mod.rsmod hash;
mod integers;
mod vector;
use crate::types::{AccountId, PublicKey};
pub use hash::Base58CryptoHash;
pub use integers::{I128, I64, U128, U64};
pub use vector::Base64VecU8;
since = "4.0.0",
note = "ValidAccountId is no longer maintained, and AccountId should be used instead"
pub type ValidAccountId = AccountId;
since = "4.0.0",
note = "This import is deprecated. Best to import directly from near_sdk"
pub use crate::types::CurveType;
since = "4.0.0",
note = "PublicKey type is now unified with Base58PublicKey. It is \
recommended to use PublicKey going forward to avoid using \
similar sounding types for the same thing."
pub type Base58PublicKey = PublicKey;