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//////// This file is part of the source code for neocities-client, a Rust ////////
//////// library for interacting with the API. ////////
//////// ////////
//////// Copyright © 2024 André Kugland ////////
//////// ////////
//////// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ////////
//////// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ////////
//////// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ////////
//////// (at your option) any later version. ////////
//////// ////////
//////// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ////////
//////// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ////////
//////// GNU General Public License for more details. ////////
//////// ////////
//////// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ////////
//////// along with this program. If not, see ////////
//! This module contains the types used to deserialize the JSON responses from the Neocities API.
use crate::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
use serde::{de::Error as SerdeError, Deserialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use ureq::Response;
/// Type for the response of the `/api/info` endpoint.
/// *Note:* the documentation doesn't clearly define which of the following fields are nullable.
/// If any of the fields that are not of the [`Option`] type here happen to come with a null value,
/// we will have a panic situation. This is easily solved by making the offending field optional.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Info {
/// Name of the site
pub sitename: String,
/// Number of views
pub views: u64,
/// Number of hits
pub hits: u64,
/// Date and time of the creation of the site
pub created_at: String,
/// Date and time of the last update of the site (*sometimes not present*)
pub last_updated: Option<String>,
/// Optional custom domain (*only for paid accounts*)
pub domain: Option<String>,
/// List of tags
pub tags: Vec<String>,
/// Latest IPFS hash (*if IPFS archiving is enabled*)
pub latest_ipfs_hash: Option<String>,
/// Type for an item of the array for the response of the `/api/list` endpoint.
/// *Note:* This represents a directory entry, which can be either a file or a directory. For
/// files, all fields should be present; for directories, `size` and `sha1_hash` will be absent.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct ListEntry {
/// Path of the file
pub path: String,
/// True if the file is a directory, false otherwise
pub is_directory: bool,
/// Date and time of the last update of the file
pub updated_at: String,
/// Size of the file in bytes (*not present for directories*)
pub size: Option<u64>,
/// Hash of the file (*not present for directories*)
pub sha1_hash: Option<String>,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Beyond this point lie implementation details that are not exported from the crate //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
/// Extract a struct representing the API’s response from a HTTP response.
pub(crate) fn parse_response<T>(field: &'static str, res: Response) -> Result<T>
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
/// The basic response structure returned by the API. It contains a `result` field that
/// indicates whether the request was successful or not, and gives the error kind and
/// message in case of an error.
#[serde(tag = "result")]
enum OuterResponse {
#[serde(rename = "success")]
#[serde(rename = "error")]
Error {
error_type: Option<String>,
message: Option<String>,
// Save these for later.
let status = res.status();
let status_text = res.status_text().to_owned();
serde_json::from_reader::<_, Value>(res.into_reader()) // First, parse the JSON.
.and_then(|json| {
// Let's first try to deserialize the outer response, which contains the type of the
// response (success or error) and the error type and message in case of an error.
let outer = serde_json::from_value::<OuterResponse>(json.clone())?;
match outer {
OuterResponse::Success => Ok(json), // Pass the JSON object to the next step.
OuterResponse::Error {
// If the response is an error, return an `Error::Api`.
} => Err(Error::Api {
kind: error_type
message: message.unwrap_or("No error message provided".to_owned()),
.and_then(|json| {
// Now that we know the response is successful, let's try to deserialize the inner
// response, which contains the actual data we want.
.ok_or_else(|| serde_json::Error::missing_field(field))
.and_then(|v| serde_json::from_value::<T>(v.clone()))
.map_err(|err| {
// If we can't parse the error response from the API, return the status instead.
if matches!(err, Error::Json { .. }) && (400..=599).contains(&status) {
Error::Api {
kind: ErrorKind::Status,
message: format!("{} {}", status, status_text),
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parse_success() {
struct Foobar {
foo: String,
bar: String,
let res = ureq::Response::new(
"result": "success",
"foobar": {
"foo": "qux",
"bar": "baz"
"we": ["don't", "care", "about", "other", "fields"]
let foo = parse_response::<Foobar>("foobar", res).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "qux");
assert_eq!(, "baz");
fn parse_error() {
// Here we should get an `Error::Api` with `kind` set to `ErrorKind::InvalidAuth`, since
// even though we are getting a 401 status code, the response is still a valid JSON object.
let res = ureq::Response::new(
"result": "error",
"error_type": "invalid_auth",
"message": "Invalid API key"
let err = parse_response::<String>("foobar", res).unwrap_err();
Error::Api {
kind: ErrorKind::InvalidAuth,
fn parse_invalid_json() {
// Here we should get an `Error::Json`, since the response is not a valid JSON object, and
// the status code is not 4xx or 5xx.
let res = ureq::Response::new(200, "OK", "not json").unwrap();
let err = parse_response::<String>("foobar", res).unwrap_err();
assert!(matches!(err, Error::Json { .. }));
fn parse_invalid_json_error() {
// Here we should get an `Error::Api` with `kind` set to `ErrorKind::Status`, since the
// response is not a valid JSON object, and the status code is 4xx or 5xx.
let res = ureq::Response::new(401, "Unauthorized", "not json").unwrap();
let err = parse_response::<String>("foobar", res).unwrap_err();
let Error::Api { message, kind } = err else {
panic!("Expected an Error::Api {{ .. }}, got {:?}", err);
assert_eq!(kind, ErrorKind::Status);
assert_eq!(message, "401 Unauthorized");