Expand description
Imports normally needed in integration tests, grouped together.
pub use crate::api::DebugApi;
pub use crate::api::DebugHandle;
pub use crate::api::StaticApi;
pub use crate::bech32;
pub use crate::scenario::model::Account;
pub use crate::scenario::model::AddressValue;
pub use crate::scenario::model::BytesValue;
pub use crate::scenario::model::CheckAccount;
pub use crate::scenario::model::CheckStateStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::ScCallStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::ScDeployStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::ScQueryStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::Scenario;
pub use crate::scenario::model::SetStateStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::TransferStep;
pub use crate::scenario::model::TxESDT;
pub use crate::scenario::model::TxExpect;
pub use crate::scenario::model::TypedResponse;
pub use crate::scenario::model::TypedScDeploy;
pub use crate::scenario::ScenarioRunner;
pub use crate::ScenarioTxRun;
pub use crate::num_bigint;
pub use crate::whitebox_legacy::*;
- assert_
values_ eq - managed_
address - managed_
biguint - managed_
buffer - managed_
token_ id - non_
zero_ usize - Converts usize to NonZeroUsize or returns SCError.
- require
- Allows us to write Solidity style
require!(<condition>, <error_msg>)
and avoid if statements. - rust_
biguint - sc_
format - sc_
panic - sc_
- Address
- An Address is just a H256 with a different name. Has a different ABI name than H256.
- Address
ToId Mapper - Annotated
Egld Payment - ApiOutput
Adapter - ArgBuffer
- Helper structure for providing arguments to all SC call functions other than async_call_raw. It keeps argument lengths separately from the argument data itself. Argument data is concatenated into a single byte buffer.
- ArgDecode
Input - Adapter from the API to the TopDecodeInput trait. Allows objects to be deserialized directly from the API as arguments.
- ArgError
Handler - ArgId
- Some info to display in endpoint argument deserialization error messages, to help users identify the faulty argument. Generated automatically. Current version uses argument names, but in principle it could be changed to argument index to save some bytes from the wasm output.
- Array
Vec - A vector with a fixed capacity.
- Async
Call Error - Async
Call Promises Deprecated - Will be renamed to
when the promises end up on the mainnet. - Back
Transfers - Holding back-transfer data, as retrieved from the VM.
- Bech32
Address - Wraps and address, and presents it as a bech32 expression wherever possible.
- BiDi
Mapper - A bi-directional map, from values to ids and viceversa. The mapper is based on UnorderedSetMapper, reason why the remove is done by swap_remove
- BigFloat
- BigInt
- BigUint
- Box
- A pointer type that uniquely owns a heap allocation of type
. - Boxed
Bytes - Simple wrapper around a boxed byte slice, but with a lot of optimized methods for manipulating it. The focus is on reducing code size rather improving speed.
- Bytes
ArgLoader - Consumes a vector of
and deserializes from the vector one by one. - Callback
Closure - Object that encodes full async callback data.
- Callback
Closure ForDeser - Similar object to
, but only used for deserializing from storage the callback data with the old async call mechanism. - Callback
Closure Matcher - Helps the callback macro expansion to perform callback name matching more efficiently. The current implementation hashes by callback name length, but in principle further optimizations are possible.
- Code
- Contains code for a deploy or upgrade.
- Code
Metadata - Cons
NoRet - Handlers that return nothing.
- ConsRet
- Const
Decimals - Zero-sized constant number of decimals.
- Contract
Call NoPayment Deprecated - Holds metadata for calling another contract, without payments.
- Contract
Call With AnyPayment Deprecated - Holds data for calling another contract, with any type of payment: none, EGLD, Multi-ESDT.
- Contract
Call With Egld Deprecated - Holds data for calling another contract, with EGLD payment only.
- Contract
Call With Egld OrSingle Esdt Deprecated - Holds data for calling another contract, with a single payment, either EGLD or a single ESDT token.
- Contract
Call With Multi Esdt Deprecated - Contract
Deploy Deprecated - Contract
Info - Bundles a representation of a contract with the contract proxy, so that it can be easily called in the context of a blockchain mock.
- Decode
Error - Deploy
Call - Holds deploy data: code, code metadata, and arguments.
- Deploy
RawResult - ESDT
SystemSC Address - Indicates the system SC address, which is the same on any MultiversX blockchain.
SystemSC Proxy - Proxy for the ESDT system smart contract.
SystemSC Proxy Methods - Method container of the ESDT system smart contract proxy.
