Module f64



Basic mathematical constants.


DIGITSDeprecation planned
Approximate number of significant digits in base 10. Use f64::DIGITS instead.
EPSILONDeprecation planned
Machine epsilon value for f64. Use f64::EPSILON instead.
INFINITYDeprecation planned
Infinity (∞). Use f64::INFINITY instead.
MANTISSA_DIGITSDeprecation planned
Number of significant digits in base 2. Use f64::MANTISSA_DIGITS instead.
MAXDeprecation planned
Largest finite f64 value. Use f64::MAX instead.
MAX_10_EXPDeprecation planned
Maximum possible power of 10 exponent. Use f64::MAX_10_EXP instead.
MAX_EXPDeprecation planned
Maximum possible power of 2 exponent. Use f64::MAX_EXP instead.
MINDeprecation planned
Smallest finite f64 value. Use f64::MIN instead.
MIN_10_EXPDeprecation planned
Minimum possible normal power of 10 exponent. Use f64::MIN_10_EXP instead.
MIN_EXPDeprecation planned
One greater than the minimum possible normal power of 2 exponent. Use f64::MIN_EXP instead.
MIN_POSITIVEDeprecation planned
Smallest positive normal f64 value. Use f64::MIN_POSITIVE instead.
NANDeprecation planned
Not a Number (NaN). Use f64::NAN instead.
NEG_INFINITYDeprecation planned
Negative infinity (−∞). Use f64::NEG_INFINITY instead.
RADIXDeprecation planned
The radix or base of the internal representation of f64. Use f64::RADIX instead.