add(x),
195    )
198// This is equivalent to `n_ll_mod_preinv` from `ulong_extras/ll_mod_preinv.c`, FLINT 2.7.1.
199pub_test! {mod_preinverted_double<
200    T: PrimitiveUnsigned,
201    DT: From<T> + HasHalf<Half = T> + JoinHalves + PrimitiveUnsigned + SplitInHalf,
203    mut x_1: T,
204    x_0: T,
205    d: T,
206    d_inv: T,
207) -> T {
208    assert_ne!(d, T::ZERO);
209    let d_inv = DT::from(d_inv);
210    let shift = LeadingZeros::leading_zeros(d);
211    if shift == 0 {
212        if x_1 >= d {
213            x_1 -= d;
214        }
215        let (q_1, q_0) = (d_inv * DT::from(x_1))
216            .wrapping_add(DT::join_halves(x_1, x_0))
217            .split_in_half();
218        let mut r = x_0.wrapping_sub(q_1.wrapping_add(T::ONE).wrapping_mul(d));
219        if r > q_0 {
220            r.wrapping_add_assign(d);
221        }
222        if r < d {
223            r
224        } else {
225            r - d
226        }
227    } else {
228        let mut d = d;
229        if x_1 >= d {
230            let y_1 = x_1 >> (T::WIDTH - shift);
231            let y_0 = x_1 << shift;
232            d <<= shift;
233            let (q1, q0) = (d_inv * DT::from(y_1))
234                .wrapping_add(DT::join_halves(y_1, y_0))
235                .split_in_half();
236            x_1 = y_0.wrapping_sub(q1.wrapping_add(T::ONE).wrapping_mul(d));
237            if x_1 > q0 {
238                x_1.wrapping_add_assign(d);
239            }
240            if x_1 >= d {
241                x_1 -= d;
242            }
243        } else {
244            d <<= shift;
245            x_1 <<= shift;
246        }
247        let y_1 = x_1.wrapping_add(x_0 >> (T::WIDTH - shift));
248        let y_0 = x_0 << shift;
249        let (q_1, q_0) = (d_inv * DT::from(y_1))
250            .wrapping_add(DT::join_halves(y_1, y_0))
251            .split_in_half();
252        let mut r = y_0.wrapping_sub(q_1.wrapping_add(T::ONE).wrapping_mul(d));
253        if r > q_0 {
254            r.wrapping_add_assign(d);
255        }
256        if r < d {
257            r >> shift
258        } else {
259            (r - d) >> shift
260        }
261    }
264// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
265pub_test! {fast_mod_mul<
266    T: PrimitiveUnsigned,
267    DT: From<T> + HasHalf<Half = T> + JoinHalves + PrimitiveUnsigned + SplitInHalf,
269    x: T,
270    y: T,
271    m: T,
272    inv: T,
273) -> T {
274    assert!(x < m, "x must be reduced mod m, but {x} >= {m}");
275    assert!(y < m, "y must be reduced mod m, but {y} >= {m}");
276    let (product_1, product_0) = (DT::from(x) * DT::from(y)).split_in_half();
277    mod_preinverted_double::<T, DT>(product_1, product_0, m, inv)
280macro_rules! impl_mod_mul_precomputed_fast {
281    ($t:ident, $dt:ident, $invert_limb:ident) => {
282        impl ModMulPrecomputed<$t, $t> for $t {
283            type Output = $t;
284            type Data = $t;
286            /// Precomputes data for modular multiplication. See `mod_mul_precomputed` and
287            /// [`mod_mul_precomputed_assign`](super::traits::ModMulPrecomputedAssign).
288            ///
289            /// # Worst-case complexity
290            /// Constant time and additional memory.
291            ///
292            /// This is equivalent to `n_preinvert_limb` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
293            fn precompute_mod_mul_data(&m: &$t) -> $t {
294                $invert_limb(m << LeadingZeros::leading_zeros(m))
295            }
297            /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$. The inputs must be already reduced
298            /// modulo $m$.
299            ///
300            /// Some precomputed data is provided; this speeds up computations involving several
301            /// modular multiplications with the same modulus. The precomputed data should be
302            /// obtained using
303            /// [`precompute_mod_mul_data`](ModMulPrecomputed::precompute_mod_mul_data).
304            ///
305            /// # Worst-case complexity
306            /// Constant time and additional memory.
307            ///
308            /// # Panics
309            /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
310            ///
311            /// # Examples
312            /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_precomputed).
313            ///
314            /// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
315            fn mod_mul_precomputed(self, other: $t, m: $t, data: &$t) -> $t {
316                fast_mod_mul::<$t, $dt>(self, other, m, *data)
317            }
318        }
319    };
321impl_mod_mul_precomputed_fast!(u32, u64, limbs_invert_limb_u32);
322impl_mod_mul_precomputed_fast!(u64, u128, limbs_invert_limb_u64);
324macro_rules! impl_mod_mul_precomputed_promoted {
325    ($t:ident) => {
326        impl ModMulPrecomputed<$t, $t> for $t {
327            type Output = $t;
328            type Data = u32;
330            /// Precomputes data for modular multiplication. See `mod_mul_precomputed` and
331            /// [`mod_mul_precomputed_assign`](super::traits::ModMulPrecomputedAssign).
332            ///
333            /// # Worst-case complexity
334            /// Constant time and additional memory.
335            ///
336            /// This is equivalent to `n_preinvert_limb` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
337            fn precompute_mod_mul_data(&m: &$t) -> u32 {
338                u32::precompute_mod_mul_data(&u32::from(m))
339            }
341            /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$. The inputs must be already reduced
342            /// modulo $m$.
343            ///
344            /// Some precomputed data is provided; this speeds up computations involving several
345            /// modular multiplications with the same modulus. The precomputed data should be
346            /// obtained using
347            /// [`precompute_mod_mul_data`](ModMulPrecomputed::precompute_mod_mul_data).
348            ///
349            /// # Worst-case complexity
350            /// Constant time and additional memory.
351            ///
352            /// # Panics
353            /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
354            ///
355            /// # Examples
356            /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_precomputed).
357            ///
358            /// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
359            fn mod_mul_precomputed(self, other: $t, m: $t, data: &u32) -> $t {
360                $t::wrapping_from(u32::from(self).mod_mul_precomputed(
361                    u32::from(other),
362                    u32::from(m),
363                    data,
364                ))
365            }
366        }
367    };
372impl ModMulPrecomputed<u128, u128> for u128 {
373    type Output = u128;
374    type Data = ();
376    /// Precomputes data for modular multiplication. See `mod_mul_precomputed` and
377    /// [`mod_mul_precomputed_assign`](super::traits::ModMulPrecomputedAssign).
378    ///
379    /// # Worst-case complexity
380    /// Constant time and additional memory.
381    fn precompute_mod_mul_data(_m: &u128) {}
383    /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$. The inputs must be already reduced modulo
384    /// $m$.
385    ///
386    /// Some precomputed data is provided; this speeds up computations involving several modular
387    /// multiplications with the same modulus. The precomputed data should be obtained using
388    /// [`precompute_mod_mul_data`](ModMulPrecomputed::precompute_mod_mul_data).
389    ///
390    /// # Worst-case complexity
391    /// Constant time and additional memory.
392    ///
393    /// # Panics
394    /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
395    ///
396    /// # Examples
397    /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_precomputed).
398    ///
399    /// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
400    #[inline]
401    fn mod_mul_precomputed(self, other: u128, m: u128, _data: &()) -> u128 {
402        naive_mod_mul(self, other, m)
403    }
406impl ModMulPrecomputed<usize, usize> for usize {
407    type Output = usize;
408    type Data = usize;
410    /// Precomputes data for modular multiplication. See `mod_mul_precomputed` and
411    /// [`mod_mul_precomputed_assign`](super::traits::ModMulPrecomputedAssign).
412    ///
413    /// # Worst-case complexity
414    /// Constant time and additional memory.
