
1// Copyright © 2025 Mikhail Hogrefe
3// This file is part of Malachite.
5// Malachite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
6// Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
7// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See <>.
9use crate::comparison::traits::{Max, Min};
10use crate::named::Named;
11use crate::num::arithmetic::traits::{
12    Abs, AbsAssign, AddMul, AddMulAssign, Ceiling, CeilingAssign, CeilingLogBase2,
13    CeilingLogBasePowerOf2, CheckedLogBase2, CheckedLogBasePowerOf2, Floor, FloorAssign,
14    FloorLogBase2, FloorLogBasePowerOf2, IsPowerOf2, Ln, NegAssign, NextPowerOf2,
15    NextPowerOf2Assign, Pow, PowAssign, PowerOf2, Reciprocal, ReciprocalAssign, Sign, Sqrt,
16    SqrtAssign, Square, SquareAssign, SubMul, SubMulAssign,
18use crate::num::basic::traits::{
19    Infinity, NaN, NegativeInfinity, NegativeOne, NegativeZero, One, OneHalf, PrimeConstant,
20    ThueMorseConstant, Two, Zero,
22use crate::num::comparison::traits::PartialOrdAbs;
23use crate::num::conversion::traits::{
24    ConvertibleFrom, ExactInto, IntegerMantissaAndExponent, IsInteger, RawMantissaAndExponent,
25    RoundingFrom, RoundingInto, SciMantissaAndExponent, WrappingFrom,
27use crate::num::float::FmtRyuString;
28use crate::num::logic::traits::{BitAccess, LowMask, SignificantBits, TrailingZeros};
29use core::cmp::Ordering::*;
30use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, LowerExp, UpperExp};
31use core::iter::{Product, Sum};
32use core::num::FpCategory;
33use core::ops::{
34    Add, AddAssign, Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Rem, RemAssign, Sub, SubAssign,
36use core::panic::RefUnwindSafe;
37use core::str::FromStr;
39/// This trait defines functions on primitive float types: [`f32`] and [`f64`].
41/// Many of the functions here concern exponents and mantissas. We define three ways to express a
42/// float, each with its own exponent and mantissa. In the following, let $x$ be an arbitrary
43/// positive, finite, non-zero, non-NaN float. Let $M$ and $E$ be the mantissa width and exponent
44/// width of the floating point type; for [`f32`]s, this is 23 and 8, and for [`f64`]s it's 52 and
45/// 11.
47/// In the following we assume that $x$ is positive, but you can easily extend these definitions to
48/// negative floats by first taking their absolute value.
50/// # raw form
51/// The raw exponent and raw mantissa are the actual bit patterns used to represent the components
52/// of $x$. The raw exponent $e_r$ is an integer in $[0, 2^E-2]$ and the raw mantissa $m_r$ is an
53/// integer in $[0, 2^M-1]$. Since we are dealing with a nonzero $x$, we forbid $e_r$ and $m_r$ from
54/// both being zero. We have
55/// $$
56/// x = \\begin{cases}
57///     2^{2-2^{E-1}-M}m_r & \text{if} \quad e_r = 0, \\\\
58///     2^{e_r-2^{E-1}+1}(2^{-M}m_r+1) & \textrm{otherwise},
59/// \\end{cases}
60/// $$
61/// $$
62/// e_r = \\begin{cases}
63///     0 & \text{if} \quad x < 2^{2-2^{E-1}}, \\\\
64///     \lfloor \log_2 x \rfloor + 2^{E-1} - 1 & \textrm{otherwise},
65/// \\end{cases}
66/// $$
67/// $$
68/// m_r = \\begin{cases}
69///     2^{M+2^{E-1}-2}x & \text{if} \quad x < 2^{2-2^{E-1}}, \\\\
70///     2^M \left ( \frac{x}{2^{\lfloor \log_2 x \rfloor}}-1\right ) & \textrm{otherwise}.
