
1//! Windows named pipes bindings for mio.
3//! This crate implements bindings for named pipes for the mio crate. This
4//! crate compiles on all platforms but only contains anything on Windows.
5//! Currently this crate requires mio 0.6.2.
7//! On Windows, mio is implemented with an IOCP object at the heart of its
8//! `Poll` implementation. For named pipes, this means that all I/O is done in
9//! an overlapped fashion and the named pipes themselves are registered with
10//! mio's internal IOCP object. Essentially, this crate is using IOCP for
11//! bindings with named pipes.
13//! Note, though, that IOCP is a *completion* based model whereas mio expects a
14//! *readiness* based model. As a result this crate, like with TCP objects in
15//! mio, has internal buffering to translate the completion model to a readiness
16//! model. This means that this crate is not a zero-cost binding over named
17//! pipes on Windows, but rather approximates the performance of mio's TCP
18//! implementation on Windows.
20//! # Trait implementations
22//! The `Read` and `Write` traits are implemented for `NamedPipe` and for
23//! `&NamedPipe`. This represents that a named pipe can be concurrently read and
24//! written to and also can be read and written to at all. Typically a named
25//! pipe needs to be connected to a client before it can be read or written,
26//! however.
28//! Note that for I/O operations on a named pipe to succeed then the named pipe
29//! needs to be associated with an event loop. Until this happens all I/O
30//! operations will return a "would block" error.
32//! # Managing connections
34//! The `NamedPipe` type supports a `connect` method to connect to a client and
35//! a `disconnect` method to disconnect from that client. These two methods only
36//! work once a named pipe is associated with an event loop.
38//! The `connect` method will succeed asynchronously and a completion can be
39//! detected once the object receives a writable notification.
41//! # Named pipe clients
43//! Currently to create a client of a named pipe server then you can use the
44//! `OpenOptions` type in the standard library to create a `File` that connects
45//! to a named pipe. Afterwards you can use the `into_raw_handle` method coupled
46//! with the `NamedPipe::from_raw_handle` method to convert that to a named pipe
47//! that can operate asynchronously. Don't forget to pass the
48//! `FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED` flag when opening the `File`.
54extern crate log;
55extern crate mio;
56extern crate miow;
57extern crate winapi;
59use std::ffi::OsStr;
60use std::fmt;
61use std::io;
62use std::io::prelude::*;
63use std::mem;
64use std::os::windows::io::*;
65use std::slice;
66use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
67use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
68use std::sync::Mutex;
70use mio::windows;
71use mio::{Evented, Poll, PollOpt, Ready, Registration, SetReadiness, Token};
72use miow::iocp::CompletionStatus;
73use miow::pipe;
74use winapi::shared::winerror::*;
75use winapi::um::ioapiset::*;
76use winapi::um::minwinbase::*;
78mod from_raw_arc;
79use crate::from_raw_arc::FromRawArc;
81macro_rules! offset_of {
82    ($t:ty, $($field:ident).+) => (
83        &(*(0 as *const $t)).$($field).+ as *const _ as usize
84    )
87macro_rules! overlapped2arc {
88    ($e:expr, $t:ty, $($field:ident).+) => ({
89        let offset = offset_of!($t, $($field).+);
90        debug_assert!(offset < mem::size_of::<$t>());
91        FromRawArc::from_raw(($e as usize - offset) as *mut $t)
92    })
95fn would_block() -> io::Error {
96    io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()
99/// Representation of a named pipe on Windows.
101/// This structure internally contains a `HANDLE` which represents the named
102/// pipe, and also maintains state associated with the mio event loop and active
103/// I/O operations that have been scheduled to translate IOCP to a readiness
104/// model.
