use objc2::__framework_prelude::*;
use crate::*;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct NSUserNotificationActivationType(pub NSInteger);
impl NSUserNotificationActivationType {
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[doc(alias = "NSUserNotificationActivationTypeNone")]
pub const None: Self = Self(0);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[doc(alias = "NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked")]
pub const ContentsClicked: Self = Self(1);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[doc(alias = "NSUserNotificationActivationTypeActionButtonClicked")]
pub const ActionButtonClicked: Self = Self(2);
#[doc(alias = "NSUserNotificationActivationTypeReplied")]
pub const Replied: Self = Self(3);
#[doc(alias = "NSUserNotificationActivationTypeAdditionalActionClicked")]
pub const AdditionalActionClicked: Self = Self(4);
unsafe impl Encode for NSUserNotificationActivationType {
const ENCODING: Encoding = NSInteger::ENCODING;
unsafe impl RefEncode for NSUserNotificationActivationType {
const ENCODING_REF: Encoding = Encoding::Pointer(&Self::ENCODING);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub struct NSUserNotification;
unsafe impl ClassType for NSUserNotification {
type Super = NSObject;
type Mutability = InteriorMutable;
#[cfg(feature = "NSObject")]
unsafe impl NSCopying for NSUserNotification {}
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSUserNotification {}
unsafe impl NSUserNotification {
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init init)]
pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other title)]
pub unsafe fn title(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setTitle(&self, title: Option<&NSString>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other subtitle)]
pub unsafe fn subtitle(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setSubtitle(&self, subtitle: Option<&NSString>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other informativeText)]
pub unsafe fn informativeText(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setInformativeText(&self, informative_text: Option<&NSString>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other actionButtonTitle)]
pub unsafe fn actionButtonTitle(&self) -> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setActionButtonTitle(&self, action_button_title: &NSString);
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSDictionary", feature = "NSString"))]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other userInfo)]
pub unsafe fn userInfo(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSDictionary<NSString, AnyObject>>>;
#[cfg(all(feature = "NSDictionary", feature = "NSString"))]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setUserInfo(&self, user_info: Option<&NSDictionary<NSString, AnyObject>>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other deliveryDate)]
pub unsafe fn deliveryDate(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSDate>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setDeliveryDate(&self, delivery_date: Option<&NSDate>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other deliveryTimeZone)]
pub unsafe fn deliveryTimeZone(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSTimeZone>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSTimeZone")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setDeliveryTimeZone(&self, delivery_time_zone: Option<&NSTimeZone>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSCalendar")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other deliveryRepeatInterval)]
pub unsafe fn deliveryRepeatInterval(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSDateComponents>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSCalendar")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setDeliveryRepeatInterval(
delivery_repeat_interval: Option<&NSDateComponents>,
#[cfg(feature = "NSDate")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other actualDeliveryDate)]
pub unsafe fn actualDeliveryDate(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSDate>>;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn isPresented(&self) -> bool;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn isRemote(&self) -> bool;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other soundName)]
pub unsafe fn soundName(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setSoundName(&self, sound_name: Option<&NSString>);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn hasActionButton(&self) -> bool;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setHasActionButton(&self, has_action_button: bool);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn activationType(&self) -> NSUserNotificationActivationType;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other otherButtonTitle)]
pub unsafe fn otherButtonTitle(&self) -> Retained<NSString>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setOtherButtonTitle(&self, other_button_title: &NSString);
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other identifier)]
pub unsafe fn identifier(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
pub unsafe fn setIdentifier(&self, identifier: Option<&NSString>);
pub unsafe fn hasReplyButton(&self) -> bool;
pub unsafe fn setHasReplyButton(&self, has_reply_button: bool);
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other responsePlaceholder)]
pub unsafe fn responsePlaceholder(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
pub unsafe fn setResponsePlaceholder(&self, response_placeholder: Option<&NSString>);
#[cfg(feature = "NSAttributedString")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other response)]
pub unsafe fn response(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSAttributedString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSArray")]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other additionalActions)]
pub unsafe fn additionalActions(
) -> Option<Retained<NSArray<NSUserNotificationAction>>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSArray")]
pub unsafe fn setAdditionalActions(
additional_actions: Option<&NSArray<NSUserNotificationAction>>,
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other additionalActivationAction)]
pub unsafe fn additionalActivationAction(
) -> Option<Retained<NSUserNotificationAction>>;
unsafe impl NSUserNotification {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics New new)]
pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub struct NSUserNotificationAction;
unsafe impl ClassType for NSUserNotificationAction {
type Super = NSObject;
type Mutability = InteriorMutable;
#[cfg(feature = "NSObject")]
unsafe impl NSCopying for NSUserNotificationAction {}
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSUserNotificationAction {}
unsafe impl NSUserNotificationAction {
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other actionWithIdentifier:title:)]
pub unsafe fn actionWithIdentifier_title(
identifier: Option<&NSString>,
title: Option<&NSString>,
) -> Retained<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other identifier)]
pub unsafe fn identifier(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other title)]
pub unsafe fn title(&self) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>;
unsafe impl NSUserNotificationAction {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init init)]
pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics New new)]
pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
extern "C" {
#[cfg(feature = "NSString")]
pub static NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName: &'static NSString;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub struct NSUserNotificationCenter;
unsafe impl ClassType for NSUserNotificationCenter {
type Super = NSObject;
type Mutability = InteriorMutable;
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSUserNotificationCenter {}
unsafe impl NSUserNotificationCenter {
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other defaultUserNotificationCenter)]
pub unsafe fn defaultUserNotificationCenter() -> Retained<NSUserNotificationCenter>;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other delegate)]
pub unsafe fn delegate(
) -> Option<Retained<ProtocolObject<dyn NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate>>>;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setDelegate(
delegate: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate>>,
#[cfg(feature = "NSArray")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other scheduledNotifications)]
pub unsafe fn scheduledNotifications(&self) -> Retained<NSArray<NSUserNotification>>;
#[cfg(feature = "NSArray")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn setScheduledNotifications(
scheduled_notifications: &NSArray<NSUserNotification>,
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn scheduleNotification(&self, notification: &NSUserNotification);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn removeScheduledNotification(&self, notification: &NSUserNotification);
#[cfg(feature = "NSArray")]
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Other deliveredNotifications)]
pub unsafe fn deliveredNotifications(&self) -> Retained<NSArray<NSUserNotification>>;
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn deliverNotification(&self, notification: &NSUserNotification);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn removeDeliveredNotification(&self, notification: &NSUserNotification);
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
pub unsafe fn removeAllDeliveredNotifications(&self);
unsafe impl NSUserNotificationCenter {
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics Init init)]
pub unsafe fn init(this: Allocated<Self>) -> Retained<Self>;
#[method_id(@__retain_semantics New new)]
pub unsafe fn new() -> Retained<Self>;
pub unsafe trait NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
unsafe fn userNotificationCenter_didDeliverNotification(
center: &NSUserNotificationCenter,
notification: &NSUserNotification,
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
unsafe fn userNotificationCenter_didActivateNotification(
center: &NSUserNotificationCenter,
notification: &NSUserNotification,
#[deprecated = "All NSUserNotifications API should be replaced with UserNotifications.frameworks API"]
unsafe fn userNotificationCenter_shouldPresentNotification(
center: &NSUserNotificationCenter,
notification: &NSUserNotification,
) -> bool;
unsafe impl ProtocolType for dyn NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate {}