Module ei
Source - EIVersion
- The version of the SC environment interface (EI), it deals with the VM hooks available at a certain point in time.
- EI_1_0_NAMES
- 1.0 is not necessarily the first version of the EI, rather the oldest version when we started keeping track of the EI.
- EI_1_1_NAMES
- New hooks added in Q4 2021.
- EI_1_2_NAMES
- New hooks added in Q2 2022. This is the EI version of VM 1.4.
- EI_1_3_NAMES
- VM Hooks version released in January 2024:
- EI_1_4_NAMES
- EI_1_5_NAMES
- parse_check_ei
- Parses an EIVersion, or returns None, if “ignore” was specifically stated.