Module stringtable

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A string table implementation with a tree-like encoding.

Each entry in the table represents a string and is encoded as a list of components where each component can either be

  1. a string value that contains actual UTF-8 string content,
  2. a string ID that contains a reference to another entry, or
  3. a terminator tag which marks the end of a component list.

The string content of an entry is defined as the concatenation of the content of its components. The content of a string value is its actual UTF-8 bytes. The content of a string ID is the contents of the entry it references.

The byte-level encoding of component lists uses the structure of UTF-8 in order to save space:

  • A valid UTF-8 codepoint never starts with the byte 0xFE. We make use of this fact by letting all string ID components start with this 0xFE prefix. Thus when we parse the contents of a value we know to stop if we encounter this byte.

  • A valid UTF-8 string cannot contain the 0xFF byte. Thus we can safely use 0xFF as our component list terminator.

The sample composite string [“abc”, ID(42), “def”, TERMINATOR] would thus be encoded as:

    ['a', 'b' , 'c', 254, 42, 0, 0, 0, 'd', 'e', 'f', 255]
                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                 ^^^
                string ID with 0xFE prefix      terminator (0xFF)

As you can see string IDs are encoded in little endian format.

Each string in the table is referred to via a StringId. StringIds may be generated in two ways:

  1. Calling StringTableBuilder::alloc() which returns the StringId for the allocated string.
  2. Calling StringId::new_virtual() to create a “virtual” StringId that later can be mapped to an actual string via StringTableBuilder::map_virtual_to_concrete_string().

String IDs allow you to deduplicate strings by allocating a string once and then referring to it by id over and over. This is a useful trick for strings which are recorded many times and it can significantly reduce the size of profile trace files.

StringIds are partitioned according to type:


From 0 to MAX_VIRTUAL_STRING_ID are the allowed values for virtual strings. After MAX_VIRTUAL_STRING_ID, there is one string id (METADATA_STRING_ID) which is used internally by measureme to record additional metadata about the profiling session. After METADATA_STRING_ID are all other StringId values.


A StringId is used to identify a string in the StringTable. It is either a regular StringId, meaning that it contains the absolute address of a string within the string table data. Or it is “virtual”, which means that the address it points to is resolved via the string table index data, that maps virtual StringIds to addresses.
Write-only version of the string table


A single component of a string. Used for building composite table entries.


The id of the profile metadata string entry.


Anything that implements SerializableString can be written to a StringTable.