System Smart Contract Proxy Deprecated - Proxy for the ESDT system smart contract. Unlike other contract proxies, this one has a fixed address, so the proxy object doesn’t really contain any data, it is more of a placeholder.
- Egld
- Indicates the EGLD payment in a transaction.
- Egld
OrEsdt Token Identifier - Specialized type for handling either EGLD or ESDT token identifiers.
- Egld
OrEsdt Token Payment - Egld
OrEsdt Token Payment Multi Value - Thin wrapper around EgldOrEsdtTokenPayment, which has different I/O behaviour:
- Egld
OrEsdt Token Payment Refs - Similar to
, but only contains references. - Elliptic
Curve - Empty
- Empty structure with an empty bytes representation. Equivalent to
or[u8; 0]
, but more explicit. - Esdt
Local Role Flags - Esdt
Token Data - Esdt
Token Payment - Esdt
Token Payment Multi Value - Thin wrapper around EsdtTokenPayment, which has different I/O behaviour:
- Esdt
Token Payment Refs - The version of
that contains referrences instead of owned fields. - Expect
Error - Verifies that transaction result error matches the given one.
- Expect
Message - Verifies that transaction result message matches the given one.
- Expect
Status - Verifies that transaction result status matches the given one.
- Expect
Value - Verifies that transaction result matches the given value.
- Explicit
Gas - File
Path - From
Source - Indicates the source of a “deploy from source” or “upgrade from source”.
- Full
Payment Data - Function
Call - Encodes a function call on the blockchain, composed of a function name and its encoded arguments.
- Fungible
Token Mapper - Fungible
Token Properties - GasLeft
- Indicates that all remaining gas should be sent to a transaction.
- H256
- Type that holds 32 bytes of data. Data is kept on the heap to keep wasm size low and avoid copies.
- Ignore
Value - Structure that allows taking a variable number of arguments, but does nothing with them, not even deserialization.
- Interpreter
Context - Linked
List Mapper - Linked
List Node - Lockable
Static Buffer - Managed
Address - Managed
ArgBuffer - Managed
Async Call Error - Managed
Buffer - A byte buffer managed by an external API.
- Managed
Buffer Builder - Managed
Buffer Builder Impl Basic - Basic implementation of a ManagedBuffer builder, no caching.
- Managed
Buffer Builder Impl Cached - A ManagedBuffer builder implementation that caches data to the static cache locally in the contract.
- Managed
Buffer Nested Decode Input - Nested decode buffer based on a managed buffer. Uses the load/copy slice API to extract pieces of the managed buffer for deserialization.
- Managed
Buffer Read ToEnd - A wrapper over a ManagedBuffer with different decode properties. It reads until the end of the buffer.
- Managed
Byte Array - A list of items that lives inside a managed buffer.
Items can be either stored there in full (e.g.
), or just via handle (e.g.BigUint<M>
). - Managed
Decimal - Fixed-point decimal numbers that accept either a constant or variable number of decimals.
- Managed
Decimal Signed - Fixed-point decimal numbers that accept either a constant or variable number of decimals.
- Managed
Map - A byte buffer managed by an external API.
- Managed
MapEncoded - A managed map that works with any serializable key and value types.
- Managed
Option - A very efficient optional managed type.
- Managed
Ref - A very efficient reference to a managed type, with copy semantics.
- Managed
RefMut - A very efficient mutable reference to a managed type.
- ManagedSC
Error - Smart contract error that can concatenate multiple message pieces. The message is kept as a managed buffer in the VM.
- Managed
Vec - A list of items that lives inside a managed buffer.
Items can be either stored there in full (e.g.
), or just via handle (e.g.BigUint<M>
). - Managed
VecItem Empty Payload - Empty ManagedVecItem.
- Managed
VecItem Payload Buffer - The main ManagedVecItemPayload implementation. Uses an array in its implementation.
- Managed
VecOwned Iterator - Managed
VecPayload Iterator - Managed
VecRef - Managed
VecRef Iterator - Managed
VecRef Mut - MapMapper
- MapStorage
Mapper - Meta
Token Properties - Multi
Value2 - Multi
Value3 - Multi
Value4 - Multi
Value5 - Multi
Value6 - Multi
Value7 - Multi
Value8 - Multi
Value9 - Multi
Value10 - Multi
Value11 - Multi
Value12 - Multi
Value13 - Multi
Value14 - Multi
Value15 - Multi
Value16 - Multi
Value Encoded - A multi-value container, that keeps raw values as ManagedBuffer It allows encoding and decoding of multi-values.
- Multi
Value Encoded Counted - A multi-value container, that keeps raw values as ManagedBuffer, and which encodes and decodes its length explicitly.
- Multi
Value Encoded Iterator - Iterator for
. - Multi
Value Managed Vec - Multi
Value Managed VecCounted - Argument or result that is made up of the argument count, followed by the arguments themselves.
Think of it as a
preceded by the count. UnlikeMultiValueManagedVec
it deserializes eagerly. - Multi
Value Vec - Structure that allows taking a variable number of arguments or returning a variable number of results in a smart contract endpoint.
- Mxsc
Path - NonFungible
Token Mapper - NonFungible
Token Properties - NonZero
Usize Iterator - Iterator that can give us a range of NonZeroUsize.
- NotPayable
- Transaction marker, which indicates that a transaction should never have any payment added to it.
- NumExpr
- Ordered
Binary Tree Mapper - Ordered
Binary Tree Node - Original
Result Marker - Contains no data.
- Pass
Value - Simply passes a value to the result.
- Placeholder
Input - Temporary value used for any kind of templates.
- Placeholder
Output - Temporary value used for any kind of templates.
- Queue
- A simple queue struct that is able to push and pop without moving elements. New items are pushed at the end, just like for a regular Vec. When popping, instead of performing a regular Vec remove that would shift items, a start index is moved up 1 position. When serializing, items before the start index are ignored.
- Queue
Mapper - A queue with owned nodes.
- Randomness
Source - Returns
Back Transfers - Indicates that back-transfers will be returned.
- Returns
Back TransfersEGLD - Indicates that back-transfers will be returned.
- Returns
Back Transfers MultiESDT - Indicates that back-transfers will be returned.
- Returns
Back Transfers SingleESDT - Indicates that back-transfers will be returned.
- Returns
GasUsed - Indicates that the newly deployed address will be returned after a deploy.
- Returns
Handled OrError - Indicates that a
will be returned, either with the handled result, according to the nested result handlers, or with an error in case of a failed transaction. - Returns
Logs - Returns
Message - Indicates that the error status will be returned.
- Returns
NewAddress - Indicates that the newly deployed address will be returned after a deploy.
- Returns
NewBech32 Address - Indicates that the newly deployed address will be returned after a deploy.
- Returns
NewManaged Address - Indicates that the newly deployed address will be returned after a deploy as a ManagedAddress.
- Returns
NewToken Identifier - Returns
RawResult - Indicates that the raw result data will be returned.
- Returns
Result - Indicates that result will be returned.
- Returns
Result As - Indicates that result will be returned.
- Returns
Result Unmanaged - Indicates that the unmanaged version of the result will be returned.
- Returns
Status - Indicates that the error status will be returned.
- Returns
TxHash - Rust
BigInt - A big signed integer type.
- Rust
BigUint - A big unsigned integer type.
- Scenario
EnvExec - Environment for executing transactions.
- Scenario
EnvQuery - Scenario
TxEnv Data - The actual data required to run a scenario locally. This is the minimal environment needed to run txs.
- Scenario
World - A facade for contracts tests.
- Semi
Fungible Token Properties - SetMapper
- Single
Value - Intermediary type for deserializing the result of an endpoint that returns a
. - Single
Value Mapper - Manages a single serializable item in storage.
- Sparse
Array - A special type of array that initially holds the values from 0 to N If array[i] == i, then the default value (0) is stored instead
- Sparse
Array Iterator - Static
Buffer Ref - StaticSC
Error - Contains a smart contract execution error message.
- String
- A UTF-8–encoded, growable string.
- Sync
Call RawResult - Test
Address - Encodes a dummy address, to be used for tests.
- Test
Esdt Transfer - Syntactic sugar for quickly writing ESDT transfers in tests.
- TestSC
Address - Encodes a dummy SC address, to be used for tests.
- Test
Token Identifier - Encodes a dummy address, to be used for tests.
- ToCaller
- Indicates that transaction should be sent to the caller (the sender of the current transaction).
- ToSelf
- Indicates that transaction should be sent to itself.
- Token
Attributes Mapper - Token
Identifier - Specialized type for handling token identifiers. It wraps a BoxedBytes with the full ASCII name of the token. EGLD is stored as an empty name.
- Token
Properties - Token
Property Arguments - Represents property arguments to be sent to the system SC.