105pub struct NamedPipe {
106    registered: AtomicBool,
107    ready_registration: Registration,
108    poll_registration: windows::Binding,
109    inner: FromRawArc<Inner>,
112struct Inner {
113    handle: pipe::NamedPipe,
114    readiness: SetReadiness,
116    connect: windows::Overlapped,
117    connecting: AtomicBool,
119    read: windows::Overlapped,
120    write: windows::Overlapped,
122    io: Mutex<Io>,
124    pool: Mutex<BufferPool>,
127struct Io {
128    read: State,
129    write: State,
130    connect_error: Option<io::Error>,
133enum State {
134    None,
135    Pending(Vec<u8>, usize),
136    Ok(Vec<u8>, usize),
137    Err(io::Error),
140fn _assert_kinds() {
141    fn _assert_send<T: Send>() {}
142    fn _assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}
143    _assert_send::<NamedPipe>();
144    _assert_sync::<NamedPipe>();
147impl NamedPipe {
148    /// Creates a new named pipe at the specified `addr` given a "reasonable
149    /// set" of initial configuration options.
150    ///
151    /// Currently the configuration options are the [same as miow]. To change
152    /// these options, you can create a custom named pipe yourself and then use
153    /// the `FromRawHandle` constructor to convert that type to an instance of a
154    /// `NamedPipe` in this crate.
155    ///
156    /// [same as miow]: https://docs.rs/miow/0.1.4/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/miow/pipe/struct.NamedPipe.html#method.new
157    pub fn new<A: AsRef<OsStr>>(addr: A) -> io::Result<NamedPipe> {
158        NamedPipe::_new(addr.as_ref())
159    }
161    fn _new(addr: &OsStr) -> io::Result<NamedPipe> {
162        let pipe = pipe::NamedPipe::new(addr)?;
163        unsafe { Ok(NamedPipe::from_raw_handle(pipe.into_raw_handle())) }
164    }
166    /// Attempts to call `ConnectNamedPipe`, if possible.
167    ///
168    /// This function will attempt to connect this pipe to a client in an
169    /// asynchronous fashion. If the function immediately establishes a
170    /// connection to a client then `Ok(())` is returned. Otherwise if a
171    /// connection attempt was issued and is now in progress then a "would
172    /// block" error is returned.
173    ///
174    /// When the connection is finished then this object will be flagged as
175    /// being ready for a write, or otherwise in the writable state.
176    ///
177    /// # Errors
178    ///
179    /// This function will return a "would block" error if the pipe has not yet
180    /// been registered with an event loop, if the connection operation has
181    /// previously been issued but has not yet completed, or if the connect
182    /// itself was issued and didn't finish immediately.
183    ///
184    /// Normal I/O errors from the call to `ConnectNamedPipe` are returned
185    /// immediately.
186    pub fn connect(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
187        // Make sure we're associated with an IOCP object
188        if !self.registered() {
189            return Err(would_block());
190        }
192        // "Acquire the connecting lock" or otherwise just make sure we're the
193        // only operation that's using the `connect` overlapped instance.
194        if self.inner.connecting.swap(true, SeqCst) {
195            return Err(would_block());
196        }
198        // Now that we've flagged ourselves in the connecting state, issue the
199        // connection attempt. Afterwards interpret the return value and set
200        // internal state accordingly.
201        let res = unsafe {
202            let overlapped = self.inner.connect.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _;
203            self.inner.handle.connect_overlapped(overlapped)
204        };
206        match res {
207            // The connection operation finished immediately, so let's schedule
208            // reads/writes and such.
209            Ok(true) => {
210                trace!("connect done immediately");
211                self.inner.connecting.store(false, SeqCst);
212                Inner::post_register(&self.inner);
213                Ok(())
214            }
216            // If the overlapped operation was successful and didn't finish
217            // immediately then we forget a copy of the arc we hold
218            // internally. This ensures that when the completion status comes
219            // in for the I/O operation finishing it'll have a reference
220            // associated with it and our data will still be valid. The
221            // `connect_done` function will "reify" this forgotten pointer to
222            // drop the refcount on the other side.
223            Ok(false) => {
224                trace!("connect in progress");
225                mem::forget(self.inner.clone());
226                Err(would_block())
227            }
229            // TODO: are we sure no IOCP notification comes in here?
230            Err(e) => {
231                trace!("connect error: {}", e);
232                self.inner.connecting.store(false, SeqCst);
233                Err(e)
234            }
235        }
236    }
238    /// Takes any internal error that has happened after the last I/O operation
239    /// which hasn't been retrieved yet.
240    ///
241    /// This is particularly useful when detecting failed attempts to `connect`.
242    /// After a completed `connect` flags this pipe as writable then callers
243    /// must invoke this method to determine whether the connection actually
244    /// succeeded. If this function returns `None` then a client is connected,
245    /// otherwise it returns an error of what happened and a client shouldn't be
246    /// connected.
247    pub fn take_error(&self) -> io::Result<Option<io::Error>> {
248        Ok(self.inner.io.lock().unwrap().connect_error.take())
249    }
251    /// Disconnects this named pipe from a connected client.
252    ///
253    /// This function will disconnect the pipe from a connected client, if any,
254    /// transitively calling the `DisconnectNamedPipe` function. If the
255    /// disconnection is successful then this object will no longer be readable
256    /// or writable.
257    ///
258    /// After a `disconnect` is issued, then a `connect` may be called again to
259    /// connect to another client.
260    pub fn disconnect(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
261        self.inner.handle.disconnect()?;
262        self.inner
263            .readiness
264            .set_readiness(Ready::empty())
265            .expect("event loop seems gone");
266        Ok(())
267    }
269    fn registered(&self) -> bool {
270        self.registered.load(SeqCst)
271    }
274impl Read for NamedPipe {
275    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
276        <&NamedPipe as Read>::read(&mut &*self, buf)
277    }
280impl Write for NamedPipe {
281    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
282        <&NamedPipe as Write>::write(&mut &*self, buf)
283    }
285    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
286        <&NamedPipe as Write>::flush(&mut &*self)
287    }
290impl<'a> Read for &'a NamedPipe {
291    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
292        // Make sure we're registered
293        if !self.registered() {
294            return Err(would_block());
295        }
297        let mut state = self.inner.io.lock().unwrap();
298        match mem::replace(&mut state.read, State::None) {
299            // In theory not possible with `ready_registration` checked above,
300            // but return would block for now.
301            State::None => Err(would_block()),
303            // A read is in flight, still waiting for it to finish
304            State::Pending(buf, amt) => {
305                state.read = State::Pending(buf, amt);
306                Err(would_block())
307            }
309            // We previously read something into `data`, try to copy out some
310            // data. If we copy out all the data schedule a new read and
311            // otherwise store the buffer to get read later.
312            State::Ok(data, cur) => {
313                let n = {
314                    let mut remaining = &data[cur..];
315                    remaining.read(buf)?
316                };
317                let next = cur + n;
318                if next != data.len() {
319                    state.read = State::Ok(data, next);
320                } else {
321                    self.inner.put_buffer(data);
322                    Inner::schedule_read(&self.inner, &mut state);
323                }
324                Ok(n)
325            }
327            // Looks like an in-flight read hit an error, return that here while
328            // we schedule a new one.
329            State::Err(e) => {
330                Inner::schedule_read(&self.inner, &mut state);
331                if e.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE as i32) {
332                    Ok(0)
333                } else {
334                    Err(e)
335                }
336            }
337        }
338    }
341impl<'a> Write for &'a NamedPipe {
342    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
343        // Make sure we're registered
344        if !self.registered() {
345            return Err(would_block());
346        }
348        // Make sure there's no writes pending
349        let mut io = self.inner.io.lock().unwrap();
350        match io.write {
351            State::None => {}
352            _ => return Err(would_block()),
353        }
355        // Move `buf` onto the heap and fire off the write
356        let mut owned_buf = self.inner.get_buffer();
357        owned_buf.extend(buf);
358        Inner::schedule_write(&self.inner, owned_buf, 0, &mut io);
359        Ok(buf.len())
360    }
362    fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
363        // TODO: `FlushFileBuffers` somehow?
364        Ok(())
365    }
368impl Evented for NamedPipe {
369    fn register(
370        &self,
371        poll: &Poll,
372        token: Token,
373        interest: Ready,
374        opts: PollOpt,
375    ) -> io::Result<()> {
376        // First, register the handle with the event loop
377        unsafe {
378            self.poll_registration
379                .register_handle(&self.inner.handle, token, poll)?;
380        }
381        poll.register(&self.ready_registration, token, interest, opts)?;
382        self.registered.store(true, SeqCst);
383        Inner::post_register(&self.inner);
384        Ok(())
385    }
387    fn reregister(
388        &self,
389        poll: &Poll,
390        token: Token,
391        interest: Ready,
392        opts: PollOpt,
393    ) -> io::Result<()> {
394        // Validate `Poll` and that we were previously registered
395        unsafe {
396            self.poll_registration
397                .reregister_handle(&self.inner.handle, token, poll)?;
398        }
400        // At this point we should for sure have `ready_registration` unless
401        // we're racing with `register` above, so just return a bland error if
402        // the borrow fails.
403        poll.reregister(&self.ready_registration, token, interest, opts)?;
405        Inner::post_register(&self.inner);
407        Ok(())
408    }
410    fn deregister(&self, poll: &Poll) -> io::Result<()> {
411        // Validate `Poll` and deregister ourselves
412        unsafe {
413            self.poll_registration
414                .deregister_handle(&self.inner.handle, poll)?;
415        }
416        poll.deregister(&self.ready_registration)
417    }
420impl AsRawHandle for NamedPipe {
421    fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
422        self.inner.handle.as_raw_handle()
423    }
426impl FromRawHandle for NamedPipe {
427    unsafe fn from_raw_handle(handle: RawHandle) -> NamedPipe {
428        let (r, s) = Registration::new2();
429        NamedPipe {
430            registered: AtomicBool::new(false),
431            ready_registration: r,
432            poll_registration: windows::Binding::new(),
433            inner: FromRawArc::new(Inner {
434                handle: pipe::NamedPipe::from_raw_handle(handle),
435                readiness: s,
436                connecting: AtomicBool::new(false),
437                // transmutes to straddle winapi versions (mio 0.6 is on an
438                // older winapi)
439                connect: windows::Overlapped::new(mem::transmute(connect_done as fn(_))),
440                read: windows::Overlapped::new(mem::transmute(read_done as fn(_))),
441                write: windows::Overlapped::new(mem::transmute(write_done as fn(_))),
442                io: Mutex::new(Io {
443                    read: State::None,
444                    write: State::None,
445                    connect_error: None,
446                }),
447                pool: Mutex::new(BufferPool::with_capacity(2)),
448            }),
449        }
450    }
453impl fmt::Debug for NamedPipe {
454    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
455        self.inner.handle.fmt(f)
456    }
459impl Drop for NamedPipe {
460    fn drop(&mut self) {
461        // Cancel pending reads/connects, but don't cancel writes to ensure that
462        // everything is flushed out.
463        unsafe {
464            if self.inner.connecting.load(SeqCst) {
465                drop(cancel(&self.inner.handle, &self.inner.connect));
466            }
467            let io = self.inner.io.lock().unwrap();
468            match io.read {
469                State::Pending(..) => {
470                    drop(cancel(&self.inner.handle, &self.inner.read));
471                }
472                _ => {}
473            }
474        }
475    }
478impl Inner {
479    /// Schedules a read to happen in the background, executing an overlapped
480    /// operation.
481    ///
482    /// This function returns `true` if a normal error happens or if the read
483    /// is scheduled in the background. If the pipe is no longer connected
484    /// (ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING) then `false` is returned and no read is
485    /// scheduled.
