Attribute Macro memoize

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memoize is an attribute to create a memoized version of a (simple enough) function.

So far, it works on non-method functions with one or more arguments returning a Clone-able value. Arguments that are cached must be Clone-able and Hash-able as well. Several clones happen within the storage and recall layer, with the assumption being that memoize is used to cache such expensive functions that very few clone()s do not matter. memoize doesn’t work on methods (functions with [&/&mut/]self receiver).

Calls are memoized for the lifetime of a program, using a statically allocated, Mutex-protected HashMap.

Memoizing functions is very simple: As long as the above-stated requirements are fulfilled, simply use the #[memoize::memoize] attribute:

use memoize::memoize;
fn hello(arg: String, arg2: usize) -> bool {
     arg.len()%2 == arg2

// `hello` is only called once.
assert!(! hello("World".to_string(), 0));
assert!(! hello("World".to_string(), 0));

If you need to use the un-memoized function, it is always available as memoized_original_{fn}, in this case: memoized_original_hello().

Parameters can be ignored by the cache using the Ignore parameter. Ignore can be specified multiple times, once per each parameter. Ignored parameters do not need to implement Clone or Hash.

See the examples for concrete applications.

The following descriptions need the full feature enabled.

The memoize attribute can take further parameters in order to use an LRU cache: #[memoize(Capacity: 1234)]. In that case, instead of a HashMap we use an lru::LruCache with the given capacity. #[memoize(TimeToLive: Duration::from_secs(2))]. In that case, cached value will be actual no longer than duration provided and refreshed with next request. If you prefer chrono::Duration, it can be also used: #[memoize(TimeToLive: chrono::Duration::hours(9).to_std().unwrap()]

You can also specify a custom hasher: #[memoize(CustomHasher: ahash::HashMap)], as some hashers don’t use a new() method to initialize them, you can also specifiy a HasherInit parameter, like this: #[memoize(CustomHasher: FxHashMap, HasherInit: FxHashMap::default())], so it will initialize your FxHashMap with FxHashMap::default() insteado of FxHashMap::new()

This mechanism can, in principle, be extended (in the source code) to any other cache mechanism.

memoized_flush_<function name>() allows you to clear the underlying memoization cache of a function. This function is generated with the same visibility as the memoized function.