use crate::nab_array::NDArray;
impl NDArray {
/// Calculates the gradients (nabla) for linear regression with multiple features
/// # Arguments
/// * `X` - The input feature matrix
/// * `y` - The actual target values
/// * `y_pred` - The predicted values
/// * `N` - The number of samples
/// # Returns
/// A vector containing the gradients for each parameter
pub fn nabla(X: &NDArray, y: &NDArray, y_pred: &NDArray, N: usize) -> Vec<f64> {
let mut gradients = vec![0.0; X.shape()[1] + 1]; // +1 for the intercept
let errors: Vec<f64> =|(&t, &p)| t - p).collect();
// Gradient for the intercept
gradients[0] = -(2.0 / N as f64) * errors.iter().sum::<f64>();
// Gradients for the features
for j in 0..X.shape()[1] {
gradients[j + 1] = -(2.0 / N as f64) *[1]).zip(errors.iter()).map(|(&x, &e)| x * e).sum::<f64>();