- Tx
- Universal representation of a blockchain transaction.
- TxScEnv
- The transaction environment used in calls launched from a SC.
- Typed
Function Call Deprecated - Old attempt at grouping FunctionCall + OriginalTypeMarker.
- Unique
IdMapper - Holds the values from 1 to N with as little storage interaction as possible If Mapper[i] = i, then it stores nothing, i.e. “0” If Mapper[i] is equal to another value, then it stores the value
- Unordered
SetMapper - Upgrade
Call - Holds deploy data: code, code metadata, and arguments.
- User
Builtin Proxy - Proxy describing the user builtin function signatures.
- User
Builtin Proxy Methods - User
Mapper - Very widely used mapper, that manages the users of a smart contract. It holds a bi-directional map, from addresses to ids and viceversa. This is so we can easily iterate over all users, using their ids. Also holds the user count in sync. This is also necessary for iteration.
- Vec
- A contiguous growable array type, written as
, short for ‘vector’. - VecMapper
- Manages a list of items of the same type. Saves each of the items under a separate key in storage. To produce each individual key, it concatenates the main key with a serialized 4-byte index. Indexes start from 1, instead of 0. (We avoid 0-value indexes to prevent confusion between an uninitialized variable and zero.) It also stores the count separately, at what would be index 0. The count is always kept in sync automatically.
- Whitebox
Contract - Wraps a contract that is supposed to be used in whitebox tests.
- Whitelist
Mapper - A non-iterable whitelist mapper. Very efficient for storing a whitelist, as each item requires only one storage key. If you need to iterate over the keys, use UnorderedSetMapper or SetMapper instead.
- With
NewAddress - Defines a lambda function to be called on the newly deployed address, after a deploy.
- With
RawResult - Defines a lambda function to be called on the raw result of the transaction.
- With
RawTx Response - Wraps a closure that handles a
object. - With
Result - Defines a lambda function to be called on the decoded result.
- With
Result As - Defines a lambda function to be called on the decoded result.
- Async
Call Result - Callback
Selector Result - Used internally between the
methods. It is likely to be removed in the future. - Egld
OrMulti Esdt Payment - Encodes any type of payment, which either:
- Egld
OrMulti Esdt Payment Refs - The version of
that contains referrences instead of owned fields. - Esdt
Local Role - Esdt
Token Type - Managed
Async Call Result - Message
Hash Type - Message hash type for the
CryptoApi function - Operation
Completion Status - Standard way of signalling that an operation was interrupted early, before running out of gas. An endpoint that performs a longer operation can check from time to time if it is running low on gas and can decide to save its state and exit, so that it can continue the same operation later.
- Optional
Value - A smart contract argument or result that can be missing.
- Return
Code - SCResult
Deprecated - Default way to optionally return an error from a smart contract endpoint.
- Sign
- Token
Mapper State
- Add
- The addition operator
. - AddAssign
- The addition assignment operator
. - Annotated
Value - Describes a value can also have a custom representation in a mandos scenario.
- ArgNested
Tuple - Models an argument tree of the form
(arg1, (arg2, ... (argn, ())))
, used for retrieving endpoint arguments. - BitAnd
- The bitwise AND operator
. - BitAnd
Assign - The bitwise AND assignment operator
. - BitOr
- The bitwise OR operator
. - BitOr
Assign - The bitwise OR assignment operator
. - BitXor
- The bitwise XOR operator
. - BitXor
Assign - The bitwise XOR assignment operator
. - Contract
Base - Interface to be used by the actual smart contract code.
- Contract
Call - Defines a contract call object, which is the basis for all calls to other contracts.
- Contract
Call Base Deprecated - Converts into a legacy contract call.
- Decimals
- Implemented by all decimal types usable in
. - Div
- The division operator
. - DivAssign
- The division assignment operator
. - Error
ApiImpl - Externally
Mergeable - Used when merging is done through an external SC call. Generally, these only need to have the same token ID, with different nonces.
- Fixed
Supply Token - Interpretable
From - Into
Multi Value - Defines conversion of a type to its multi-value representation.
- Managed
Buffer Builder Impl - Managed
Type - Commonalities between all managed types.
- Managed
Type Api - Managed
VecItem - Types that implement this trait can be items inside a
. All these types need a payload, i.e a representation that gets stored in the underlying managed buffer. Not all data needs to be stored as payload, for instance for most managed types the payload is just the handle, whereas the mai ndata is kept by the VM. - Managed
VecItem Nested Tuple - Syntactic sugar, that allows us to more easily represent composite payloads as nested tuples.
