use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
use crate::*;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSCalendar and NSDateComponents and NSDateFormatter instead"]
pub struct NSCalendarDate;
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl ClassType for NSCalendarDate {
type Super = NSDate;
type Mutability = InteriorMutable;
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSDate", feature = "NSObject"))]
unsafe impl NSCoding for NSCalendarDate {}
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSDate", feature = "NSObject"))]
unsafe impl NSCopying for NSCalendarDate {}
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSCalendarDate {}
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSDate", feature = "NSObject"))]
unsafe impl NSSecureCoding for NSCalendarDate {}
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl NSCalendarDate {
#[deprecated = "Use NSCalendar instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other calendarDate)]
pub unsafe fn calendarDate() -> Retained<AnyObject>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithString_calendarFormat_locale(
description: &NSString,
format: &NSString,
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithString:calendarFormat:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithString_calendarFormat(
description: &NSString,
format: &NSString,
) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSCalendar and NSDateComponents instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithYear_month_day_hour_minute_second_timeZone(
year: NSInteger,
month: NSUInteger,
day: NSUInteger,
hour: NSUInteger,
minute: NSUInteger,
second: NSUInteger,
a_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>,
) -> Retained<AnyObject>;
#[deprecated = "Use NSCalendar instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds:)]
pub unsafe fn dateByAddingYears_months_days_hours_minutes_seconds(
year: NSInteger,
month: NSInteger,
day: NSInteger,
hour: NSInteger,
minute: NSInteger,
second: NSInteger,
) -> Retained<NSCalendarDate>;
pub unsafe fn dayOfCommonEra(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn dayOfMonth(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn dayOfWeek(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn dayOfYear(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn hourOfDay(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn minuteOfHour(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn monthOfYear(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn secondOfMinute(&self) -> NSInteger;
pub unsafe fn yearOfCommonEra(&self) -> NSInteger;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other calendarFormat)]
pub unsafe fn calendarFormat(&self) -> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other descriptionWithCalendarFormat:locale:)]
pub unsafe fn descriptionWithCalendarFormat_locale(
format: &NSString,
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other descriptionWithCalendarFormat:)]
pub unsafe fn descriptionWithCalendarFormat(&self, format: &NSString)
-> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other descriptionWithLocale:)]
pub unsafe fn descriptionWithLocale(
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other timeZone)]
pub unsafe fn timeZone(&self) -> Retained<NSTimeZone>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithString:calendarFormat:locale:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithString_calendarFormat_locale(
this: Allocated<Self>,
description: &NSString,
format: &NSString,
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Option<Retained<Self>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithString:calendarFormat:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithString_calendarFormat(
this: Allocated<Self>,
description: &NSString,
format: &NSString,
) -> Option<Retained<Self>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithString:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithString(
this: Allocated<Self>,
description: &NSString,
) -> Option<Retained<Self>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSCalendar and NSDateComponents instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithYear_month_day_hour_minute_second_timeZone(
this: Allocated<Self>,
year: NSInteger,
month: NSUInteger,
day: NSUInteger,
hour: NSUInteger,
minute: NSUInteger,
second: NSUInteger,
a_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>,
) -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
pub unsafe fn setCalendarFormat(&self, format: Option<&NSString>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
pub unsafe fn setTimeZone(&self, a_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>);
pub unsafe fn years_months_days_hours_minutes_seconds_sinceDate(
yp: *mut NSInteger,
mop: *mut NSInteger,
dp: *mut NSInteger,
hp: *mut NSInteger,
mip: *mut NSInteger,
sp: *mut NSInteger,
date: &NSCalendarDate,
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other distantFuture)]
pub unsafe fn distantFuture() -> Retained<Self>;
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other distantPast)]
pub unsafe fn distantPast() -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl NSCalendarDate {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init init)]
pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate(
this: Allocated<Self>,
ti: NSTimeInterval,
) -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSCoder")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithCoder:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithCoder(
this: Allocated<Self>,
coder: &NSCoder,
) -> Option<Retained<Self>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl NSCalendarDate {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics New new)]
pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
unsafe impl NSDate {
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Create an NSDateFormatter with `init` and set the dateFormat property instead."]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithNaturalLanguageString:locale:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithNaturalLanguageString_locale(
string: &NSString,
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Create an NSDateFormatter with `init` and set the dateFormat property instead."]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithNaturalLanguageString:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithNaturalLanguageString(
string: &NSString,
) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithString:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithString(a_string: &NSString) -> Retained<AnyObject>;
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSString", feature = "NSTimeZone"))]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other dateWithCalendarFormat:timeZone:)]
pub unsafe fn dateWithCalendarFormat_timeZone(
format: Option<&NSString>,
a_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>,
) -> Retained<NSCalendarDate>;
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSString", feature = "NSTimeZone"))]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other descriptionWithCalendarFormat:timeZone:locale:)]
pub unsafe fn descriptionWithCalendarFormat_timeZone_locale(
format: Option<&NSString>,
a_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>,
locale: Option<&AnyObject>,
) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "Use NSDateFormatter instead"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init initWithString:)]
pub unsafe fn initWithString(
this: Allocated<Self>,
description: &NSString,
) -> Option<Retained<Self>>;