Expand description
Low-level message sent over the wire, as defined in the specification.
TODO Update this All of these messages are sent over a bidirectional QUIC stream. This introduces some head-of-line blocking but preserves ordering. The only exception are OBJECT “messages”, which are sent over dedicated QUIC streams.
Messages sent by the publisher:
- Announce
- Unannounce
- SubscribeOk
- SubscribeError
- [SubscribeReset]
- [Object]
Messages sent by the subscriber:
Example flow:
-> ANNOUNCE namespace="foo"
<- ANNOUNCE_OK namespace="foo"
<- SUBSCRIBE id=0 namespace="foo" name="bar"
-> OBJECT id=0 sequence=69 priority=4 expires=30
-> OBJECT id=0 sequence=70 priority=4 expires=30
-> OBJECT id=0 sequence=70 priority=4 expires=30
-> SUBSCRIBE_RESET id=0 code=206 reason="closed by peer"
- Sent by the publisher to announce the availability of a group of tracks.
- Sent by the subscriber to reject an Announce after ANNOUNCE_OK
- Sent by the subscriber to reject an Announce.
- Sent by the subscriber to accept an Announce.
- Sent by the server to indicate that the client should connect to a different server.
- Sent by the subscriber to request all future objects for the given track.
- Sent by the publisher to cleanly terminate a Subscribe.
- Sent by the publisher to reject a Subscribe.
- Sent by the publisher to accept a Subscribe.
- Sent by the subscriber to request all future objects for the given track.
- Sent by the publisher to terminate an Announce.
- Sent by the subscriber to terminate a Subscribe.
- Filter Types https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-moq-transport-04.html#name-filter-types
- Group Order https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-moq-transport-05.html#section-6.4.2-4.6.1 https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-moq-transport-05.html#priorities
- All supported message types.
- Signal where the subscription should begin, relative to the current cache.
- Track Status Codes https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-moq-transport-04.html#name-track_status