- Managed
VecItem Payload - Describes the binary represetnation of a ManagedVecItem.
- Managed
VecItem Payload Add - Describes concatantion of smaller payloads into a larger one.
- Mergeable
- Used for types that can be merged locally.
- Mul
- The multiplication operator
. - MulAssign
- The multiplication assignment operator
. - Nested
Decode - Trait that allows zero-copy read of value-references from slices in LE format.
- Nested
Encode - Trait that allows zero-copy write of value-references to slices in LE format.
- Proxy
Arg - Trait that is automatically implemented for all types that are allowed as proxy inputs.
- Proxy
ObjBase - Proxy
ObjNew - RHList
- RHList
Append NoRet - RHList
Append Ret - RHList
Exec - Indicates how result processing will undergo for an ensemble of result handlers.
- RHList
Item - Result handler list item.
- RHList
Item Exec - Indicates how result processing will undergo for one specific result handler.
- Register
Code Source - Used when registering a contract for debugging.
- Rem
- The remainder operator
. - RemAssign
- The remainder assignment operator
. - SCError
- Any type that implements this trait can be used to signal errors when returning from a SC endpoint.
- Scenario
TxEnv - Designates a tx environment suitable for running scenarios locally.
- Scenario
TxRun - Provides a
method for transactions and steps. - Scenario
TxWhitebox - Shl
- The left shift operator
. Note that because this trait is implemented for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type checker has special handling for_ << _
, setting the result type for integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means that thougha << b
are one and the same from an evaluation standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. - ShlAssign
- The left shift assignment operator
. - Shr
- The right shift operator
. Note that because this trait is implemented for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust’s type checker has special handling for_ >> _
, setting the result type for integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means that thougha >> b
are one and the same from an evaluation standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference. - ShrAssign
- The right shift assignment operator
. - Storage
Clearable - Storage
Mapper - Storage
Mapper From Address - Sub
- The subtraction operator
. - SubAssign
- The subtraction assignment operator
. - TopDecode
- Trait that allows zero-copy read of values from an underlying API in big endian format.
- TopEncode
- TxAsync
Call Callback - TxCode
Source - TxCode
Source Specified - TxCode
Value - TxData
- Marks the data field of a transaction in
. - TxData
Function Call - TxEgld
Value - TxEmpty
Result Handler - Indicates that given result handler is empty, i.e. doesn’t cause any side effects and returns nothing.
- TxEnv
- TxEnv
Mock Deploy Address - TxEnv
With TxHash - TxFrom
- Marks the sender of any transaction.
- TxFrom
Source Value - TxFrom
Specified - Marks the non-empty sender of a transaction.
- TxGas
- All typed that populate the gas field of a transaction need to implement this trait.
- TxGas
Value - TxNo
Payment - Marker trait that indicates that payment field contains no payment.
- TxPayment
- Describes a payment that is part of a transaction.
- TxPayment
Egld Only - Marks a payment object that only contains EGLD or nothing at all.
- TxPayment
Multi Esdt - Indicates that a payment object contains a multi-ESDT payment.
- TxPromises
Callback - TxProxy
Trait - Defines a proxy object for a smart contract.
- TxResult
Handler - Marks a general result handler, to be used in the transaction unified syntax.
- TxTo
- Marks the recipient of any transaction.
- TxTo
Specified - Marks the non-empty recipient of a transaction.
- TypeAbi
- Implemented for all types that can end up in the ABI:
- VMApi
- check_
dep_ decode - Calls both the fast exit and the regular dep-decode, compares that the outputs are equal, then returns the result. To be used in serialization tests.
- check_
dep_ encode - Calls both the fast exit and the regular dep-encode, compares that the outputs are equal, then returns the result. To be used in serialization tests.
- check_
dep_ encode_ decode - check_
top_ decode - Calls both the fast exit and the regular top-decode, compares that the outputs are equal, then returns the result. To be used in serialization tests.
- check_
top_ encode - Calls both the fast exit and the regular top-encode, compares that the outputs are equal, then returns the result. To be used in serialization tests.
- check_
top_ encode_ decode - dep_
decode_ from_ byte_ slice_ or_ panic - Calls nested decode and panics if an encoding error occurs. Do not use in smart contracts!
- dep_
encode_ to_ vec_ or_ panic - Calls nested encode and panics if an encoding error occurs. Do not use in smart contracts!