486    fn schedule_read(me: &FromRawArc<Inner>, io: &mut Io) -> bool {
487        // Check to see if a read is already scheduled/completed
488        match io.read {
489            State::None => {}
490            _ => return true,
491        }
493        // Turn off our read readiness
494        let ready = me.readiness.readiness();
495        me.readiness
496            .set_readiness(ready & !Ready::readable())
497            .expect("event loop seems gone");
499        // Allocate a buffer and schedule the read.
500        let mut buf = me.get_buffer();
501        let e = unsafe {
502            let overlapped = me.read.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _;
503            let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.capacity());
504            me.handle.read_overlapped(slice, overlapped)
505        };
507        match e {
508            // See `connect` above for the rationale behind `forget`
509            Ok(e) => {
510                trace!("schedule read success: {:?}", e);
511                io.read = State::Pending(buf, 0); // 0 is ignored on read side
512                mem::forget(me.clone());
513                true
514            }
516            // If ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING happens then it's not a real read error,
517            // we just need to wait for a connect.
518            Err(ref e) if e.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING as i32) => false,
520            // If some other error happened, though, we're now readable to give
521            // out the error.
522            Err(e) => {
523                trace!("schedule read error: {}", e);
524                io.read = State::Err(e);
525                me.readiness
526                    .set_readiness(ready | Ready::readable())
527                    .expect("event loop still seems gone");
528                true
529            }
530        }
531    }
533    fn schedule_write(me: &FromRawArc<Inner>, buf: Vec<u8>, pos: usize, io: &mut Io) {
534        // Very similar to `schedule_read` above, just done for the write half.
535        let ready = me.readiness.readiness();
536        me.readiness
537            .set_readiness(ready & !Ready::writable())
538            .expect("event loop seems gone");
540        let e = unsafe {
541            let overlapped = me.write.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _;
542            me.handle.write_overlapped(&buf[pos..], overlapped)
543        };
545        match e {
546            // See `connect` above for the rationale behind `forget`
547            Ok(e) => {
548                trace!("schedule write success: {:?}", e);
549                io.write = State::Pending(buf, pos);
550                mem::forget(me.clone())
551            }
552            Err(e) => {
553                trace!("schedule write error: {}", e);
554                io.write = State::Err(e);
555                me.add_readiness(Ready::writable());
556            }
557        }
558    }
560    fn add_readiness(&self, ready: Ready) {
561        self.readiness
562            .set_readiness(ready | self.readiness.readiness())
563            .expect("event loop still seems gone");
564    }
566    fn post_register(me: &FromRawArc<Inner>) {
567        let mut io = me.io.lock().unwrap();
568        if Inner::schedule_read(&me, &mut io) {
569            if let State::None = io.write {
570                me.add_readiness(Ready::writable());
571            }
572        }
573    }
575    fn get_buffer(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
576        self.pool.lock().unwrap().get(8 * 1024)
577    }
579    fn put_buffer(&self, buf: Vec<u8>) {
580        self.pool.lock().unwrap().put(buf)
581    }
584unsafe fn cancel<T: AsRawHandle>(handle: &T, overlapped: &windows::Overlapped) -> io::Result<()> {
585    let ret = CancelIoEx(handle.as_raw_handle(), overlapped.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _);
586    if ret == 0 {
587        Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
588    } else {
589        Ok(())
590    }
593fn connect_done(status: &OVERLAPPED_ENTRY) {
594    let status = CompletionStatus::from_entry(status);
595    trace!("connect done");
597    // Acquire the `FromRawArc<Inner>`. Note that we should be guaranteed that
598    // the refcount is available to us due to the `mem::forget` in
599    // `connect` above.
600    let me = unsafe { overlapped2arc!(status.overlapped(), Inner, connect) };
602    // Flag ourselves as no longer using the `connect` overlapped instances.
