Function exhaustive_pairs_1_input

pub fn exhaustive_pairs_1_input<I: Iterator>(
    xs: I,
    output_type_x: BitDistributorOutputType,
    output_type_y: BitDistributorOutputType,
) -> ExhaustivePairs1Input<I> 
where I::Item: Clone,
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This documentation applies not only to exhaustive_pairs_1_input, but also to exhaustive_triples_1_input, exhaustive_quadruples_1_input, and so on. See exhaustive_tuples_1_input for more information.

Generates all length-$n$ tuples with elements from a single iterator.

These functions differ from exhaustive_[n-tuples]_from_single in that different BitDistributorOutputTypes may be specified for each output element.

The $i$th parameter output_types_[x_i] is a BitDistributorOutputType that determines how quickly the $i$th output slot advances through the iterator; see the BitDistributor documentation for a description of the different types.

If xs is finite, the output length is $k^n$, where $k$ is xs.count() and $n$ is the width of the tuples. If xs is infinite, the output is also infinite.

If xs is empty, the output is also empty.


See here.