71/// \\end{cases}
72/// $$
74/// # scientific form
75/// We can write $x = 2^{e_s}m_s$, where $e_s$ is an integer and $m_s$ is a rational number with $1
76/// \leq m_s < 2$. If $x$ is a valid float, the scientific mantissa $m_s$ is always exactly
77/// representable as a float of the same type. We have
78/// $$
79/// x = 2^{e_s}m_s,
80/// $$
81/// $$
82/// e_s = \lfloor \log_2 x \rfloor,
83/// $$
84/// $$
85/// m_s = \frac{x}{2^{\lfloor \log_2 x \rfloor}}.
86/// $$
88/// # integer form
89/// We can also write $x = 2^{e_i}m_i$, where $e_i$ is an integer and $m_i$ is an odd integer. We
90/// have
91/// $$
92/// x = 2^{e_i}m_i,
93/// $$
94/// $e_i$ is the unique integer such that $x/2^{e_i}$is an odd integer, and
95/// $$
96/// m_i = \frac{x}{2^{e_i}}.
97/// $$
98pub trait PrimitiveFloat:
99    'static
100    + Abs<Output = Self>
101    + AbsAssign
102    + Add<Output = Self>
103    + AddAssign<Self>
104    + AddMul<Output = Self>
105    + AddMulAssign<Self, Self>
106    + Ceiling<Output = Self>
107    + CeilingAssign
108    + CeilingLogBase2<Output = i64>
109    + CeilingLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = i64>
110    + CheckedLogBase2<Output = i64>
111    + CheckedLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = i64>
112    + ConvertibleFrom<u8>
113    + ConvertibleFrom<u16>
114    + ConvertibleFrom<u32>
115    + ConvertibleFrom<u64>
116    + ConvertibleFrom<u128>
117    + ConvertibleFrom<usize>
118    + ConvertibleFrom<i8>
119    + ConvertibleFrom<i16>
120    + ConvertibleFrom<i32>
121    + ConvertibleFrom<i64>
122    + ConvertibleFrom<i128>
123    + ConvertibleFrom<isize>
124    + Copy
125    + Debug
126    + Default
127    + Display
128    + Div<Output = Self>
129    + DivAssign
130    + Floor<Output = Self>
131    + FloorAssign
132    + FloorLogBase2<Output = i64>
133    + FloorLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = i64>
134    + FmtRyuString
135    + From<f32>
136    + FromStr
137    + Infinity
138    + IntegerMantissaAndExponent<u64, i64>
139    + Into<f64>
140    + IsInteger
141    + IsPowerOf2
142    + Ln
143    + LowerExp
144    + Min
145    + Max
146    + Mul<Output = Self>
147    + MulAssign<Self>
148    + Named
149    + NaN
150    + NegativeInfinity
151    + NegativeZero
152    + Neg<Output = Self>
153    + NegAssign
154    + NegativeOne
155    + NextPowerOf2<Output = Self>
156    + NextPowerOf2Assign
157    + One
158    + PartialEq<Self>
159    + PartialOrd<Self>
160    + PartialOrdAbs<Self>
161    + Pow<i64, Output = Self>
162    + Pow<Self, Output = Self>
163    + PowAssign<i64>
164    + PowAssign<Self>
165    + PowerOf2<i64>
166    + PrimeConstant
167    + Product
168    + RawMantissaAndExponent<u64, u64>
169    + Reciprocal<Output = Self>
170    + ReciprocalAssign
171    + RefUnwindSafe
172    + Rem<Output = Self>
173    + RemAssign<Self>
174    + RoundingFrom<u8>
175    + RoundingFrom<u16>
176    + RoundingFrom<u32>
177    + RoundingFrom<u64>
178    + RoundingFrom<u128>
179    + RoundingFrom<usize>
180    + RoundingFrom<i8>
181    + RoundingFrom<i16>
182    + RoundingFrom<i32>
183    + RoundingFrom<i64>
184    + RoundingFrom<i128>
185    + RoundingFrom<isize>
186    + RoundingInto<u8>
187    + RoundingInto<u16>
188    + RoundingInto<u32>
189    + RoundingInto<u64>
190    + RoundingInto<u128>
191    + RoundingInto<usize>
192    + RoundingInto<i8>
193    + RoundingInto<i16>
194    + RoundingInto<i32>
195    + RoundingInto<i64>
196    + RoundingInto<i128>
197    + RoundingInto<isize>
198    + SciMantissaAndExponent<Self, i64>
199    + Sign
200    + Sized
201    + Sqrt<Output = Self>
202    + SqrtAssign
203    + Square<Output = Self>
204    + SquareAssign
205    + Sub<Output = Self>
206    + SubAssign<Self>
207    + SubMul<Output = Self>
208    + SubMulAssign<Self, Self>
209    + Sum<Self>
210    + ThueMorseConstant
211    + Two
212    + UpperExp
213    + Zero
215    /// The number of bits taken up by the type.