- finish_
multi - load_
callback_ closure_ args - load_
endpoint_ args - Used for loading all regular endpoint arguments. A call to this gets generated for all endpoints and callbacks.
- load_
multi_ args_ custom_ loader - Currently used for the callback closure. No distinction there for single values.
- managed_
vec_ ⚠item_ read_ from_ payload_ index - Used by the ManagedVecItem derive.
- managed_
vec_ ⚠item_ save_ to_ payload_ index - Used by the ManagedVecItem derive.
- new_
callback_ call - Syntactical sugar to help macros to generate code easier.
Unlike calling
CallbackClosure::<SA, R>::new
, here types can be inferred from the context. - new_
contract_ deploy - Syntactical sugar to help macros to generate code easier.
Unlike calling
, here types can be inferred from the context. - non_
zero_ usize_ from_ n_ plus_ 1 - This is safe because adding 1 to a positive number makes it greater than one.
- non_
zero_ usize_ one - This is safe because 1 != 0.
- non_
zero_ usize_ plus - This is safe because adding a non-zero number with a positive one yields a non-zero number.
- ser_
deser_ ok Deprecated - backwards compatibility only, will remove in next major release
- signal_
arg_ de_ error - top_
encode_ to_ vec_ u8_ or_ panic - Calls top encode and panics if an encoding error occurs. Do not use in smart contracts!
Type Aliases§
- Address
Id - Async
Call Deprecated - Kept as alias for backwards compatibility.
- Egld
Payment - Elliptic
Curve Components - Esdt
Token Payment Multi Arg Deprecated - Ignore
VarArgs Deprecated - Structure that allows taking a variable number of arguments, but does nothing with them, not even deserialization.
- Issue
Call - The specific
type produces by the issue operations of the ESDTSystemSCProxy. - Managed
Buffer Cached Builder Deprecated - Managed
Buffer Impl Default - Managed
Counted Multi Result Vec Deprecated - Managed
Counted VarArgs Deprecated - Managed
Multi Result Vec Deprecated - Managed
Multi Result VecEager Deprecated - Managed
VarArgs Deprecated - Managed
VarArgs Eager Deprecated - Multi
Arg2 Deprecated - Multi
Arg3 Deprecated - Multi
Arg4 Deprecated - Multi
Arg5 Deprecated - Multi
Arg6 Deprecated - Multi
Arg7 Deprecated - Multi
Arg8 Deprecated - Multi
Arg9 Deprecated - Multi
Arg10 Deprecated - Multi
Arg11 Deprecated - Multi
Arg12 Deprecated - Multi
Arg13 Deprecated - Multi
Arg14 Deprecated - Multi
Arg15 Deprecated - Multi
Arg16 Deprecated - Multi
ArgVec Deprecated - Structure that allows taking a variable number of arguments or returning a variable number of results in a smart contract endpoint.
- Multi
Egld OrEsdt Payment - Alias for a list of payments of EGLD or ESDT tokens.
- Multi
Esdt Payment - Alias for a list of payments.
- Multi
Result2 Deprecated - Multi
Result3 Deprecated - Multi
Result4 Deprecated - Multi
Result5 Deprecated - Multi
Result6 Deprecated - Multi
Result7 Deprecated - Multi
Result8 Deprecated - Multi
Result9 Deprecated - Multi
Result10 Deprecated - Multi
Result11 Deprecated - Multi
Result12 Deprecated - Multi
Result13 Deprecated - Multi
Result14 Deprecated - Multi
Result15 Deprecated - Multi
Result16 Deprecated - Multi
Result Vec Deprecated - Used for returning a variable number of results from an endpoint,
it is synonymous with
. - NodeId
- NumDecimals
- Decimals are represented as usize. This type is also used as variable decimals.
- Optional
Arg Deprecated - A smart contract argument or result that can be missing.
- Optional
Result Deprecated - It is just an alias for
. In general we useOptionalArg
for arguments andOptionalResult
for results, but it is the same implementation for both. - TxBase
With Env - TxProxy
Call - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, in an endpoint. - TxProxy
Deploy - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, ininit
. - TxProxy
Upgrade - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, inupgrade
. - TxSc
Base - TxTyped
Call - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, in an endpoint. - TxTyped
Deploy - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, ininit
. - TxTyped
Upgrade - Alias for a
generated from a proxy, inupgrade
. - Unique
Id - VarArgs
Deprecated - Used for taking a variable number of arguments in an endpoint,
it is synonymous with