603    let prev = me.connecting.swap(false, SeqCst);
604    assert!(prev, "wasn't previously connecting");
606    // Stash away our connect error if one happened
607    debug_assert_eq!(status.bytes_transferred(), 0);
608    unsafe {
609        match me.handle.result(status.overlapped()) {
610            Ok(n) => debug_assert_eq!(n, 0),
611            Err(e) => me.io.lock().unwrap().connect_error = Some(e),
612        }
613    }
615    // We essentially just finished a registration, so kick off a
616    // read and register write readiness.
617    Inner::post_register(&me);
620fn read_done(status: &OVERLAPPED_ENTRY) {
621    let status = CompletionStatus::from_entry(status);
622    trace!("read finished, bytes={}", status.bytes_transferred());
624    // Acquire the `FromRawArc<Inner>`. Note that we should be guaranteed that
625    // the refcount is available to us due to the `mem::forget` in
626    // `schedule_read` above.
627    let me = unsafe { overlapped2arc!(status.overlapped(), Inner, read) };
629    // Move from the `Pending` to `Ok` state.
630    let mut io = me.io.lock().unwrap();
631    let mut buf = match mem::replace(&mut io.read, State::None) {
632        State::Pending(buf, _) => buf,
633        _ => unreachable!(),
634    };
635    unsafe {
636        match me.handle.result(status.overlapped()) {
637            Ok(n) => {
638                debug_assert_eq!(status.bytes_transferred() as usize, n);
639                buf.set_len(status.bytes_transferred() as usize);
640                io.read = State::Ok(buf, 0);
641            }
642            Err(e) => {
643                debug_assert_eq!(status.bytes_transferred(), 0);
644                io.read = State::Err(e);
645            }
646        }
647    }
649    // Flag our readiness that we've got data.
650    me.add_readiness(Ready::readable());
653fn write_done(status: &OVERLAPPED_ENTRY) {
654    let status = CompletionStatus::from_entry(status);
655    trace!("write finished, bytes={}", status.bytes_transferred());
656    // Acquire the `FromRawArc<Inner>`. Note that we should be guaranteed that
657    // the refcount is available to us due to the `mem::forget` in
658    // `schedule_write` above.
659    let me = unsafe { overlapped2arc!(status.overlapped(), Inner, write) };
661    // Make the state change out of `Pending`. If we wrote the entire buffer
662    // then we're writable again and otherwise we schedule another write.
663    let mut io = me.io.lock().unwrap();
664    let (buf, pos) = match mem::replace(&mut io.write, State::None) {
665        State::Pending(buf, pos) => (buf, pos),
666        _ => unreachable!(),
667    };
669    unsafe {
670        match me.handle.result(status.overlapped()) {
671            Ok(n) => {
672                debug_assert_eq!(status.bytes_transferred() as usize, n);
673                let new_pos = pos + (status.bytes_transferred() as usize);
674                if new_pos == buf.len() {
675                    me.put_buffer(buf);
676                    me.add_readiness(Ready::writable());
677                } else {
678                    Inner::schedule_write(&me, buf, new_pos, &mut io);
679                }
680            }
681            Err(e) => {
682                debug_assert_eq!(status.bytes_transferred(), 0);
683                io.write = State::Err(e);
684                me.add_readiness(Ready::writable());
685            }
686        }
687    }
690// Based on https://github.com/tokio-rs/mio/blob/13d5fc9/src/sys/windows/buffer_pool.rs
691struct BufferPool {
692    pool: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
695impl BufferPool {
696    fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> BufferPool {
697        BufferPool {
698            pool: Vec::with_capacity(cap),
699        }
700    }
702    fn get(&mut self, default_cap: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
703        self.pool
704            .pop()
705            .unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(default_cap))
706    }
708    fn put(&mut self, mut buf: Vec<u8>) {
709        if self.pool.len() < self.pool.capacity() {
710            unsafe {
711                buf.set_len(0);
712            }
713            self.pool.push(buf);
714        }
715    }