216    ///
217    /// This is $M+E+1$. The three terms in the sum correspond to the width of the mantissa, the
218    /// width of the exponent, and the sign bit.
219    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is 32.
220    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is 64.
221    const WIDTH: u64;
222    /// The number of bits taken up by the exponent.
223    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is 8.
224    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is 11.
225    const EXPONENT_WIDTH: u64 = Self::WIDTH - Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH - 1;
226    /// The number of bits taken up by the mantissa.
227    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is 23.
228    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is 52.
229    const MANTISSA_WIDTH: u64;
230    /// The smallest possible exponent of a float in the normal range. Any floats with smaller
231    /// exponents are subnormal and thus have reduced precision. This is $2-2^{E-1}$.
232    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is -126.
233    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is -1022.
234    const MIN_NORMAL_EXPONENT: i64 = -(1 << (Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH - 1)) + 2;
235    /// The smallest possible exponent of a float. This is $2-2^{E-1}-M$.
236    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is -149.
237    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is -1074.
238    const MIN_EXPONENT: i64 = Self::MIN_NORMAL_EXPONENT - (Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH as i64);
239    /// The largest possible exponent of a float. This is $2^{E-1}-1$.
240    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is 127.
241    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is 1023.
242    const MAX_EXPONENT: i64 = (1 << (Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH - 1)) - 1;
243    /// The smallest positive float. This is $2^{2-2^{E-1}-M}$.
244    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{-149}$, or `1.0e-45`.
245    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{-1074}$, or `5.0e-324`.
246    const MIN_POSITIVE_SUBNORMAL: Self;
247    /// The largest float in the subnormal range. This is $2^{2-2^{E-1}-M}(2^M-1)$.
248    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{-149}(2^{23}-1)$, or `1.1754942e-38`.
249    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{-1074}(2^{52}-1)$, or `2.225073858507201e-308`.
250    const MAX_SUBNORMAL: Self;
251    /// The smallest positive normal float. This is $2^{2-2^{E-1}}$.
252    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{-126}$, or `1.1754944e-38`.
253    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{-1022}$, or `2.2250738585072014e-308`.
254    const MIN_POSITIVE_NORMAL: Self;
255    /// The largest finite float. This is $2^{2^{E-1}-1}(2-2^{-M})$.
256    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{127}(2-2^{-23})$, or `3.4028235e38`.
257    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{1023}(2-2^{-52})$, or `1.7976931348623157e308`.
258    const MAX_FINITE: Self;
259    /// The smallest positive integer that cannot be represented as a float. This is $2^{M+1}+1$.
260    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{24}+1$, or 16777217.
261    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{53}+1$, or 9007199254740993.
263    /// If you list all floats in increasing order, excluding NaN and giving negative and positive
264    /// zero separate adjacent spots, this will be index of the last element, positive infinity. It
265    /// is $2^{M+1}(2^E-1)+1$.
266    /// - For [`f32`]s, this is $2^{32}-2^{24}+1$, or 4278190081.
267    /// - For [`f64`]s, this is $2^{64}-2^{53}+1$, or 18437736874454810625.
270    fn is_nan(self) -> bool;
272    fn is_infinite(self) -> bool;
274    fn is_finite(self) -> bool;
276    fn is_normal(self) -> bool;
278    fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool;
280    fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool;
282    fn classify(self) -> FpCategory;
284    fn to_bits(self) -> u64;
286    fn from_bits(v: u64) -> Self;
288    /// Tests whether `self` is negative zero.