415    ///
416    /// This is equivalent to `n_preinvert_limb` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
417    fn precompute_mod_mul_data(&m: &usize) -> usize {
418        if USIZE_IS_U32 {
419            usize::wrapping_from(u32::precompute_mod_mul_data(&u32::wrapping_from(m)))
420        } else {
421            usize::wrapping_from(u64::precompute_mod_mul_data(&u64::wrapping_from(m)))
422        }
423    }
425    /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$. The inputs must be already reduced modulo
426    /// $m$.
427    ///
428    /// Some precomputed data is provided; this speeds up computations involving several modular
429    /// multiplications with the same modulus. The precomputed data should be obtained using
430    /// `precompute_mod_mul_data`.
431    ///
432    /// # Worst-case complexity
433    /// Constant time and additional memory.
434    ///
435    /// # Panics
436    /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
437    ///
438    /// # Examples
439    /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_precomputed).
440    ///
441    /// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
442    fn mod_mul_precomputed(self, other: usize, m: usize, data: &usize) -> usize {
443        if USIZE_IS_U32 {
444            usize::wrapping_from(u32::wrapping_from(self).mod_mul_precomputed(
445                u32::wrapping_from(other),
446                u32::wrapping_from(m),
447                &u32::wrapping_from(*data),
448            ))
449        } else {
450            usize::wrapping_from(u64::wrapping_from(self).mod_mul_precomputed(
451                u64::wrapping_from(other),
452                u64::wrapping_from(m),
453                &u64::wrapping_from(*data),
454            ))
455        }
456    }
459macro_rules! impl_mod_mul {
460    ($t:ident) => {
461        impl ModMulPrecomputedAssign<$t, $t> for $t {
462            /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$, in place. The inputs must be
463            /// already reduced modulo $m$.
464            ///
465            /// Some precomputed data is provided; this speeds up computations involving several
466            /// modular multiplications with the same modulus. The precomputed data should be
467            /// obtained using
468            /// [`precompute_mod_mul_data`](ModMulPrecomputed::precompute_mod_mul_data).
469            ///
470            /// # Worst-case complexity
471            /// Constant time and additional memory.
472            ///
473            /// # Panics
474            /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
475            ///
476            /// # Examples
477            /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_precomputed_assign).
478            ///
479            /// This is equivalent to `n_mulmod2_preinv` from `ulong_extras.h`, FLINT 2.7.1, where
480            /// the return value is assigned to `a`.
481            #[inline]
482            fn mod_mul_precomputed_assign(&mut self, other: $t, m: $t, data: &Self::Data) {
483                *self = self.mod_mul_precomputed(other, m, data);
484            }
485        }
487        impl ModMul<$t> for $t {
488            type Output = $t;
490            /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$. The inputs must be already reduced
491            /// modulo $m$.
492            ///
493            /// $f(x, y, m) = z$, where $x, y, z < m$ and $xy \equiv z \mod m$.
494            ///
495            /// # Worst-case complexity
496            /// Constant time and additional memory.
497            ///
498            /// # Panics
499            /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
500            ///
501            /// # Examples
502            /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul).
503            ///
504            /// This is equivalent to `nmod_mul` from `nmod.h`, FLINT 2.7.1.
505            #[inline]
506            fn mod_mul(self, other: $t, m: $t) -> $t {
507                naive_mod_mul(self, other, m)
508            }
509        }
511        impl ModMulAssign<$t> for $t {
512            /// Multiplies two numbers modulo a third number $m$, in place. The inputs must be
513            /// already reduced modulo $m$.
514            ///
515            /// $x \gets z$, where $x, y, z < m$ and $xy \equiv z \mod m$.
516            ///
517            /// # Worst-case complexity
518            /// Constant time and additional memory.
519            ///
520            /// # Examples
521            /// See [here](super::mod_mul#mod_mul_assign).
522            ///
523            /// # Panics
524            /// Panics if `self` or `other` are greater than or equal to `m`.
525            ///
526            /// This is equivalent to `nmod_mul` from `nmod.h`, FLINT 2.7.1, where the result is
527            /// assigned to `a`.
528            #[inline]
529            fn mod_mul_assign(&mut self, other: $t, m: $t) {
530                *self = naive_mod_mul(*self, other, m);
531            }
532        }
533    };