macro_rules! require {
($expression:expr, $($msg_tokens:tt),+ $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description
Allows us to write Solidity style require!(<condition>, <error_msg>)
and avoid if statements.
The most common way to use it is to provide a string message with optional format arguments.
It is also possible to give the error as a variable of types such as &str
, &[u8]
or ManagedBuffer
fn only_accept_positive(&self, x: i32) {
require!(x > 0, "only positive values accepted");
fn only_accept_negative(&self, x: i32) {
require!(x < 0, "only negative values accepted, {} is not negative", x);
fn only_accept_zero(&self, x: i32, message: &ManagedBuffer<Self::Api>) {
require!(x == 0, message,);