289    ///
290    /// # Worst-case complexity
291    /// Constant time and additional memory.
292    ///
293    /// # Examples
294    /// ```
295    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
296    ///
297    /// assert!((-0.0).is_negative_zero());
298    /// assert!(!0.0.is_negative_zero());
299    /// assert!(!1.0.is_negative_zero());
300    /// assert!(!f32::NAN.is_negative_zero());
301    /// assert!(!f32::INFINITY.is_negative_zero());
302    /// ```
303    #[inline]
304    fn is_negative_zero(self) -> bool {
305        self.sign() == Less && self == Self::ZERO
306    }
308    /// If `self` is negative zero, returns positive zero; otherwise, returns `self`.
309    ///
310    /// # Worst-case complexity
311    /// Constant time and additional memory.
312    ///
313    /// # Examples
314    /// ```
315    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
316    /// use malachite_base::num::float::NiceFloat;
317    ///
318    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-0.0).abs_negative_zero()), NiceFloat(0.0));
319    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(0.0.abs_negative_zero()), NiceFloat(0.0));
320    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(1.0.abs_negative_zero()), NiceFloat(1.0));
321    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-1.0).abs_negative_zero()), NiceFloat(-1.0));
322    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f32::NAN.abs_negative_zero()), NiceFloat(f32::NAN));
323    /// ```
324    #[inline]
325    fn abs_negative_zero(self) -> Self {
326        if self == Self::ZERO { Self::ZERO } else { self }
327    }
329    /// If `self` is negative zero, replaces it with positive zero; otherwise, leaves `self`
330    /// unchanged.
331    ///
332    /// # Worst-case complexity
333    /// Constant time and additional memory.
334    ///
335    /// # Examples
336    /// ```
337    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
338    /// use malachite_base::num::float::NiceFloat;
339    ///
340    /// let mut f = -0.0;
341    /// f.abs_negative_zero_assign();
342    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f), NiceFloat(0.0));
343    ///
344    /// let mut f = 0.0;
345    /// f.abs_negative_zero_assign();
346    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f), NiceFloat(0.0));
347    ///
348    /// let mut f = 1.0;
349    /// f.abs_negative_zero_assign();
350    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f), NiceFloat(1.0));
351    ///
352    /// let mut f = -1.0;
353    /// f.abs_negative_zero_assign();
354    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f), NiceFloat(-1.0));
355    ///
356    /// let mut f = f32::NAN;
357    /// f.abs_negative_zero_assign();
358    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(f), NiceFloat(f32::NAN));
359    /// ```
360    #[inline]
361    fn abs_negative_zero_assign(&mut self) {
362        if *self == Self::ZERO {
363            *self = Self::ZERO;
364        }
365    }
367    /// Returns the smallest float larger than `self`.
368    ///
369    /// Passing `-0.0` returns `0.0`; passing `NaN` or positive infinity panics.
370    ///
371    /// # Worst-case complexity
372    /// Constant time and additional memory.
373    ///
374    /// # Panics
375    /// Panics if `self` is `NaN` or positive infinity.
376    ///
377    /// # Examples
378    /// ```
379    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
380    /// use malachite_base::num::float::NiceFloat;
381    ///
382    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-0.0f32).next_higher()), NiceFloat(0.0));
383    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(0.0f32.next_higher()), NiceFloat(1.0e-45));
384    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(1.0f32.next_higher()), NiceFloat(1.0000001));
385    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-1.0f32).next_higher()), NiceFloat(-0.99999994));
386    /// ```
387    fn next_higher(self) -> Self {
388        assert!(!self.is_nan());
389        if self.sign() == Greater {
390            assert_ne!(self, Self::INFINITY);
391            Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() + 1)
392        } else if self == Self::ZERO {
393            // negative zero -> positive zero
394            Self::ZERO
395        } else {
396            Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() - 1)
397        }
398    }
400    /// Returns the largest float smaller than `self`.
401    ///
402    /// Passing `0.0` returns `-0.0`; passing `NaN` or negative infinity panics.
403    ///
404    /// # Worst-case complexity
405    /// Constant time and additional memory.
406    ///
407    /// # Panics
408    /// Panics if `self` is `NaN` or negative infinity.
409    ///
410    /// # Examples
411    /// ```
412    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
413    /// use malachite_base::num::float::NiceFloat;
414    ///
415    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(0.0f32.next_lower()), NiceFloat(-0.0));
416    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-0.0f32).next_lower()), NiceFloat(-1.0e-45));
417    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat(1.0f32.next_lower()), NiceFloat(0.99999994));
418    /// assert_eq!(NiceFloat((-1.0f32).next_lower()), NiceFloat(-1.0000001));
419    /// ```
420    fn next_lower(self) -> Self {
421        assert!(!self.is_nan());
422        if self.sign() == Less {
423            assert_ne!(self, Self::NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
424            Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() + 1)
425        } else if self == Self::ZERO {
426            // positive zero -> negative zero
427            Self::NEGATIVE_ZERO
428        } else {
429            Self::from_bits(self.to_bits() - 1)
430        }
431    }
433    /// Maps `self` to an integer. The map preserves ordering, and adjacent floats are mapped to
434    /// adjacent integers.
435    ///
436    /// Negative infinity is mapped to 0, and positive infinity is mapped to the largest value,
438    /// and positive zero are mapped to distinct adjacent values. Passing in `NaN` panics.
439    ///
440    /// The inverse operation is
441    /// [`from_ordered_representation`](PrimitiveFloat::from_ordered_representation).
442    ///
443    /// # Worst-case complexity
444    /// Constant time and additional memory.
445    ///
446    /// # Panics
447    /// Panics if `self` is `NaN`.
448    ///
449    /// # Examples
450    /// ```
451    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
452    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::traits::NegativeInfinity;
453    ///
454    /// assert_eq!(f32::NEGATIVE_INFINITY.to_ordered_representation(), 0);
455    /// assert_eq!((-0.0f32).to_ordered_representation(), 2139095040);
456    /// assert_eq!(0.0f32.to_ordered_representation(), 2139095041);
457    /// assert_eq!(1.0f32.to_ordered_representation(), 3204448257);
458    /// assert_eq!(f32::INFINITY.to_ordered_representation(), 4278190081);
459    /// ```
460    fn to_ordered_representation(self) -> u64 {
461        assert!(!self.is_nan());
462        let bits = self.to_bits();
463        if self.sign() == Greater {
464            (u64::low_mask(Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH) << Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH) + bits + 1
465        } else {
466            (u64::low_mask(Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH + 1) << Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH) - bits
467        }
468    }
470    /// Maps a non-negative integer, less than or equal to
472    /// float. The map preserves ordering, and adjacent integers are mapped to adjacent floats.
473    ///
474    /// Zero is mapped to negative infinity, and
476    /// to positive infinity. Negative and positive zero are produced by two distinct adjacent
477    /// integers. `NaN` is never produced.
478    ///
479    /// The inverse operation is
480    /// [`to_ordered_representation`](PrimitiveFloat::to_ordered_representation).
481    ///
482    /// # Worst-case complexity
483    /// Constant time and additional memory.
484    ///
485    /// # Panics
486    /// Panics if `self` is greater than
488    ///
489    /// # Examples
490    /// ```
491    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
492    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::traits::NegativeInfinity;
493    ///
494    /// assert_eq!(f32::from_ordered_representation(0), f32::NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
495    /// assert_eq!(f32::from_ordered_representation(2139095040), -0.0f32);
496    /// assert_eq!(f32::from_ordered_representation(2139095041), 0.0f32);
497    /// assert_eq!(f32::from_ordered_representation(3204448257), 1.0f32);
498    /// assert_eq!(f32::from_ordered_representation(4278190081), f32::INFINITY);
499    /// ```
500    fn from_ordered_representation(n: u64) -> Self {
501        let zero_exp = u64::low_mask(Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH) << Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH;
502        let f = if n <= zero_exp {
503            Self::from_bits((u64::low_mask(Self::EXPONENT_WIDTH + 1) << Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH) - n)
504        } else {
505            let f = Self::from_bits(n - zero_exp - 1);
506            assert_eq!(f.sign(), Greater);
507            f
508        };
509        assert!(!f.is_nan());
510        f
511    }
513    /// Returns the precision of a nonzero finite floating-point number.
514    ///
515    /// The precision is the number of significant bits of the integer mantissa. For example, the
516    /// floats with precision 1 are the powers of 2, those with precision 2 are 3 times a power of
517    /// 2, those with precision 3 are 5 or 7 times a power of 2, and so on.
518    ///
519    /// # Worst-case complexity
520    /// Constant time and additional memory.
521    ///
522    /// # Panics
523    /// Panics if `self` is zero, infinite, or `NaN`.
524    ///
525    /// # Examples
526    /// ```
527    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
528    ///
529    /// assert_eq!(1.0.precision(), 1);
530    /// assert_eq!(2.0.precision(), 1);
531    /// assert_eq!(3.0.precision(), 2);
532    /// assert_eq!(1.5.precision(), 2);
533    /// assert_eq!(1.234f32.precision(), 23);
534    /// ```
535    fn precision(self) -> u64 {
536        assert!(self.is_finite());
537        assert!(self != Self::ZERO);
538        let (mut mantissa, exponent) = self.raw_mantissa_and_exponent();
539        if exponent == 0 {
540            mantissa.significant_bits() - TrailingZeros::trailing_zeros(mantissa)
541        } else {
542            mantissa.set_bit(Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH);
543            Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH + 1 - TrailingZeros::trailing_zeros(mantissa)
544        }
545    }
547    /// Given a scientific exponent, returns the largest possible precision for a float with that
548    /// exponent.
549    ///
550    /// See the documentation of the [`precision`](PrimitiveFloat::precision) function for a
551    /// definition of precision.
552    ///
553    /// For exponents greater than or equal to
554    /// [`MIN_NORMAL_EXPONENT`](PrimitiveFloat::MIN_NORMAL_EXPONENT), the maximum precision is one
555    /// more than the mantissa width. For smaller exponents (corresponding to the subnormal range),
556    /// the precision is lower.
557    ///
558    /// # Worst-case complexity
559    /// Constant time and additional memory.
560    ///
561    /// # Panics
562    /// Panics if `exponent` is less than [`MIN_EXPONENT`](PrimitiveFloat::MIN_EXPONENT) or greater
563    /// than [`MAX_EXPONENT`](PrimitiveFloat::MAX_EXPONENT).
564    ///
565    /// # Examples
566    /// ```
567    /// use malachite_base::num::basic::floats::PrimitiveFloat;
568    ///
569    /// assert_eq!(f32::max_precision_for_sci_exponent(0), 24);
570    /// assert_eq!(f32::max_precision_for_sci_exponent(127), 24);
571    /// assert_eq!(f32::max_precision_for_sci_exponent(-149), 1);
572    /// assert_eq!(f32::max_precision_for_sci_exponent(-148), 2);
573    /// assert_eq!(f32::max_precision_for_sci_exponent(-147), 3);
574    /// ```
575    fn max_precision_for_sci_exponent(exponent: i64) -> u64 {
576        assert!(exponent >= Self::MIN_EXPONENT);
577        assert!(exponent <= Self::MAX_EXPONENT);
578        if exponent >= Self::MIN_NORMAL_EXPONENT {
579            Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH + 1
580        } else {
581            u64::wrapping_from(exponent - Self::MIN_EXPONENT) + 1
582        }
583    }
586/// Defines basic trait implementations for floating-point types.
587macro_rules! impl_basic_traits_primitive_float {
588    (
589        $t: ident,
590        $width: expr,
591        $min_positive_subnormal: expr,
592        $max_subnormal: expr,
593        $min_positive_normal: expr,
594        $thue_morse_constant: expr,
595        $prime_constant: expr
596    ) => {
597        impl PrimitiveFloat for $t {
598            const WIDTH: u64 = $width;
599            const MANTISSA_WIDTH: u64 = ($t::MANTISSA_DIGITS as u64) - 1;
601            const MAX_FINITE: Self = $t::MAX;
602            const MIN_POSITIVE_SUBNORMAL: Self = $min_positive_subnormal;
603            const MAX_SUBNORMAL: Self = $max_subnormal;
604            const MIN_POSITIVE_NORMAL: Self = $min_positive_normal;
605            const SMALLEST_UNREPRESENTABLE_UINT: u64 = (1 << (Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH + 1)) + 1;
606            // We can't shift by $width when $width is 64, so we shift by $width - 1 and then by 1
607            const LARGEST_ORDERED_REPRESENTATION: u64 = (1u64 << ($width - 1) << 1)
608                .wrapping_sub(((1 << Self::MANTISSA_WIDTH) - 1) << 1)
609                - 1;
611            #[inline]
612            fn is_nan(self) -> bool {
613                $t::is_nan(self)
614            }
616            #[inline]
617            fn is_infinite(self) -> bool {
618                $t::is_infinite(self)
619            }
621            #[inline]
622            fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
623                $t::is_finite(self)
624            }
626            #[inline]
627            fn is_normal(self) -> bool {
628                $t::is_normal(self)
629            }
631            #[inline]
632            fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool {
633                $t::is_sign_positive(self)
634            }
636            #[inline]
637            fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool {
638                $t::is_sign_negative(self)
639            }
641            #[inline]
642            fn classify(self) -> FpCategory {
643                $t::classify(self)
644            }
646            #[inline]
647            fn to_bits(self) -> u64 {
648                u64::wrapping_from($t::to_bits(self))
649            }
651            #[inline]
652            fn from_bits(v: u64) -> $t {
653                $t::from_bits(v.exact_into())
654            }
655        }
657        impl_named!($t);
659        /// The constant 0.
660        impl Zero for $t {
661            const ZERO: $t = 0.0;
662        }
664        /// The constant 1.
665        impl One for $t {
666            const ONE: $t = 1.0;
667        }
669        /// The constant 2.
670        impl Two for $t {
671            const TWO: $t = 2.0;
672        }
674        /// The constant 1/2.
675        impl OneHalf for $t {
676            const ONE_HALF: $t = 0.5;
677        }
679        /// The constant -1.0 for primitive floating-point types.
680        impl NegativeOne for $t {
681            const NEGATIVE_ONE: $t = -1.0;
682        }
684        /// The constant -0.0 for primitive floating-point types.
685        impl NegativeZero for $t {
686            const NEGATIVE_ZERO: $t = -0.0;
687        }
689        /// The constant Infinity for primitive floating-point types.
690        impl Infinity for $t {
691            const INFINITY: $t = $t::INFINITY;
692        }
694        /// The constant -Infinity for primitive floating-point types.
695        impl NegativeInfinity for $t {
696            const NEGATIVE_INFINITY: $t = $t::NEG_INFINITY;
697        }
699        /// The constant NaN for primitive floating-point types.
700        impl NaN for $t {
701            const NAN: $t = $t::NAN;
702        }
704        /// The lowest value representable by this type, negative infinity.
705        impl Min for $t {
706            const MIN: $t = $t::NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
707        }
709        /// The highest value representable by this type, positive infinity.
710        impl Max for $t {
711            const MAX: $t = $t::INFINITY;
712        }
714        /// The Thue-Morse constant.
715        impl ThueMorseConstant for $t {
716            const THUE_MORSE_CONSTANT: $t = $thue_morse_constant;
717        }
719        /// The prime constant.
720        impl PrimeConstant for $t {
721            const PRIME_CONSTANT: $t = $prime_constant;
722        }
723    };
726    f32,
727    32,
728    1.0e-45,
729    1.1754942e-38,
730    1.1754944e-38,
731    0.41245404,
732    0.4146825
735    f64,
736    64,
737    5.0e-324,
738    2.225073858507201e-308,
739    2.2250738585072014e-308,
740    0.4124540336401076,
741    0.41468250985111166